Struggling extremely bad

From April-September I lost 41 pounds but after starting a local weight loss challenge's initial weight in the week after Thanksgiving I found I had gained 20 pounds back since September. This has affected me greatly. I have no motivation to work out or eat right. I don't know what I can do. I log my food, eat something bad am afraid to log it because I feel like I will not be able to eat anything the rest of the day. I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks. I feel like I have no support system around me. I have a lot through my weight loss page on Facebook but just feel like I need it around me. The holiday food this christmas was terrible and I feel like my family doesn't even support me even though they do. I just don't know where to go from here. I plan on going to the gym tomorrow but who know how I feel when I wake up in the morning.


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Be sure you have the proper dietary numbers before going back into cutting!

    If you need help let me know!
    I'll also pass you on to my friends list where you will meet like minded folk!

    Good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'll be honest. I can give you a big motivational speech and encourage you to get back on track. But, at the end of the day? YOU have to want it. YOU have to decide that you're worth it and YOU have to be the one to take the first step and to follow through with it.

    You know you can lose weight, you've done it before.

    Take one day at a time. One step at a time. Don't worry about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. Worry about NOW.
  • xlhammy
    xlhammy Posts: 6 Member
    First off, don't give up. That's not the answer. So you gained some weight, not the end of the world, and completely reversible. Holidays are done, so nothing to worry about there. But you have to be honest with yourself and let the math behind the calorie calculations do its thing. I've lost 140bs since 2008, but I'm a food addict, and when I go off on my own without these calorie trackers, I gain. My instincts are poor. I've lost 16 since Thanksgiving (only recently switched to MFP from another app).
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Although many are here, including myself, to support you, you have to make the decision to stick to it. So you ate something you shouldn't. Log it. You'll be surprised that maybe you didn't go over your calories for the day. But at least you'll see what you need to change. Stop lying to yourself. You are worth this. Why do you want to sabotage yourself? Do you think you don't deserve to be healthy? Fit? Happy? Of course you deserve to be all those things and more. Don't listen to your family. They won't want to see you succeed because that will mean that maybe they have the ability to change as well, and they'd like to pretend they can't so they can keep the excuses going. Get to the gym and find something that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy your exercise it's more likely you'll keep doing it. Right now I work out 6 days a week. Cardio and strength training. I can't even conceive of NOT working out, because that's what I do. Some people shop, some people sit around and watch tv, some people sit around on their computer. I work out. I have chosen to change my lifestyle, and I'm so glad I have. You can do this if you want it. You can have everything you desire, but you have to do the work.

    Also, it takes 1 year after achieving goal before your body will reset itself and not want to gain all your weight back. There will be no magic day where you won't have to diet or exercise, but by that time, exercise will be a welcome part of your life and you really won't want to eat crap.
  • pelant76
    Thanks all, It was just seeing that damn number on the scale. I did 80+ miles on the elliptical each month of October and November then a week later saw the gain and boom was bummed. I was going to the gym at least 5 days a week. for a good month and half. I haven't been since the Wednesday before Christmas. I'm just blahhhhh. I started my journey in April, created a blog, made a Facebook page for it all to stay accountable and that isn't even working. I have big goals for 2012 and I plan to get damn close. I want to get out of these 400's and never see them or 300's every again by the end of the year!!
  • pelant76
    is there a way to add my blog site to the blogs here or am I only able to add just separate posts? I've been using myfitnesspal app for months and I never knew any of this was here available til someone mentioned it on my Facebook page
  • daisytrekker
    daisytrekker Posts: 8 Member
    The only way I know to beat the mental "negatives" is with physical "positives". Make yourself do 5 minutes ... Walking, dancing, stretching, squats, pushups, etc. Just 5 minutes.
    Then, if it feels good, keep going!
    You have it in you. What you've done so far is amazing!
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    I can understand your frustration! I have been there many times and get mad at me and then I seem to get further behind in my goals. What have learned is that I need to do this for me and regroup. We are all going to have times when things are not going to go our way and it's what we make of those times and push through that make a difference.

    I am starting a small Challenge group 16 Jan to help me and few others get through that plataue that some of us hit and few who are just starting there journey. Feel free to add me as a friend, and let me know if you would like any more information on the Challenge.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    From April-September I lost 41 pounds but after starting a local weight loss challenge's initial weight in the week after Thanksgiving I found I had gained 20 pounds back since September. This has affected me greatly. I have no motivation to work out or eat right. I don't know what I can do. I log my food, eat something bad am afraid to log it because I feel like I will not be able to eat anything the rest of the day. I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks. I feel like I have no support system around me. I have a lot through my weight loss page on Facebook but just feel like I need it around me. The holiday food this christmas was terrible and I feel like my family doesn't even support me even though they do. I just don't know where to go from here. I plan on going to the gym tomorrow but who know how I feel when I wake up in the morning.
    My advice, and this is coming from entirely personal experience, I don't know what works best for you so I can only tell you what worked for me. Take it slow, one day at a time. Love yourself and accept your body for what it is now. Look at your diet and see what could be cut back on. Make small changes - find out your TDEE is (if you don't already know) and take off only a few hundred a day to start - if you log everything you can see those foods that you can do without to cut those few hundred calories. Don't overthink the exercising - thinking about it too much or freaking out about it can make you feel less motivated. Just start walking, and see how you go (or walk into the gym and just start, even if you just do 5 minutes first, and then work your way up).
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    20 lbs is drastic but there are a lot of factors that could have played into why it was so high on that particular day. You may have over eaten the day before and been holding a lot of water when you weighed in there's been days where that's made a 4-6lbs difference in my weight. So dont let one bad weigh in get you down weight loss is a walk not a sprint. I struggled with weight my whole life until I made the decision that something needed to change. It's a new year and a chance for a new start the holiday season is behind us so there are very few distractions in your path from here on out. Log those foods regardless of how bad you think it is it will help hold you accountable for making poor eating choice and possibly make you think otherwise the next time. Stay positive and dont get down on yourself if this is something you truly want you will find a way to achieve it!!
  • pelant76
    thanks all, I just had a good breakfast but don't feel like going to the gym right now. Might go later i dunno
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Everything will be ok if you start believing... I am in the same boat, I'm struggling, I gained some weight, but here I am fighting back and believing that I can do it.... So, get up and push yourself. At the end of the day you will see that it was worth it!!!! And like that little by little you will gain your confidence back.
  • feltogirl
    You've come so far already. Don't lose your focus. I like the previous poster who said to take one day at a time. We all have setbacks, but you've come here for help and you know you have great goals to continue to shoot for.

  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I'll be honest. I can give you a big motivational speech and encourage you to get back on track. But, at the end of the day? YOU have to want it. YOU have to decide that you're worth it and YOU have to be the one to take the first step and to follow through with it.

    You know you can lose weight, you've done it before.

    Take one day at a time. One step at a time. Don't worry about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. Worry about NOW.

    THIS! I agree completely!
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Come on Pelant .You know you feel better when you eat properly and get some exercise. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Don't you just beat yourself up over and over again after you fall off the wagon. Why do we allow foods, that take minutes to consume have so much power over us? Minutes or less in the mouth and then weeks or months (or a lifetime) to work off. There are no free passes. Whatever we eat has to be burned off. I want to really encourage you to get back on track starting RIGHT NOW. Of course you can do it but it will take time and determination. Best to you!
    And best to me too. In writing to you, I am also encouraging myself. I want to lose about 25 pounds, which might not sound like a real lot, but it is to me.
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Pelant, also, I notice you postpone going to the gym to the point of not going at all. I have been going to the gym every morning 4 or 5 days a week for the past 6 1/2 years until about a month ago. I have been babying myself a little because I have a torn rotator cuff (very painful, by the way), and I have been off for the past 2 weeks with Christmas holidays. Tomorrow the rubber hits the road again. I set the clock for 5:15 and when the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button once. Then when it goes off the second time, I get up immediately and put on my work-out clothing which I have ready. My gym bag is also packed with everything I will need for my shower and grooming stuff (moisturizers, makeup, hair products, and clothing for work.) I usually take a class (spin or cycling class 3 times a week and I was taking a cardio-pump class but am unable to do that one right now due to my shoulder injury. However, I do not have an excuse for not using an elliptical or treadmill machine. What I want to say to you is that I HATE GETTING UP EVERY MORNING TO EXERCISE but it really is the only time I can go that does not get in the way of the rest of my life and then it's done. Try it first thing in the morning and don't even give yourself the option of not going then. At the gym I go to there are a core of regulars that see each other every day. Lots of people come once or thrice and then drop off, but really, once you get into the habit, it gets bearable. Not easier, but do-able.
    Good luck.