Is half marathon possible?

Well...I know it's possible...but is it possible for me to be ready in just short of four months? I'm not a fact can only run about a minute on the treadmill. A 5K sounds to easy...sooooo

Am I crazy to think I (who is still 50 lbs overweight and almost 53yo) can be ready for a half marathon in four months????



  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I ran my first (and only) Half three years ago. When I started I could only run about a quarter of a mile without stopping. I quickly picked up my distance and was able to complete the race. I used Hal Higdon's Novice training schedule ( and found that running on the treadmill to start was VERY helpful as it helped me to learn how to keep a steady pace. You may also want to look into the Galloway Method which is a walk/run program that people swear by!

    I have just signed up to run my second Half in April and am using Hal's program again! Good luck to you!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    If you are committed, I think you could do it. Best way to commit is to sign up for the half! And follow a training program. So, why not, go for it!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I have a couple of races planned in April/May that I need to train for. All I've run so far are 5K's. My friend is crazy enough to think I can run a 10 MILER in April!! She has faith in me, maybe I should start to listen to her. :smile:
  • It's possible....all you have to do is go for it! I started out with 5ks and did an 8 k in November. My knees get a bit crabby (working on those, though) so I do a run/walk combo during my races. My goal this year is NO WALKING and I've signed up for a beginners run club with my local park district. I am doing my first 10k in April or May. If there's a few shorter races between now and your half, you might try signing up for one of those just to see how it goes.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  • It's possible....all you have to do is go for it! I started out with 5ks and did an 8 k in November. My knees get a bit crabby (working on those, though) so I do a run/walk combo during my races. My goal this year is NO WALKING and I've signed up for a beginners run club with my local park district. I am doing my first 10k in April or May. If there's a few shorter races between now and your half, you might try signing up for one of those just to see how it goes.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  • BKR1977
    BKR1977 Posts: 43 Member
    I'd be the first person to encourage someone to sign-up for most anything.
    I started running 5 years ago by trying to run for 15 then 20 minutes non-stop I'm up to 50ks for 5.5hrs.
    Please let me caution you with a few words....
    You stated that you can only do about a minute on the treadmill, which, if you're running a 10 min pace that's a 1/10 of a mile. Still a long way to go.
    Also you said that a 5k sounds too easy.
    I think the 5k is the hardest distance (opinion only), it's all about heart. It's all about what you put into it. My PR in a half marathon is 1:41.00, my 19:59 5k was actually harder, but just for less time.
    5ks are most likely cheaper than a half marathon and most beginner plans say don't increase your mileage more than 10% per week.
    Best Bet is to look up a Couch to 5k plan and start off slow.
    Make a running log, set smaller goals, and reward yourself more often. Look at doing a Half Mary in the Fall at the earliest, the weather is always cooler, and much more advantageous for running.
    I really think that if you try to take on a Half Marathon in 4 months you risk the possibility of injury.
    I'm not telling you not to, just think about what I said.

  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Hey there, friend!

    I started running when I started here on MFP, Jan 3rd or so (about a year ago). Anything is possible, for sure, but as the poster above said, it is easy to get injured if you do too much too soon.

    I started with Couch to 5K in Jan of last year and did run a 5k that March.

    I am planning on doing a half marathon this March and am still worried I won't be completely ready. I myself got injured in September and had to effectively start my mileage over again and it was because I tried to increase my mileage too quickly.

    You have to be very careful; they suggest not increasing it any more than 10% per week and it is not wise to increase distance and speed at the same time.

    I think a 5k would be great to start out with and then plan on running a half later on...but if you are determined then follow a good training plan....look into Jeff Galloway's methods; he incorporates walking and running. If you want to do the half in 4 months, I would aim not to run it all, but to just complete it and throw in a bunch of walking. I will probably walk some of my half as I am currently only up to 6-8 miles.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think the best option for me right now is to work to RUN the 5K rather than walk it and rather than kill myself on a half marathon (the inspiration came from watching them do it on the Biggest Loser :)

    Maybe in the fall!!!

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Why not sign yourself up for a 10k and see how that goes first?
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    I think the 5k is the hardest distance (opinion only)...

    Wow, so glad you hear someone say that! I HATE the first 2.5-3mi every time. I LOVE the next 3mi. So far, my long runs are 6-8mi, so I don't know how I'll like what comes afterward.

    To the OP, definitely start with Couch to 5k to build the stamina needed to run it and get your body and mind used to running. It may seem similar to walking, but the challenges are completely different. Good luck to you!
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Remember one thing in life...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE ONCE YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT!!
    I say train hard and go fot it! However, I would consider a 5K or 10K first, just to give you an idea of what you are in for!
    Best wishes to you!!