New and Scared!

Hi All, new to this site - today!

Quite apprehensive, have tried dieting too many times to count but this is the last time - not a diet but a change in lifestyle! Got to lose about 7/8 stone so taking one day at a time!

Would love support and advice please! Lou


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Scared??? Nothing to be scared of at all. You've already made an important first step and are already looking at this the right way. You're going to do great!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    You can definitely do this! My advice is to log everything that goes into your mouth - no matter how small - and really watch your food logs for a few weeks to see what types of meals work for you and which don't. For example, I need to eat relatively small meals during the day and a larger one at night. My husband needs to eat 4 meals a day or he feels hungry all day. Everyone is different. Patience is key. And, remember that we're here for you.
  • PurpleSweetpea
    Hi, only joined yesterday myself but the support on here is amazing. Motivation seems to be my falling down point so I'm hoping that will all change now.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Motivation is a tough one, it's got to come from within. You have decide how badly do you want to do this. Once that decision is made you will stay motivated. We are human and make mistakes, the trick is to learn from them and move forward. You've got this!!
  • nenabubbles
    nenabubbles Posts: 13 Member
    I feel the same way because I have tried so many times, but I swear when I read everyone's comments it makes me believe that I can do this. You guys are all amazing and so supportive, I really feel that this time Im going to be able to do it. When I use to mess up, I felt horrible and always said to myself, why continue to try, you always mess up, do good 4 days, 3 days bad. Now if I do mess up, I just think of what I did wrong and try again. Thank:happy: you guys!!!!
  • smiverz
    smiverz Posts: 40 Member
    grab it by the balls and dont let it defeat u! u will fail sometimes just come back stronger.
    MFP is great for advice,motivation and fun! good luck
  • lisalamb62
    This has been the BEST site for support I have ever found! I, too, have tried several "diets" over the past 3 years.....Having the app on my iPod Touch has made this very easy for me! You can do it!!
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    do NOT be EXCITED!!! This place rocks and will help you be a healthier version of you! Make 2012 YOUR year! Good luck on your journey...
  • moupton
    moupton Posts: 36 Member
    Please don't be afraid. I began MFP in October, did not start again until the 30th of this month. I asked for friends and had 12 friend requests in the first day. You CAN do this. The support and motivation on this site is amazing. I was a little apprehensive about this working. I have dieted and dieted more than I can remember. I have a very good feeling about my life change this time. I know it is going to work this time. The support is fabulous. If you have a bad day...share...there will always be someone who has had the same kind of day or problem.
    I would be happy to be your friend. We can motivate and encourage each other to get through this. Oh, I have about 90 pounds to go. I'm hoping to do it this year.
    Take care
  • Slimtara
    Slimtara Posts: 44 Member
    Scared? No need for scared. Be proud you have made the first move to make some life style changes. Don't think of it as dieting:

    Now, right now, - go get a glass of water, drink it all before bedtime and then you can tick three things on the list!
    1. Joined a weightloss forum
    2. drank more water
    3. made new weightloss friends!

    What a productive day! :)
    A great start to 2012!

    Tara x
  • dravenangel
    dravenangel Posts: 39 Member
    You can do this - we're all here for you!!! :happy:
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me if you like. I'm always happy to have new weight loss buddies!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Ok, so here were my stats when I started this weight loss odyssey on February 2nd of this year:

    Height - 4' 6" Weight - ~170 BMI - 39.6 Body Fat % - higher than 50% Size XL/18-20

    Measurements: Neck 15, waist 39, hips 47, bicep 15, forearm 11, wrist 8, thigh 29

    I used to have a HUGE butt, a prominent pouch below my belly button, big butt and big rolls on my back. When I started I worked out at least 3-4 times a week, and if I didn't work out, I walked. I have been watching my calories, sodium, protein, carbs and serving sizes. Not only that but I have pretty much cut out beef, except for a couple times a month. I am eating healthier and eating more turkey, chicken, pork and fish to get my protein. I have also been drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

    My current stats as of today:

    Height - 4' 6" Weight – 126.8 BMI – 30.6 Body Fat % - ~ 35 maybe a little less Size S-M/6-8

    Measurements: Neck 13, waist 32.5, hips 38, thighs 21, bicep 12, forearm 9.5, wrist 6

    My exercise routine at the beginning was: 3-4 days with a 30-45 min walk plus 30-60 minutes of Pilates and 3-4 days with working out for 60-75 min. (45-60 min of cardio with 15-20 min of weights/calisthenics)

    My workouts now are: 3-4 days with a 30-45 min walk plus 30-60 minutes of Pilates and 3-4 days with working out for 60-70. (45 min of weights with 15-20 min of cardio and calisthenics).

    Since I have started I have lost 46.2 lbs, and 39 inches all over. It is hard to believe I did this all on my own without a trainer and that I can fit into size 8 in certain styles.

    When I went to the gym today and got my free trial with a trainer and as we were talking she commented to me about how much of a success I am doing it on my own when she has clients who are not motivated at all. I recently got a copy of my medical records and was shocked to discover at one point I gained 33 lbs in the course of 2 years when I was in junior high school. I was absolutely shocked and appalled. Needless to say I am glad I have changed my ways.

    As you can tell from my picture below it has paid off enormously:


    Here are some tips I figured out along the way as I have lost weight:

    1. Logging your exercises gives you additional calories for the day to eat. Make sure your NET is close to OR at 1200.

    2. Drink plenty of water.

    3. Drinking 1 cup of coffee a day is fine.... the caffeine in it is actually a diueratic and natural sodium reducer.... basically it helps reduce water retention.

    4. Keep track of your calories, sodium, carbs, and protein the most... the rest are just extras... in my opnion. Make sure to keep you sodium as low as you can, eat more protein than allotted and do not go over on your calories. As for the carbs... try not to eat all of your alotted carbs for the day and eat them early. Do not eat them later than 6pm.

    5. Try not to eat later than 7pm either.

    6. Weigh your self in the morning, AFTER you wake up and use the bathroom. Best time as gravity hasn't had a chance to fully force itself on you and there's little food in your digestive tract.

    7. Keep switching up your workout routine. Don't do a cycle it will help keep you from getting into a plateau for too long.

    8. As for snacks/desserts that don't taste bad....there is: low carb/low fat ice cream which is good, Jello pudding cups, chocolate chip granola bars, unsalted peanuts, weight watchers snack cakes and more. You can also go into the recipe section on this forum for ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The whole food part is all about portion control and watching calories, carbs, and protein.

    9. Take a break if you end up on a plateau and switch to maintenance mode…. While exercising at the same time and increase your protein.

    I hope this helps and gives you motivation as well as ideas on helping to make your transition better. If someone like me who is set in her ways and ignores what her family tells her can do this on her own, then anyone can.

    There are so many people on this site with success stories, both large and small that you can read about and get motivation, support and advice.

    Just remember when things get tough to stick with it and plough through.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    There's nothing scary about MFP :-) This site is a great source of support, information, and the logging tools to make a serious lifestyle change. The most important thing is to focus on lifestyle change, and banish the word diet from your vocabulary. Some people are incredibly disciplined, but most folks have good days and not so good days, but the key is getting back on track as soon as you can, and trying to make better choices and changes, even if they seem really small and insignificant. Maybe you're going to a restaurant for dinner - check the cals online and make a little better choice than usual. Or if you don't exercise, start by adding 10 minutes a day, and then when that's routine, add a little more. Small changes add up to big ones, and they're not as scary as transforming your entire life overnight. Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I can understand being afraid to fail - again. I ended this year 20 pounds heavier than I started. What a disappointment. But it's good to remember that, no matter what, we can start over. We are here for you!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    This site is amazing. I still can't believe it is free but so happy that it is. Just thought I would pass on to you that it helps me to enter my food in the diary before I eat it. It keeps me on track and if I mess up in one place, I can tweek it in another. Also, there are lots of chain outlet dinners in the data base. I f we are going out to eat for example at Out Back, I type in Out Back and see what is a better choice before I get there. Remember, if you mess up one day, start again the next! Never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • moupton
    moupton Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with MIMITIME. I have found that if I write down my meals the night before, the next day, that is all I will eat. If I don't write it down, then for some reason I eat whatever. I don't know what it is about writing things down for me, but it does work. You can do it.