MOMS with babies, toddlers or young kids

I have met alot of really nice people on here, but it seems like very few of us have kids.
I am a mommy to 8,7,2 year old. Im looking for some mommys who want to start a group w/ me! Chime in and let me know your here =)


  • CourtneyTree
    I have met alot of really nice people on here, but it seems like very few of us have kids.
    I am a mommy to 8,7,2 year old. Im looking for some mommys who want to start a group w/ me! Chime in and let me know your here =)
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I have a 16 month old and trying to lose all the weight I gained from the pregnancy so we can start trying for another! I would definitely be interested in a mommy (or daddy) group!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm a mom of three, had great success here last year before getting pregnant with my third, now I'm back to take off the rest!!! My girls are 4.5 yrs and 2 mos and my son is 2 yrs!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    there's also a sahm/d thread. it's not a team or exclusive or anything like that. you can lurk or jump in whenever it suits you. :happy:

    we're just p's trying to lose wt, get fit and support each other in these efforts.

    here's this week's link
  • heatherskittle
    I am a mom of a 7 week old. I'm already trying to lose the weight, but I'm SO TIRED!
  • RXchic
    RXchic Posts: 47
    I am a working mother w/ 2&1/2 year old son. I don't seem to have a problem meeting other mothers, but very few of them are close to my age. My son is the main reason I finally decided to get serious about weight loss & better health.
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    there's also a sahm/d thread. it's not a team or exclusive or anything like that. you can lurk or jump in whenever it suits you. :happy:

    we're just p's trying to lose wt, get fit and support each other in these efforts.

    here's this week's link

    I just found that thread and joined lol!
  • CourtneyTree
    GREAT, so what are all of you doing for excersize?

    Im lucky to have my husband woking Swingshift. (3pm-11pm) so after I drive my older two, to school in the mornings I eaither come home and jog w/ hubby pushing the jogging stroller, or I go to the gym while he stays home w/ the baby.
    Two days a week I do a double workout day. I run/walk in the mornings, then do a run and strength training at the gym and I bring the 3 kids with me. There is a "parents room" w/ a few machines and gated off play area, so its really helpful. My older boys play basketball in the gym while I run, so they are excersizing too and staying busy! =)
  • stimpy6298
    stimpy6298 Posts: 76
    Hi, I am a SAHM of 2 boys ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. I started exercising in Jan. and I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for 60-65 min. Luckily, the gym I use has a child watch area which really helps me out since I don't know what I would do if I had them with me.
  • EcHoOoOoO
    EcHoOoOoO Posts: 89
    I am a stay at home mommy of the 3 lil boys 5 4 and 2:bigsmile: woooohooooooo they are a blast
  • AJ76
    AJ76 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a work from home Mom of 3 boys, ages 10, 61/2, and 23 months. I recently joined a Gym which I have been going to faithfully in the late morning at least 3 days a week. I was able to loose the pregnancy weight with the first two, which I had in my 20's. However, I had my last baby in my 30's and am now still struggling with "the last 10 lbs!!" I just pray by keeping a strict count of my calories and working out regularly will eventually lead me there.
  • heathernesbitt
    heathernesbitt Posts: 1 Member
    Wow you guys are all awesome!
    I am a WAHM (very part time bookkeeping, I really hardly work) of a 3 yr old and 2 yr old :)
    I started January 1 this year and have gone from 215 to 182, Im about half way there, Im a decent height so I'll be happy at 145 :)
    I joined my local YMCA because the childcare is included with the dues! so reasonable! but I still don't make it as often as I like, trying for 3 times a week but I'm lucky if make it once! I'm hoping to get back that motivation I had 5 months ago that carried me this far, time to go look at some old skinny photos!

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I am a stay at home mommy of the 3 lil boys 5 4 and 2:bigsmile: woooohooooooo they are a blast

    Mine are 6.6 and 3... and mine drive me crazy! LOL I go the gym just for peace and quiet!!
  • melbug25
    melbug25 Posts: 50
    Hey everyone! I'm a SAHM of a 2-year-old girl, but i'm going back to work in a week or so!

    I get up everday at 5AM with my hubby and use our treadmill for 45 minutes. I also try to use the WII FIt Boxing game as much as i can. I try and only miss one day a week of working out.
  • tezzy
    tezzy Posts: 8

    i have a 2 year old boy and an 11 month old girl

    before i had kids i went from 16st 5lb to 12stt 10lb then after having boh kids i was back up to 14st 9lb

    now im 13st 9!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm the mother of 2 children 16 months apart. I work part-time (lucky enough to bring my kids to work with me when they're not in school). My daugher is 5 and in preschool. My son is 6 and in kindergarten. As far as he is concerned, I'm a SAHM because I finish work before he gets out of school.
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    Well I am a single mother of four boys. 2,4,6 and 9! It's challenging at times, but so much fun!
  • fairylovrgrl
    I have a 3 yr old boy and a 15 month old boy. I work full-time, so it's really hard for me to find the time and/or energy to exercise.
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I am a mother of two girls, ages 5 and 18 months! I would love to be in a group for moms. I need all the support I can get!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    I have 2 girls.
    Alina Jasmine will be 9 in October and Sara Isabella will be 4 in December.

    I do what ever exercise that my 3 y/o let's me do. I jog in place, hop on my treadmill, pop in an exercise DVD (tae bo or turbo jam), use my Wii, do some of the exerrcises on Exercise On Demand or just go for a walk.

    ~Jo :flowerforyou: