The Kickin' Crew 2012 Version

Hey girlies,

If you're part of this group, you should already know it

& our newest member: Kalee34

(If you are SERIOUSLY interested in joining our close knit group of amazing ladies, send me a private message and we'll see if we can work something out :flowerforyou: )

Time for our new challenge/support group to get into gear for the new year. I was thinking perhaps Easter would be a good first deadline for our closest goals.

Post your Current Weight & Goal for Easter

Let's get Kickin' :heart:


  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for starting us off for the new year Mands!

    I'm going to say my starting weight is 180.2 (I'm STILL bloated, why is TOM so long this month???), and my Easter goal is 165. Cheers! :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Are we also going to make a group?
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Current Weight: 154.4
    Goal for Easter: 145

    My final goal weight at this time is 145...however, depending on how things go the next few months I may raise or lower it a few lbs depending on how I feel.

    Crikee - I don't know how to start a about you be in charge of that :wink:

    *norcalbeezy will be joining our group!*
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey Mandie!! Thank you for letting me be a part of your group!! I haven't been able to weigh this week, because I am in St. Augastine, FL on vacation. I will just post my current weight as my last weigh here on the site.
    Current: 153
    Easter Goal: 145

    Mandie looks like you and are a right together, lets kick some butt!!
    Good luck everyone!!

    Happy New Year!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey Mandie - thanx for taking this one, I haven't weighed for a while but plan to do so on Jan 1. Start of the New Year fresh. Once I weigh I will post it and also decide on my goal for Easter.

    Can't wait to kick some butt this New Year, so excited and so happy to have the crew along for the ride :bigsmile:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Tomorrow is day one for me all over agien! I weighed in today at 164.5. By easter I think I could lose 15 lbs. So thats only 3.75 lbs a month to reach my goal. And I think that is really good , but I might increase my goal number later if it looks like Im going to pass my goal.
    Looking forward to start a new year with my fave ladies of mfp!!!! You are the best. Lets do this :flowerforyou:
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks for letting me join your group!!
    I'm 169 today and my goal for Easter is 145-150 and toned, I hope to reach my goal before then and just work on building lean muscle :D let the second half of this journey begin!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Morning all and Happy New Year, I weighed in this morning at 166 so that will be my starting weight and goal for Easter - hmmm let's go with 145. I think that is totally doable, even though I am trying not to get caught up in that number right now as am I focusing on my strength more than weight but I still think it is totally achievable.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hello my ladies!!!! I'm back. I kind of fell in a small depresion (not having a job anymore) and just abandon everything... and I mean everything. I don't have to get up in the morning and by afternoon (when I do get up) I don't feel like doing anything. I made allot of chocolate chip cookies for Christmas (made from Crisco) and I must of ate at least 4 dozen to myself in less then a week.....I know gained wheight and I'm afraid to get on the scale, but I will tomorrow...when my husband get's up for work, I'll get up too and weigh-in then got for a walk...and leave my sweet sleeping beauty ALONE in the house...hope everything will be fine and nothing will happend while I'm gone...the good part is she will never know I left. Oh, also, I have a broken toe...I still can walk though...just not to fast. It will be better than doing nothing.

    Welcome to the new 2 girls!!! You'll love it here, we are so much like a little family!!!

    Talk to you's later!!!!

  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey lovelies!!!

    I am currently at work on my lunch break & thought i'd drop a line since I'll be busy tonight; 2 of my girlfriends are coming over and we're going to go out for a quick dinner at subway and then play games & catch up. My weight on the scale this morning was down slightly but i'm waiting at least until tomorrow (or Friday) to log-it in case it goes back up. ALSO, Andrew & I joined Anytime Fitness which is only 5 minutes from our house so i'm hoping that's just what I need to be completely back in the grove. I can eat right & workout :laugh: since apparently that's what it takes to lose weight! lol have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Good morng y'all,

    It's 7:30 Thursday morning now and I don't know why I'm up at this time when I don't work....oh wait, I know why... I went for a walk in the cold -12 this morning and it was so hard to commit to it. i also faced the scale...+5 lbs in 24 days...what the heck? Oh well, it's alot better than I thought and TOM is just arround the corner... So I guess it's not so bad after eating like a serious pig for the past month. My friend and I have a pack together...after our Birthdays, we'll be back on calories counting and exercise more. So untill then, I have 12 days to be carefull, but not kill myself and enjoy that piece of cake with her...we agreed to only have 1 cake since our Birthdays are 10 day's apart.

    Well, I'll go back to enjoying that cinnamon coffee of mine and wait for my daughter to get up.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Good morning ladies! How has your first week of the year been? I've gained 1.5 lbs from last week. I am now up to 166.0 but Im going to lose it. All week I've been wanting chocolate or really sweet foods. Then the thought came to me that I didn't really want those food because they only help gain weight. This is a new fresh year and I am going to kick the bad eating habits. So I am going to be doing a lot of experimanting with recipies and spices. Tonight I am going to make chow mein with chicken, broccoli and some mixed veggies ( peas, carrots, green beens, corn, and another type of bean.) Its not the veggies I wanted but I'm going to try and make it work.

    Here is my quote for you all this week.
    "Why choose to fail when success is an option?” Jillian Michaels