Even Post back surgery won't stop me :)

Het gang. First off this is a nice site. I started my journals in another very popular fitness site and I'd like to continue journaling here as well.

I went thru back surgery after bad sciatica last year. I'm still healing but am able to get back into the gym and eat right. I'd like to share and help anyone else who may be suffering from something similar. I realized what seemed like the end of my fitness journey was only a chapter to step back and look how I can make my second chance better. Thank you for any and all support. :)


  • andrea2011ka
    andrea2011ka Posts: 47 Member
    Hi. I just had back surgery in November with bad pain down both legs. I wasn't able to exercise all Fall. I'm on the road to recovery and want to do it right so I don't have a set back. Once I get the all clear from the doctor I need to strengthen my core. Its a frustrating process.
  • Back2BeingHealthy
    Back2BeingHealthy Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there... just to reassure you, I had major back surgery in May 2007. I had herniated my T12 disk during step aerobics, and within 4 days, it was causing paralysis due to it pressing on my spinal chord. No choice, I had to go under the knife. They removed the disk, put in a cadeavor bone, fused the disks with two screws and sewed me back up.

    Very fortunate to be where I am and can be as active as I want 4 years later here. You'll find that others like me, like yourself, recover quite well from the surgery. In fact, my doctor formerly worked at Walter Reeds, where he fixed soldiers to jump out of planes again. My doctor's words to me were, "Go. Live."

    So, these last few years of poor habits was not my back: it's because I did not make the time for myself, etc, and overindulged.. Do not let the 'I have a bad back' become an issue. You can do this, I have faith. And if your back does give, like often happens to me? You modify. You step back. I find I'll be on the floor some nights, just resting it. Other times, we do the hot tub.

    I wish you well into 2012! Amazing how medical technology has progressed so that having back surgery is not an end to a game. It's still all mental. Put into perspective and listen to my doctor, "Go. Live." Happy New Year :)