I've been "lurking" since August, so I figured I'd say hi!

Hello fellow "fitnesspal-ers".
I downloaded the "myfitnesspal" application for my iPhone on August 1st 2011. I'm 5'8 and 1/2 inches tall and at the time weighed 205 pounds. Being a medical student, losing weight has been tough for the last 3 years. I lost about 30 pounds in college (on Atkins) then put on around 80 after a particularly nasty accident. Despite trying a personal trainer, nutrisystem, Atkins (again) and southbeach, my weight stayed between 205 and 190 for 3 years. Talk about frustrating . What's worse is that my fiance and I did nutrisystem together and he lost somewhere around 25 pounds, in the same amount of time I lost...10. Fail.
I'm getting married in June and I fell in love with a dress that was a bit out of my price range...but I found it online, onsale, new with tags for less than 1/3 of the price...I had to buy it, it was my dream dress! It was also a size 8....(a bit worrisome when you realize I was a size 16 at the time).
So I figured I'd give "MyFitnessPal" a go. I'm so glad I did. On new years eve I weighed myself before going out for an evening with friends. I'm a street size 8 (so still a size too big for my dress) and I weigh 176 pounds. Holy. Cow. I've lost 29 pounds. My Goal weight is 160 for my wedding in June, but I'd like to hit it by Feb. or March.
Anyway, I just wanted to come by and say hi and thank all of you for the support (even though you didn't know you were giving it) I've gotten reading your posts and following your weight loss journeys.



  • KLynnBear
    KLynnBear Posts: 16 Member
    That's amazing progress, good work! We're the exact same height and weight at the moment. Good luck on reaching your goals and feel free to add me.
  • squee83
    Well, we may not be the same weight at the moment. I had waaaaaaaaaay more salt than I normally do last night (though not over on the calories) and I'm pretty salt sensitive, so if I hopped on the scale now I'm scared I'd see like 180 lol. I'll get back to you tomorrow on that one!
  • squee83
    and thank you :)