this weekend was hell!

I failed friday night we went to the so bummmed but back on track family is sucking diwn pop and candy right in front of me all the time and it makes it hard...any advice?


  • ms_michelle2006
    I failed friday night we went to the so bummmed but back on track family is sucking diwn pop and candy right in front of me all the time and it makes it hard...any advice?
  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    Ask them kindly if they wouldn't eat so much of the stuff in front of you. Tell them what you are trying to do, and see if they would be so kind to just go to another room... and if that doesn't happen, then remove yourself from the situation.
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    It's okay to have a bad weekend. Happens to all of us. You are doing the right thing by getting back on track. As for the family thing... here goes...
    Your kids look to you to teach them right from wrong. So, teach them. Put the candy in the highest cabinet you have where they have to ask your permission to get it or you get it for them. I have been doing this with my kids and when I get them one piece, they know that's all they get. When that candy and pop is gone, don't stock up on more. Let them get a treat at the store when you are shopping. Otherwise provide healthy items to snack on (my kids love string cheese, yogurt, apples, etc.) Not only will you be getting rid of your own temptations, but will also start your children on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
    Now, as to a hubby, boyfriend, significant other, etc., it's much harder. Let him know how much this lifestyle change means to you. You'll have to remind him time and time again :laugh: (sorry all you guys reading this) Just make sure he understands how hard it is when he eats such things in front of you.
    Make candy and pop a treat in your house, not a staple. (working on following my own advise don't ya know :laugh: ) It's not easy and we all slip up, but getting back on track again is the only way we will make it. Have to take it day by day.
    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • elevans
    elevans Posts: 9
    Exercise more (at least 5x per week). Get your diet right (4-6 meals/day). Take a day off from your diet once per week, if necessary, to eat whatever you want.