New to my fitness pal.

Hi My name is Diane and I'm new to myfitness pal. I have gained 50 pounds over the last 10 years and really need to get it off. It is starting to affect my health. My cholesterol is up and my joints are wearing down. I just do not feel good and want to get back to where I was. I am realistic. I am 53 not in my 20's and it is going to be a lot harder to drop the weight than when I was young. I want to do this slow and steady and make necessary changes in my lifestyle such as eating and fitness habits. I was going to wait until Jan. 1st to do this but why wait? Today is as good as any!


  • JulieJordanScott
    Yes! Today is as good as any. I am 49 and... less than a month to 50. I am beginning my New Year with a New Commitment.

    I would enjoy being your friend so we may support each other. Add away!
  • monica208
    hi Diane, welcome... this is a great site... lots of support... feel free to add me
  • pwmccall
    Good luck, Diane.
  • ViMeza
    ViMeza Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with you I am 41 and i think this is going to take alot of work but i am hoping that with help and encouragment from friends on here I am praying that we will be ok.. good luck to you and if there is anything i can do.. i am here for you!!!

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  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I am 52 and starting over again. In 2011, I gained back 12 pounds and am not happy about it. Lots of it due to stress and different factors, plus lack of staying on my exercise routine. I'm not new to MFP but it is great support. Moderate changes in your diet and an increase in your exercise will get you to your goals. Let's do this together. Add me as a friend.
  • kkenyau
    You can do it Diane. I started weight watchers 04/09/2011 and I am down 20 pounds. I have 13 more to go. Like you say now is as good time to start for you. My advise to myself is to continue the course to goal weight. We can do this!!!!