Starting over yet again

This time it will be different ... it better be different ... it HAS to be different.
I cannot give up on myself so easily ... I keep losing the same 30 pounds over and over again. I did it twice in 2011.
No more excuses this time ... I'm in it whether or not the scales tip in my favor or not. If I fall off, I brush myself off and get back on track. Rome wasn't built in a day, and face it, I didn't get fat overnight.

So here I am, ready to try my best in getting myself to a healthy weight in 2012.

Advice from those who've hit hard times ... how do you keep moving forward even after a few weeks off?? And what do you do when you busted your butt doing all the right things only to find a gain on your scale?? Things like that send me on a downward spiral, and I have to get over the fact that I've never let myself find a pattern (couldn't stay committed for more than 3 months at a time without giving up from a significant weight gain). This time I'm really going to try and reach out for help, and I think that I may be able to stick with it!

Thanks, and best wishes to everyone!


  • anyonebutmehaha
    if you keep working so hard to lose the weight only to quickly regain it then something was wrong w/ how you lost it those times. the idea here is that you are NOT on a diet- you are making a lifestyle change. for good. forever. you need help to find out what will work for you as a permanent healthy life style. like if you were going to gym while dieting and hated it so stopped the minute you got to your goal weight- then the gym is not for you...but there has to be something that you like to do and want to do whenever you can for rest of your life that gets you up and moving. same w/ food- there has to be healthy food that you like- explore the food forum to get ideas. really dorky saying but -this is the first day of the rest of your life. yo-yo dieting is so not good for you...time to do it the right way eating food you like yet is good for you and exercising by doing something you really like to do. those are the tricks to getting it off and keeping it off so you can live the rest of your life w/o the stress of constantly crash dieting and regaining rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, kwim?
    you can do it for reals this time! good luck!
  • I have been doing the same thing over and over again. I lose it and then gain it back. I am also starting fresh on my quest to become a healthy wieght in 2012 and beyond. This New Year coming up, 2012, I am doing it a little different. Instead of setting one big goal for myself, I am going to set monthly goals (changes that need to be made) that will set me up in the end to reach my goal. I figure this way I am more able to reach that ultimate goal without feeling overwhelmed.
  • dietkix
    It's all about WILLPOWER. Do you want to lose weight or do you want to eat that gross greasy burger and cookies and all that junk? Lose weight? Then DO IT, no excuses. Start from NOW, throw out all the junk food, go healthy food shopping (with LIST, so you won't buy any junk) and find a fitness club and buy a monthly pass.. simple as that :wink:

    "you have to sacrifice something good from something better" and keeping it real, junk food isn't that good anyway..
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    I get to a certain point too and cant seem to get past :( so I'm with you. Let's make 2012 the year it happens for us!! Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other :) good luck!!
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
  • dymples74
    I know your struggles... your posts sounds so much like me. You can do this... never stop trying. For me I realized that the weight is just a mask for what I believe to be a much deeper struggle.
    YOU CAN DO THIS! Do not get discouraged. You just have to find what works for you. Honestly... I believe this is what we are all trying to do....