What's Harder - Work Days or Days Off?

I have been on school vacation since the 23rd and will return on Jan 3rd. On school days, I eat a complex breakfast cereal and a small chef salad made by the school chefs. There's rarely a snack and if so it's an apple or orange. I get home at supper time and make a healthy dinner. That plan is a good routine for me.
On weekends, I have to fend for myself during the many hours of the day. There's food all around me and choices to make.
So I find weekends to be hardest.

What about you?


  • jacque509
    My hardes time is at night! anyday. During the day I am busy with work or getting things done on the weekend but as soon as I sit down for the eveing I am doomed. During the day I eat Breakfast and soup and 1/2 sanwhich for lunch simple. But at night I have 2 teenager who are both slim and eat like pigs so sometime I find myself eating as much as them for dinner.
  • poulingail
    That's tough. I can only suggest
    - brushing your teeth right after dinner
    - drinking more water
    - getting in a short walk. That often curbs my appetite but I'm pretty tired after supper as a rule.
  • shavonne
    shavonne Posts: 46 Member
    Days off are harder for me, I find I eat better when my days have structure - like on work days.
  • melissammundy
    Definitely weekends/ days off. Im in the navy so when i do go to work, our day begins with mandatory PT. So i have t workout no matter what. Weekends there's no one pushing me to workout.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Weekends are harder for me because we rarely go out on weekdays, but often do on the weekends. I can be good as gold as long as I'm home or at work, but when I'm at a restaurant, party or other social gathering, I rarely worry about calories.
  • Pams_Shadow
    Pams_Shadow Posts: 233 Member
    Weekends and days off!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends are slowly getting better for me. I think something that helped was not specifically tracking my food. I don't log on to track on the weekends, just jot down what I eat. I have a general idea of how many calories things are so I keep a running total in my head based on that (homemade breakfast sandwich = about 300, banana = about 100, etc). Doing it this way keeps me more conscious of what I'm eating, believe it or not.

    Something else that helps is making a routine out of the weekend days. It's easy on a work day - you have so much to do and only a few breaks so it's easier to behave. But on the weekends, the day is less structured - you might laze around watching TV or spend a few hours cleaning or go shopping or even get an unexpected invite to lunch with friends. You can't plan everything but you can at least have a general idea of how your day goes.

    Get as much of the junk out of your house as you can - or find good substitutes. For instance, I keep two types of popcorn in my house One is regular movie theatre butter for hubby and the other is 100 calorie light butter for me. 100 calories is easy to budget into my day so I'll reach for that if I need a salty snack. Fruits are great if you want something sweet - a couple of clementines or a banana can kill a sugar craving.

    Recognize your triggers. Boredom is a very common food trigger that I personally suffer from. I also recently realized that if I'm bored and watching food shows, I'm definitely going to want to eat something. So I switch off the TV and read a magazine or book, or go for a walk or go shopping - anything to get my mind off eating.

    And if none of that works, make sure you're working out on the weekends to continue earning those extra calories. :)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well seems like I am odd man out. Work days are so much harder for me. I am a critical care RN, so work days are anything but structured. I pack a lunch and snack the night before and try to plan out calories. But, I may get eat lunch at 1:30 , and I might only get to eat in between patient needs. Now not all days are bad time wise, but for some strange unbeknownest reason I am a bottomless pit at work. It is also the only time I allow myself Starbucks. Days off are a breeze compared to work days.