What are you eating?

cindyryan Posts: 7
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone,
I'm a little upset this morning! I weighed myself and gained the two pounds I lost last week!:grumble: What are those of you who have lost weight eating? Just salads and diet type food or regular food that you're keeping track of the calories? I'm also wondering if this site has given me too many calories per day???


  • Hi everyone,
    I'm a little upset this morning! I weighed myself and gained the two pounds I lost last week!:grumble: What are those of you who have lost weight eating? Just salads and diet type food or regular food that you're keeping track of the calories? I'm also wondering if this site has given me too many calories per day???
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    I read somewhere that you will almost always have gained a couple pounds first thing in the morning because of the meal you ate the night before....I'd recommended weighing yourself in the evening or after you know what! Haha
    How many kcal has this site given you? I'm sure if you ate any less it would be unhealthy for you.:flowerforyou:
  • They gave me 1870. Thanks for reminding me about time of day- if I think about it, I did weigh myself in the early evening last week. I have to say it takes courage for me to even do it!! flowerforyou:
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    There is no way i could only eat salads....... ick lol I eat pretty much what everyone else is i just try to eat smaller amounts and i "try" to keep away from sugar and bread .... and if i am cooking i will give the kids a side dish of pasta where i will try to keep only to the chicken or fish and veggies.... I also am in love with all the 100 calorie packs of treats i can find.... there are popsicles and cheetos and lots of other yummies so i dont feel like im missing out.... who ever invented the 100 calorie packs is a genius.
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I read somewhere that you will almost always have gained a couple pounds first thing in the morning because of the meal you ate the night before....I'd recommended weighing yourself in the evening or after you know what!

    Actually, weighing yourself first thing in the morning will give you a better result after fasting all night. If you weigh at night, you are also weighing everything you have put in your mouth all day.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I definitely eat more than salads. I will eat just about anything if I can fit it into my calories. My biggest adjustments are portion sizes and i switched to whole grains and low fat/fat free dairy (this saves my calories for more food) You can also re-evaluate your activity level for the day and change them or maybe overestimating exercise??
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I weigh my self every 7-10 sometimes 14 days, in the morn after I potty, and completely naked....

    I eat tons of salads, but never boring.. I add so much to them.

    I have a website that tells of home made dressings nad variations of salad with meat and with out, some with low carb pastas as well..

    Don't give up.....

    Don't get bored....

    You can do this and make it fun and exciting....



  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    hello! first off, i want to say sorry you're not seeing the results you'd like :sad: just stick in there and keep trying! it may just be that your body's still adjusting to eating less and working out and it could just take a little longer than you'd like to see your results. some possible problems could be you may be over-estimating your calories burned for the day. also, make sure you're logging all of your cals closely. those little things, like pb on your toast can quickly tack on 200 sneaky cals so make sure you're logging everything you're eating. one of those mini size twix bars is 50 cals! so make sure you're paying close attention to everything that's going in your mouth! :noway:

    as far as what you eat and stuff, for me, this life style change has been a combination of four things:

    1. choosing to eat things that are better for your body anyways:
    before mfp, i would have unhealthy foods around. whatever looked good and was cheap, hopped into my grocery cart! :tongue: but now, my grocery cart is completely different. instead of junk food to snack on and food loaded with cals, i'm just picking up healthier things like more fruits and veggies. i am still picking up pringles and popcorn and ice cream. i'm just getting the reduced fat kinds, if there is that option. i'm looking at the cals on everything while at the store. and i'm substituting a fruit at night when i'm hungry one time and then having only one serving of pringles later, rather than "grazing" on them all night! :laugh:

    2. practicing self-control when it comes to portion control & consicience eating
    i had a bad habit of literally having no idea what a serving size was! i was shocked when i started paying attention to serving sizes! i was having 2-3 servings of some things. oh, that reminds me of another good point, i measure everything i eat! call it obsessive, but i thought that it was really important for me to get back to re-learning what proper portions are so i measure everything i eat. i also had a bad habit of sub-conscience (spelling?) eating and eating just because something was there. the aforementioned twix, c'mon, they're bite size! how convinient (sp?) to just pop one of those lil puppies in your mouth! but you could have over a 1/2 c of light and fit yogurt for the same cals though!

    3. starting to excercise
    sadly enough, i didn't do any excercise at all before starting mfp! it's amazing what getting off my butt will do! :tongue:

    4. drinking water
    before mfp, i bet i didn't drink 8 oz of water a day! i would drink coffee in the morning, mt. dew after lunch the rest of the day at work. then at night at home, i would have milk with supper then do tea or juice or pop the rest of the night. it is important to force yourself gradually to make sure you're drinking as close to the 8 cups a day as you can. i'm at like 6 a day now, i know it should be more but i'm working on it. i'll get there

    hope this helps! this is pry way more than what you wanted to know! but i just wanted to encourage and let you know i still eat lots of the same stuff. i just eat less of it when i do eat it. i also look at how i want to "spend" my cals for the day. sometimes i think it's worth the 440 cals for the double cheeseburger at mcdonalds and sometimes it's not worth it for me. good luck! :happy:
  • :laugh: :flowerforyou: Thanks everyone! There's a good chance that I am underestimating the calories I'm eating- so that's what I'm trying to do- get an honest assessment of what I'm really eating. I know I went a little over one day; but didn't think that was enough to gain back the two pounds!!! I have made some adjustments and am proud of some of the eating changes I've made so it's definitely discouraging to see the scale move in the wrong direction. BUT- I'm trucking on and want to get more exercise in too!
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