My Stubborn Body!

staclo Posts: 511 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
This is the second week in a row with no weight-loss, and I maybe lost 1/2 inch...maybe. I'm just venting more than anything else, but I've been eating healthy (with the exception of blowing it on Mother's Day), exercising about 5-6 days a week, staying within my calorie range, drinking water...everything that I know to do. I refuse to let this discourage me though! I'm just more determined to keep going...I KNOW it can be done! Plus, I feel so much better, have more energy, and I'm getting stronger. I just wish my body would hurry up and cooperate!


  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    This is the second week in a row with no weight-loss, and I maybe lost 1/2 inch...maybe. I'm just venting more than anything else, but I've been eating healthy (with the exception of blowing it on Mother's Day), exercising about 5-6 days a week, staying within my calorie range, drinking water...everything that I know to do. I refuse to let this discourage me though! I'm just more determined to keep going...I KNOW it can be done! Plus, I feel so much better, have more energy, and I'm getting stronger. I just wish my body would hurry up and cooperate!
  • Ok, Ok, I hear your frustration. :happy: Let me see if I can offer some thoughts. I to have been changing my eating habits and exercise routines since February. Something that may be the case for you, if you are exercising very hard you may not be eating enough calories per day. You might want to consider what you are burning so that you may deduct what you are burning from what you are eating to make sure you are taking in enough calories. Just a thought!

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I'm eating back most of my exercise calories everyday, if not all of them. The only question that I have about that is that I'm just estimating how many calories that I'm burning. I just ordered an HRM, so that should take care of the guess work.
  • Just keep it up! If you don't see results within another week, I would definitely check it out to see what you can change. good luck!

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • tinaj01
    tinaj01 Posts: 5 Member
    Regards to losing weight that is so true I did not lose either than I ate all my calories allowed for the day and I started seeing a difference in the scale. Stay with it!!
  • bbuchanan1
    bbuchanan1 Posts: 17
    Okay, I had to deal with "mother nature" and have been consistent with working out. I weighed this morning and gained! I know most is due to her visit. But I have not been eating all of my calories....thinking it would help with weight loss. week I will eat the calories, work out, drink water and pray for a change. Alot, of times I lose weight after she leaves! Anyway, best of luck with all of your determination.
  • wattsam1
    wattsam1 Posts: 95
    This was happening to me for quite a few months. I have gotten a little more strict with my diet and added an additional 20 minutes to my workout and I am starting to see results again. See if you can make a few tweaks (and make sure you're honest with your food diary) and you should start seeing a change. Good Luck! :bigsmile:
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I'm generally very strict with what I eat and making sure I log everything (aside from Mother's Day). I'm going to tighten up on that as much as possible, though, and stay consistent w/ the exercise. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    I haven't seen the scale move at all for a couple weeks either, but considering that I *feel* so much better, I'm not letting that get me down. I'll continue to eat good, clean food and keep exercising. I've sabataged myself sooo many times before and so far, so good. I refuse to allow that scale to be the only indicator of my progress. Keep up the good work!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hitting plateaus is very frustrating. I hit one in February and it last till early April and even then the weight was coming off sooooo sloooooow. Weight loss is the one measurement we love to use that is so elusive. It goes up and down almost for no reason...but I have found that the more in tune to my body that I am I can usually figure out those much sodium, not enough water...Ate too much or not enough. Measuring our bodies can give us a good indication of getting in better shape. The drawback here for me was am I holding the tape at the same tension level each time... finally bought a myotape to get rid of this dilemma. For me the other way to see improvement can't be measured, but it is a feeling. I feel more confident when I walk into a room. I don't get tired as quickly when exercising. My blood pressure and resting pulse rate are going down. I am not totally exhausted at the end of the day. I can buy my clothes in the regular department and not women's or plus. Find your own ways to measure your success that are not dependent of the numbers on the scales or measuring tapes. It may take a while but don't always rely on the numbers to judge how you are doing. My favorite my nephew just returned from a year deployment in Africa and he said "You got smaller!" That was better than the numbers on the scale.:smile::smile: :smile:
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I definitely love how I feel; much more energy, my pants are fitting better, endurance increasing, and I feel stronger. That does give me confidence, and it is obviously a result of the fact that I'm taking better care of myself now. Right now, that is my motivation to keep going. It is great motivation in and of itself. I just want to see the number side of things too! :smile:
  • bbuchanan1
    bbuchanan1 Posts: 17
    I agree (staclo) there are changes in my body. This morning I was talking to my sister on the phone and notice a "slight bulge" in my arm! Yes, it was a muscle! Also, my "fat" jeans are loser and my "normal" jeans does not give me a huge "muffin top!" So, I guess I should be looking at other things than the scale and count them as progress.

    Thanks for your response because it caused me to remember my small victories!

    We can, we will, be fit!
  • tinaj01
    tinaj01 Posts: 5 Member
    I total understand how you feel although I have been working out 5-6 times a week clean eating and I was reading other comments and the scale was going up I said to myself why is this happening I have been working real hard I was told first muscle weighs more than fat and when you work out so much our bodies swell and don't have time to rest. Also I have increase my daily calories I thought if I ate less I would lose nope so I am eating more protein and watching inches just drop off. So that trusty scale put aside and keep track of inches. Just wanted to share with you Good Luck!
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