Billy Blanks Tae Bo...Calories burned??

Hey all,
I have a Billy Blanks Tae Bo dvd "Billy's Favorite Moves"...Im not sure whether to log it in as high impact aerobic or tae bo. If anyone knows please let me know. Also, I have been trying to find the actual calories burned for this DVD but Im not having any luck. Thank You!!!


  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    Nobody knows???
  • I'm having the same issue with exercise DVD's.
    I would think that you would put that DVD with Tae Bo, Karate, Kickboxing.
    Excellent workout DVD!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think the calories listed on MFP for Tae Bo seem kind of high depending on which video you do. I think that his newer DVD's show the approximate calories burned for an average person on the back of the case. Maybe you can estimate based on that.
  • Put it as "Judo, karate, kick boxing, tae kwan do" - Billy keeps you moving a lot, so you burn a little more than you do with "high impact aerobic"... but I"m sure high impact aerobic would do too. -- or you can do half and half of each so you average it between the two.
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    I would recommend getting a HRM. I started using one a couple weeks ago, and I love it! It tracks the calories for you, so then you don't have to go off of displays on equipment (which are normally wrong) or try to guess with a DVD. :) It's definitely worth the investment (around $100)!
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    I've used an HRM during my Body Combat classes which are very similar to Tae Bo and I found the Tae Bo estimate here to pretty accurate, even though its very high. It also depends on your intensity level but its pretty close.

  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Using my HRM - I burned 203 doing 45 mins of a Tae Bo advanced DVD - I'm 5"4 and weight 145lbs

    Hope that helps
  • put in as Tae Bo under cardio and search
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    Thank You All for your help...Makes my day considering I just found out this morning that my favorite coffee drink is over 300 calories per 16 oz :( lol.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    All vary depending on height/weight/current level of fitness etc.

    It will also vary depending on level of exertion. If you go harder then you will burn more calories.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I used 75% of the MFP figure - sort of going on the fact that I monitored my heart rate throughout and it was around 180 which is about 90% of my maximum HR and other sources/figures for intense exercise.... it's not an exact science but I input my info into several calorie burn calculators and then average the figure. So, in other words, the MFP figure is pretty high unless you are operating at 100% of your maximum heart rate. It's not rocket science and it is okay to be off as long as you are counting on eating the calories. Much better to under estimate what your burn and over estimate what you eat.... ;) So, for me, I got about 10 calories burned per minute for 50 minutes = 500 calories. I think the MFP site showed 775 or something like that....
  • Rox_1175
    Rox_1175 Posts: 2 Member
    I calculate calories based on my heart rate for both BBanks and Insanity workouts that I do. The I-phone has an app for HR. I found the formula for the calories on a website. It's a bit long, but I put it in an excel sheet and it does the calculating for me. I know it seems like a bit much, but I was not about to let Billy or Shawn T kick my butt for 30-50mins and not have ANYTHING to show for it. Here's the formula if you want it,

    ((((0.4472 x Heart rate)-(0.05741 x weight)+(0.074 x age))-20.4022) x duration of workout)/4.184

    Like I said, a bit long, but at least it's accurate!
  • Hey all,
    I have a Billy Blanks Tae Bo dvd "Billy's Favorite Moves"...Im not sure whether to log it in as high impact aerobic or tae bo. If anyone knows please let me know. Also, I have been trying to find the actual calories burned for this DVD but Im not having any luck. Thank You!!!
  • test
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    Rox_1175: Not sure where you got the formula but it is pretty awesome, though makes the head spin a bit. I totally copied it and put it in a spread sheet of my own. I think I burned calories just doing that. LOL.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    The amount of calories a person will burn with any workout, depends on the person. One person might burn 200 calories doing a Tae Bo workout, whereas another person can do the same workout and burn 600 calories.

    Billy's calories burn will not be the same as mine. Shelly's calories burn will not be the same as mind. All the exercisers on the videos will not have the same calories burn.

    MFP only guesses the amount of calories a person can burn with any workout.

    I love Tae Bo. It's my number one workout I don't own a HRM. You may want to buy a HRM to see how much it says you are burning.
  • I've found this on the net, seems quite realistic from what I know about calories burning