Running/walking 500 miles in 2012

I'm a biker, not a runner/walker, so I'm slowly picking this up because I know it is good for me.

A friend did almost 1,000 running in 2011, and while I still alternate running and walking on my treks out, I think about half of her goal is a good goal for me. I'll update when I hit milestones!

Anyone want to join me?


  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    :happy: i will try it out too maybe it will work for both of us and just to be fair i will only count what i do on the tredmill at the gym cause i don't have a car so i walk every where:wink:
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    :happy: i will try it out too maybe it will work for both of us and just to be fair i will only count what i do on the tredmill at the gym cause i don't have a car so i walk every where:wink:

    Hey, no, count that, too. It's part of the workout. :) I used to bike everywhere, but now only manage to bike if I don't have class or work (read: never), so I have to make time, which is harder.
  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    i know but it is hard cause i don't know how far it is either my pedometer only does steps and i don't have the money for one of the cool ones that tell u distance and calories too. lol

    i know how hard it is to find time when i was at my last job i couldn't fine the energy or time to work out but know i only work one day a week which sux for money but is awesome for having energy and time.and now that my daughter is almost seven and in schoolduring the day thats when i get everything done.i hope that u can find a time that works for u and i will be here to help push u along when u need it.