21 year old needing motivation - any other busy students/20-

I work 12 hours a week in a law firm 5pm-9pm and I'm at Uni for various seminars and then I start placement in February, so I find my food schedule goes all over and I am too tired to go the gym and obviously, alcohol becomes a major factor!

I need motivation and would love to hear from people who are in similar busy/awkward schedules

Thanks [: xx


  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    My day starts at 5am getting myself and my special needs daughter ready and out the door by 6 so I can be to work by 7am. I usually get home at about 5pm, fix dinner and get DD settled in bed as close to 7pm as possible. Then I study. I'm taking my classes online, but I rarely have time for fun. I'm in the same boat as you regarding exercise, but am having success just watching what I eat/making better food choices. Our schedules are crazy and exhausting. Good luck on your journey. For me, this site has been/is a great tool.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I'm also a student, and I work part time. It's hard when you have a busy schedule; but I guess it's about prioritising yourself, and trying to make the time. Little changes here and there, taking the stairs, walking instead of driving or taking the bus, and making good food choices. Certain drinks as well are much lower in calories; beer can really mess up your calories for the day!
    Anyway, I'm sure you can do this, you manage to balance a hectic schedule so you must be motivated, determined and successful in that respect- just try to translate that to your diet and fitness.
  • jessbarnett08
    jessbarnett08 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a student and had so much for school that I didn't even have time for a job in the fall. My whole plan fell apart, because I had taken on way too much in school. Hoping that a new schedule will help me get and stay motivated for the new year.
  • abbigrant
    hadn't realised people had replied, sorry! I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems to be struggling then. I definitely find I eat more as I'm so hungry due to being up hours, and yeah unfortunately drink more as I socialise! But yeah babydull- I walk to work which takes 30 mins one way and walking to Uni takes 20 mins one way and I try to use the strairs in Uni, so I guess it's the little things right?
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    im a full time student and i work at a daycare about 25 hours a week which is incredibly stressful. This spring im taking 5 classes and working the 25hrs. I pack lunches and snacks for during the day to save money and cals instead of buying food on campus! my apartment is on campus so i walk about 5-7 minutes to class and the center i work at is also a 5 minutes walk from my apartment/classes.

    Some things i like to bring to snack on are cheese cubes, hard boiled eggs, celery, crackers, etc. and cant go wrong with a skinny latte! (the only thing i buy on campus!)
  • kd412
    kd412 Posts: 5
    I am a full-time student, and it's so tough. I live in a dorm, and I get a meal plan every semester. We have a dining hall with every sweet treat imaginable and pizza everyday. It's torturous! Hard to pass up the goodies sometimes :( Especially on those stressful exam days.
  • carlos1989
    carlos1989 Posts: 74 Member
    im a part time student who works at taco bell at lease 30 hours a week n am 22 years old... working at taco bell doesnt help when it comes to losing weight but im making it work for me by eating the healthier options :) u have a friend in me for support n motivation :)
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I am a full-time student, and it's so tough. I live in a dorm, and I get a meal plan every semester. We have a dining hall with every sweet treat imaginable and pizza everyday. It's torturous! Hard to pass up the goodies sometimes :( Especially on those stressful exam days.

    is there a salad bar? i love love LOVE salads!! :)
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I am a junior civil engineering student, i work ~10 hours a week on campus.
    I am also struggling with keeping with eating right and then not being too tired to work out. I have found it incredibly helpful to have a workout buddy although no one else that I live with is counting calories like i do.

    I would love some more friends, go ahead and add me :)
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    I am a full-time student, and it's so tough. I live in a dorm, and I get a meal plan every semester. We have a dining hall with every sweet treat imaginable and pizza everyday. It's torturous! Hard to pass up the goodies sometimes :( Especially on those stressful exam days.

    the bad food is tempting but I find the portion control to be very helpful! and i love the salad bar :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    you can add me!!

    I have clinic hours and classes 40 hours a week + homework time!
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a 19 year old university student, and I'm finding the crazy work schedule almost a blessing in disguise(I'm in 8 classes this semester). It really helps with sticking to a meal plan, or at least that's what I am finfing. I pack everything I'm allowed to eat in the morning and that is all I allow myself to have. It does get a little bit hard when everyone else is picking up yummy smelling fastfood. You just have to tell yourself that you will be proud of yourself at your next weigh in knowing that you were able to resist. As for excersice, perhaps you can fit in a short high intensity work out? I'm starting the 30 Day Shred and making it part of my morning routine to fit in some work out time.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey! Add me if ya want.

    My story:

    I am a senior this year at my Univ. I am actively involved in many on-campus clubs. I am the president of one and the treasurer of two. I start my internship this semester as well! I am also going to Hungary for my internship in which I have to conduct a research project of my own and then present it at a conference in washington! I am very excited for all of this to happen, but also very stressed! On top of all of this I am taking 5 classes (15 credits) and have a part time job, which I think I might resign from in a few weeks I found that writing everything down really helps me.

    I totally understand how stressed you can feel. One thing to remember is TIME MANAGEMENT! Don't procrastinate on anything and do what you say your going to do.

  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I'm a 19 year old university student, and I'm finding the crazy work schedule almost a blessing in disguise(I'm in 8 classes this semester). It really helps with sticking to a meal plan, or at least that's what I am finfing. I pack everything I'm allowed to eat in the morning and that is all I allow myself to have. It does get a little bit hard when everyone else is picking up yummy smelling fastfood. You just have to tell yourself that you will be proud of yourself at your next weigh in knowing that you were able to resist. As for excersice, perhaps you can fit in a short high intensity work out? I'm starting the 30 Day Shred and making it part of my morning routine to fit in some work out time.

    I agree! i see it as a blessing in disguise too. I pack waht i allow myself to eat and always usually buy a skinny latte from DD but other than that its great cause im not able to graze as much!! i LOVE the 30DS too! i ahvent finished the whole thing ever but everytime i do it i burn for days (in a good way lol)
  • abbigrant
    wow guys, so many of you in the same boat! Hopefully we can all support each other and that [:
    I'm back at work Tuesday evening but not at Uni until 31st Jan and all my work is due in this week, so I think I'm going to spend the remaining 3 weeks setting a food routine and clocking up some hours at the gym!

    Does anyone happen to know any good breakfasts to last you a few hours til lunchtime? Whenever I have a 9am-12pm seminar, I have breakfast at 8am but find I'm ridiculously hungry by 9.30am, so always have an unhealthy snack in our 15min break! :S
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    wow guys, so many of you in the same boat! Hopefully we can all support each other and that [:
    I'm back at work Tuesday evening but not at Uni until 31st Jan and all my work is due in this week, so I think I'm going to spend the remaining 3 weeks setting a food routine and clocking up some hours at the gym!

    Does anyone happen to know any good breakfasts to last you a few hours til lunchtime? Whenever I have a 9am-12pm seminar, I have breakfast at 8am but find I'm ridiculously hungry by 9.30am, so always have an unhealthy snack in our 15min break! :S

    oatmeal with banana and honey! Also, you can bring an apple for a healthy snack if you still get hungry!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    for breakfast i like oatmeal with either a tbsp of peanut butter or a couple spoonfulls of pomegranates.

    do you drink coffee? it always keeps me full.

    pack healthy snacks for your seminars! yogurt, granola bar, popcorn, etc! and drink LOTS of water, itll keep you full :)
  • abbigrant
    thanks guys, will try oatmeal! Is the british equivalent of that porridge, or is oatmeal totally different? :S
    I drink coffee and tea which does keep me full and I will take a flask but it doesnt last long! I drink so so much water in my seminars to fill myself up, however it means I need the toilet every 20 minms! haha! Definitely going to stock up on healthy snacks tho [:
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    I find that toast with peanut butter for breakfast keeps me going for about three hours. Then a yogurt and apple or something similar carries me until lunch. I usually eat more at lunch than at any other time of the day and find I'm not nearly as hungry later in the day, but mornings are definitely more difficult. Taking healthy snacks and meals with me wherever I go is the best way I've found to keep within my goals.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    I am a college student, as well as a medical transcriptionist and I homeschool my two children. It's hard to get all of that done in a day... so I know how you feel. My exercise and food schedules are sporadic and I find that I do so much better when I have a good routine