New Here

Hi, I'm new to MFP. I decided that I needed to finally get in shape. I have 3 kiddos and for the last 5 years it seems that I've almost constantly been either pg, breastfeeding, or trying to get pg. Now no more babies and time to focus on me. My youngest is just under 1 and is basically done breastfeeding so I'm not worried about losing supply anymore. Time to diet, diet, diet. I considered going back to WW, but haven't decided it if will be worth it for me. I want to take things slowly and truly make a lifestyle change. Giving up soda and sweets will be my biggest obstacle. I love to cook, too which can be a hindrance.

Looking for lots of support along the way and I really need accountability. That was where ww really helped me.


  • mbrownks77
    Welcome! Hope you enjoy this site. Lots of great ideas and very nice people :) Add me if you'd like. I'm always looking for new friends.
  • Mrs_Me
    Mrs_Me Posts: 24 Member
    I've joined today, please feel free to add me - I really could do with some motivational help and will be happy to offer the same back. Unfortunately, the gym is a no go for me as I haven't got anyone to leave the kids with (5, nearly 3 and nearly 1) so I'll be using the Wii mostly, I think.
  • 7Tulips
    Hi there,
    I joined yesterday and I like to encourage you to try this website for a while to see whether it is supportive enough for you to see it through to your goal weight. I am also a member of w w but if I would have known about this website, I would not have joined w w
    straight away. If you want to be friends just put in a request and I can offer support. My beautiful eldest daughter has just lost 35 kg.
    Although with weight watchers, that's not the point, but that she has made it. She is happier, fitter and dare I say beautiful. I am really proud of her. I like all of this for you too so be encouraged.

  • Cindy200
    Hi, I just joined yesterday & think it is a great way to keep track of what a person eats during the day. For the last 7 months I have been keeping track of what I eat in a notebook but this is much simpler to do. I have lost about 13 lbs. & hope to loss about 10 more lbs. I need to exercise a little more than I do & need support in this area. It I could be of support to you I would like that.
    This is alot more fun when others are involved!