New Mom- Struggling loosing baby weight

I have a beautiful baby girl who is 6 months old. I am holding onto 30 extra pounds. I thought it would be easier to come off but Looks like I really need to work at it!


  • lorlor1402
    Hey there, I just joined today. My baby girl is also 6 months old! I lost 30lbs whilst pregnant, but after giving birth I put all of that on and alot more! Need a miracle hehe, but I am starting today! Best of luck to you xx
  • Melfunk25
    You lost 30 pounds while pregnant???
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    It will happen.....I have four children and my baby is 4 now......luckily I have almost lost all of the weight that I gained....alot more than 30 will get there just takes time!!!