Getting Started Again....

Everyday I tell myself that I am going to pay closer attention to what I eat and how much and that I need to stop eating out and eating at home more. But I battle everyday in my head and think way to much about food. For instance, I look at the clock and tell myself oh it's almost time for lunch what should I eat... oh it's 4pm... what are we going to do for dinner. I don't know how to get food out of my head, it is almost like I am obsessed with it and I don't know how I got here.... I don't know what to do to help myself get away from this... I want to lose the weight and I lost 10 lbs the month of November, but this month I believe I gained some of it back. How do people keep on track and keep motivated. I watch and see other people drop the weight, walk every day and they all seem to have motivated themselves to keep going. I would have thought that losing the first 10lbs would have been a motivator, but obviously it has not. I know it is all a mind game, but how do you stop playing this game with yourself? I talk myself out of even going outside and walking because it is too cold, but every day I see atleast 5 or more people going up and down my street. I even have a dog that I know would love to go for a walk and I just can't get myself together and get moving..... This is really depressing, I have horrible back pain, can not usually walk for long distance because my feet start hurting, and being on my feet at work for hours doesn't help either. I can not find someone that is close to me to possibly help get me out and walking either, that certainly doesn't help when no one around you is supporting you. Being single, I can not depend on my children to get me moving, one is 18 and works two jobs and the other is 12 and doesn't really want to spend mommy time lol I just want to drop some weight so that I am healthier and feel better about myself. I am sure that I don't go out with friends like I should because of how I feel about myself. I am going out for New Years, which is the first time in probably 6yrs, and I am really nervous about having a good time and not being down on myself. I know I am not the only one who has felt this way, so if anyone out there has any suggestions, please let me know, I would truly appreciate the input.


  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Add me! I love this site, such motivational people..Lets go!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    You have made the first step by joining MFP and posting this! :smile: The way you feel is how a lot of us have felt just starting out, so you are not alone. Set mini goals for yourself and work towards them. Start tracking everything you eat and enter it into your food diary. Get some friends on here that will motivate you as well as question some of your choices. You have to really want this to succeed and it sounds like you do. Start walking, join the gym or get an exercise dvd to start with. Trust me, I don't enjoy exercise, but I LOVE the way I feel afterwards which is why I'm at the gym 4-5 days a week. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • starross87
    you came to the right place! my advice to you would be to really immerse yourself in the MFP community. we are all here to help and support each other, and even if you don't know anyone on here, just friend as many people as you can who have been successful and who are motivated to reach their goals. I didn't know anyone on here before I started and just by adding friends and getting involved in message boards, I have come across some really amazing stories of people who have truly changed their life forever. the only thing is, YOU have to really want this change for yourself, no one is going to make that change happen except for you. and while that may sound daunting, it should actually be inspirational--this change CAN come from you if you put the work and effort in! feel free to add me as a friend and i will help support you in any way i can :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chashlee
    Thank you for the inspirational words already. It is great to know that I am not alone and that I have a place I can go to and vent and no one is going to judge me only inspire me to turn myself around.
  • vashleym
    vashleym Posts: 5 Member
    Perhaps walking isn't the most motivating activity for you. I get easily bored and there are a ton of options to get you moving. If you like being social, you might consider joining a gym with fitness classes. It can also help you be accountable once you become a regular because others expect and look forward to seeing you there. Or, perhaps Zumba or a dance class? There are also good DVDs or even apps that you can download.
  • wovi0501
    The thing I keep telling myself is "No day will be as tough as today was." I thought of this when I was running the other day. I absolutely hate running but I also hate feeling overweight, so my desire to drop pounds outweighs my distaste of the treadmill. No day will be as tough as today is what helps me every time I am working towards my ultimate goal. The rationale behind it is that while today is tough, with exercise and dieting, there is no way that tomorrow is going to be any worse. As I gradually adapt to a new life style, all of the challenges that present themselves gradually get easier over time. There are no shortcuts.

    It is completely natural to slip up now and again, but the most important thing is that you don't give up on yourself. Just because you broke down and ate some ice cream or cheeseburger doesn't mean that you have completely derailed and can no longer achieve your goals.

    Always stay positive. If you are trying to lose weight for anyone but yourself, than you are doing it for the wrong person. Don't worry about what others think or say because 99% of the time I guarantee it isn't about you. Happy New Year and good luck on your journey
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    First and foremost, congrats on the double digits!!! I've been trying for 6 months and can't get out of the single digits. BUT 2012 is my year, I am going to OWN it. I want it now more than ever, I need it! I feel your pain, I'm in the same canoe! It's mind over matter, bundle up hit the neighborhood for a block, just make it a little further maybe every other day. I know winter is setting in, (and I didn't check where you are from) maybe check into some inexpensive cardio DVD's to get through the winter. I hear there is one called Walk off the pounds (or something close) that I've heard my friends enjoy! Know in your heart that you may not conquer it the first day or week, but it will happen. I loved the whole 'thought of running' but never thought it was for me, then I did the C25k program....I did it....for the first time in my life I jogged for 30 minutes straight! I use to walk the mile in elementary if that tells you anything. =(
    Friend request me if you would like, we can battle this canoe together! Teamwork baby! You CAN do this, don't give up! What do we have to lose?? =) Happy Friday!
    Wishing you a Blessed New Year and New You!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Have you seen a doctor for your back pain? It could be your shoes that are contributing to it. Spend the money to get checked out by your doctor and podiatrist. Then, barring some health issue that prevents it, invest in a good pair of shoes. Even if you are just walking a running store will help equip you with shoes that offer you the support you need. Those shoes are expensive. I normally shop in the clearance isle, so after spending close to $100 on mine there was no way I wasn't going to use them and get my money's worth out of them.
  • chashlee
    Great advice everyone, this is amazing. I am so glad that I logged on here instead of my phone lol. I am in West Chester, Ohio or Cincinnati, so the weather here is unpredictable and well you never know if it is going to actually snow or be 60 degrees, so I really have no excuse.... thanks again for the advice and positive words... it means a lot.