Crazy Canucks weigh in

Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
Good morning,

Just doing my weigh in- 167.4 . Good Luck to all you crazy canucks.

Go Canada GO!!!!

Have a great day


  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Good morning,

    Just doing my weigh in- 167.4 . Good Luck to all you crazy canucks.

    Go Canada GO!!!!

    Have a great day
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Good Morning everyone !!!!

    I am so excited with my weight loss this week..weigh in weight is 218.4..OMG I was so excited to
    break the 220's it seems like it's been forever !!!!

    Good Luck everyone !!!

    I have some other exciting news that I want to share with my team when I post the results !!!
    :smile: :happy: :smile:

    Stay tuned.....
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Even though we are having some super yucky weather today (think +21 yesterday - to snow today) :sad: It's a faboulous Wednesday!!

    Today's weigh-in is 223.1 which means I lost 4.9lbs this week!!! :noway:

    I believe it has everything to do with the "try something new" challenge. I busted my butt on my Wii Fit for at least 40min every day; threw in a couple walks with the dog; and lowered my calorie intake to loose 2lb per week (which was actually a pretty easy adjustment). I know it's a new week... but I'm continuing with the try something new today, and going to a Drop-in Dance class tonight! I have zero talent so this should be interesting! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! :drinker:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    i;m not weighing in today as AF just showed up and my weight went up , however i was 111.8 on Monday before she showed up.

    Hubby can't weigh in as he is working out of town and has no scale at the hotel and is stuck working nights on this job.

    Good Luck Everyone!!

    jomikey, can't wait to here the news!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh In: 150.2 lbs :frown:
    I am remaining in and around the same weight for awhile now . . . little disappointing, but its awesome to see everyone else did well this week!!! :happy: Congrats all of you!!!

    Tasha, I'm glad that you liked the "Something New" challenge, and you did amazing with it!!! Congrats!

    I tried the Jello cups as my challenge, very good! and then the bike ride didnt happen so I was able to try out a cadio metabolism booster that was in my SHAPE magazine. I felt really good after so I think I will continue with it everyweek.
    I'll post my "Something New" for the upcoming week tomorrow. I really do encourage everyone to participate in this challenge. It's a little something extra to add to the week. And challenging yourself can really help the process.:happy:

    Hope everyone else did well this week!! Good Luck Canadians!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Holy Moly where have all the people

  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Good Question?? Where is everyone??

    It figures, i step on the scale today, the day after weigh in and my weight goes back down to 111.4, oh well, that just means nenxt week on weigh i should be even less!! Unless of course it is my daughter's B-day today so that means cake and dinner out tonight and then there is tghe long weekend!!! URGH!!! I just can't win!! LOL
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    Congrats Tasha, what an awesome week for you !!! You are our biggest loser this week !!!

    Tashas -4.9lbs 2.15%
    Jomickey -2.6lbs 1.16%
    Cyndi1 -1.6 lbs 0.95%
    Momto5 lbs% Checkin
    Jay 83 (0.3) lbs (0.20)%

    Hopefully we get some of our team back next week !!!!

    Have a good week everyone !!!!
  • arthkicker
    arthkicker Posts: 209 Member
    As for my exciting news..:smile:
    I was invited to become part of the joints in motion team in support of the Arthritis Society.
    I will be raising money for the arthristis society and participating in a 1/2 marathon in Vienna.
    Lords knows I'm going to need all the support I can So I'd love to have all of you
    on my support team for this journey. :happy:

    Please visit my blog and and my homepage for joints in motion .
    (where you can read my personal story and sponsor me with a tax deductible donation to the arthritis society

  • samantha85
    samantha85 Posts: 10
    I am at 211 this week... which means I am down 3 lbs this week.. really looking forward to breaking the 200 mark!!! congrats on all the weight-loss this week, I know this long weekend isn't going to help anyone (it's my brothers stag & doe)
  • samantha85
    samantha85 Posts: 10
    I am at 211 this week... which means I am down 3 lbs this week..

    Actually.. I did my math incorrectly and I'm only down 2lbs but still......
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Congrats Tasha, what an awesome week for you !!! You are our biggest loser this week !!!

    YEAH ME! :bigsmile:

    Everyone had really good week... Go Crazy Canuks! :smooched:

    Jay I still need to get to buy that bike, but once I do we should go for a ride together (as long as it stops snowing) :sad:

    Oh.. and if you're up for something new and a bit different... would you like to join me on Wednesday nights. My friend Jana is teaching a "Stretch & Tone" class, which is alot of different dance stretches from 7-8; and then her friend Jill is teaching a "Hip Hop" class from 8-9. They're just drop in classes and $5/each. Last night was my first night... killer 2 hour workout and well worth the $10. Let me know if you want to go next week... I can pick you up.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Congrats Tasha on being Biggest Loser this week!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Great weight loss this week everyone!! I am still wondering where the remaining of our Canadians are tho.:ohwell:

    Awesome Jomickey for being apart of such a journey!! Everyone here will be rooting you on.:flowerforyou:

    My "Something New" for this week for exercise is going for a bike ride. I know that was last weeks, but I never was able to do it and this weekend we are going camping (in the snow:noway: ) and we are taking our bikes along.
    My "Something New" for this week for food is to come up with healthy meals to eat while we are camping. The traditional hotdogs and marshmellows just wont do for the whole weekend. And to find a way to drink more water than beer this weekend. :laugh: Wish me luck with that.

    I am off to attempt my metabolism booster cardio workout. I think I'll try it for another cycle today . . .

    What are everyone's personal challenges/"Something New" this week?? Looking forward to hearing what they are. Have a great long weekend Canucks!!!:drinker: :happy:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Congrats Tasha, what an awesome week for you !!! You are our biggest loser this week !!!

    YEAH ME! :bigsmile:

    Everyone had really good week... Go Crazy Canuks! :smooched:

    Jay I still need to get to buy that bike, but once I do we should go for a ride together (as long as it stops snowing) :sad:

    Oh.. and if you're up for something new and a bit different... would you like to join me on Wednesday nights. My friend Jana is teaching a "Stretch & Tone" class, which is alot of different dance stretches from 7-8; and then her friend Jill is teaching a "Hip Hop" class from 8-9. They're just drop in classes and $5/each. Last night was my first night... killer 2 hour workout and well worth the $10. Let me know if you want to go next week... I can pick you up.

    Holy Tash! That sounds awesome!!! For sure i want to go with you. It's probably exactly what I need. And it would be fun to do it together. Cool! I'll talk to you next week about it before Wednesday.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Hey- just wanted to let you know that I have updated my ticker- to what I started off 184 before I was using the MFP start of 180. I managed to lose for 4 pounds the week before I joined. Still the correct month but I am proud that I have lost 18 pounds so far- Lately it's coming together :happy Anyone using Tony horton videos? I am doing the 10 min workouts- week 3 and results are awesome. Good luck!!!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    18 pounds is a lot to be proud of Cyndi!!!:happy:

    Hope everyone had a great long weekend and see you all tomorrow for weigh in!!!:bigsmile:
    Remember its last minute workout today, so push yourself a little harder today Canadians!!
    Good Luck Tomorrow!!!:flowerforyou: :happy: