Help Nighttime cravings for Chocolate blowing it at night

Hi All :-) HAPPY NEW YEAR! I really want 2012 to be THE year I finally fixed me! I have PCOS and me and my hubby really want a new baby in 2012 he has recently lost 4 stone (I am so proud of him) I have lost a little, I am starting to excersize and eat better BUT every night all the good I have done goes out the window, I crave chocolate sweets sooo bad its like I am in a trance I just HAVE to have it! Does anyone else have this problem?


  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I make a brownie in the microwave from the brownie mix No-Pudge. You can make a whole batch of 12 in oven or one at a time in microwave. Just 2 Tbsp brownie mix and 1 Tbsp fat free yogurt. Or I will have a piece or two of dark chocolate :) I am an addict for chocolate to.
  • brownll
    brownll Posts: 29 Member
    I mix up chocolate skim milk. If desired, add a third spoon of chocolate mix. Also, If I drink the milk and eat a cup of dry whole grain cereal with my fingers, I get chocolate, fiber and calcium in a low-fat snack format.
  • I love anything chocolate. I have serious cravings myself. Uncontrollable at times. MFP has really helped with that. Everytime I feel weak, I post a status asking for help. I am a sugar addict!
  • galvodka
    galvodka Posts: 102
    I usually have a diet hot chocolate or a sugar free chocolate pudding. I can honestly say though that I had to go without chocolate for three months before I really started appreciating the chocolate flavor of the hot choc and sf pudding to satisfy my chocolate craving. If I'm really really craving chocolate...I will have three small little pieces and just count them into my calories but do that maybe once or twice per month.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you all!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I have the same problem! At about 3pm my cravings start and will go on allllll night long! It drives me insane!:sad: And mine just isn't chocolate but salty crunchy things too! I'd love to hear what others say to this, cause I'm at a loss and I want to succeed soooo badly!! I, too, want 2012 to be my year!!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I'm a nighttime binger, the only that works for me (and sometimes it doesn't even work) is to get out of the kitchen and go sit in my room and read, watch t.v. or work out.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I was having a problem with really bad cravings and getting bored and wanting to eat. If chocolate had been in the house I probably would have eaten all of it. I just don't keep anything like that in the house, if it's not there you can't eat it!
  • joyleen76
    joyleen76 Posts: 1 Member
    A diet hot chocolate works for me if I absolutely HAVE to have something chocolatey but if it is just a simple sweet craving I have found that a couple of mini fruit-flavoured meringues will work every time. They do negligible damage to the diet and are such an intense and quick satisfaction of the need for something sweet that I instantly don't want anything else after that.

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  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    How about some high quality chocolate like lindt? I love the dark chocolate with sea salt. If I remember correctly it's 50 calories per square but is very satisfying

    or how about sugar free chocolate pudding cups. They have 60 calories each.

    chocolate milk is also very good... usually about 150 calories per cup
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    Skinny cow chocolates or 100 calorie pack chocolate covered pretzels will satisfy your cravings and it is lo-cal :)
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    I get chocolate cravings, too! I really like the Jello-Temptations mousse cups like French Silk Pie which has 140 calories. I also found these kick-ace salted caramel and almond granola bites at Target that are only 80 calories apiece. One of the above usually does the trick for me!
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    I love my chocolate and I usually eat it every day :) moderation and only if I have enough calories left in the day. I usually have a square or two or Ghiradelli or Lindt. That satisfies me and I don't over eat other things to make up for my cravings. I know I can have it and it's not off limits. If I was told it was off limits I would so be craving it. I have still be losing so it must not be hurting me too badly.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you all <3 Great suggestions and its good to know that I am not alone!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Why not just eat a bit less in the daytime, thus leaving yourself a few hundred cals for you late night choccy? Its what i do. If you know you will want that later on, just allow for it during the day by having less cals.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I LOVE chocolate too. I just bought this and had it tonight:

    AND it was delicious:love: . Only 80 calories!
  • The cravings are because of the carbs you are eating. You have to give up all sugars and wheat. Eat more fat and protein.
    You will find the cravings stop.
    I've lost 145 pounds in the past 21 months. I know all about the cravings. When I put the sugars and wheat out, upped my fat and protein the cravings stopped.

    If you must have chocolate make sure it is the dark chocolate, no less than 85% cocoa. Lindt makes a good 85%.
    It is sufficiently bitter for me to tolerate the sugar. A 3.5 oz bar will last me a month.

    Low carb high fat is the only way to go.