Hello! I need support...

I've never posted on here before, so HELLO! Nice to meet ya!

I have been working on weight-loss since the middle of October, (I've lost 25 lbs, just 70 to go) and I'm already hitting a plateau and I have no idea why. I eat about 1200-1400 calories a day, work-out 5x a week and mix up my work-outs. I did an especially tough routine on Saturday and was up 5lbs on Sunday and I weighed today and nothing has changed. How does that work? Anyone know? Am I just retaining water or did I magically gain weight?

I think you all know how much work and discipline losing weight takes, and I'm putting in the work, so I'm feeling very disheartened today. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is going on?


  • apilant
    apilant Posts: 87 Member
    As crazy as it sounds, up your calories. Anytime I hit a plateau (esp if I have increased my activity), after I up my calorie intake for about a week, I start losing again. Good luck and I hope this helps you!!
  • ellieblueberry
    ellieblueberry Posts: 10 Member
    Hey thanks! I took your advice and I'm already back down to where I was...you rock!