Hi Everyone. I am hoping to get into even better shape than I already am before going through Basic and OCS training. I am hoping to become a female Apache pilot and I am looking for motivation and support along the way. I am relatively fit already having completed 2 years of college AROTC. However, I know that I have a few extra unwanted pounds and would like to increase my fitness in all areas so that I may better serve my country.


  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    I am an Air Force dentist that needs friends and motivation. I pass every fitness test with ease, but I still have unwanted fat! Good luck with being a pilot! Being a pilot was my goal in High School, but I followed a girl to college instead of going to the academy.... I am however very happy with my career choices.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    Feel free to add me! I joined the Army to due what you are going to do orginally, but got hurt and had to change my plans with the Army, but loved the time I did and am working at going back into the Reserves! Welcome to the family!
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    oh, you are too cute to be flying an attack helicopter. btw, in army i think warrant officers fly helos. it's 100000 to 1 shot and being a cute chick, you will have to work 100 times harder to prove yourself. good luck! hoo-ah! :glasses:
  • torinoel14
    torinoel14 Posts: 41 Member
    Well thanks, but looks can be deceiving. NCO's do alot of the flying but they still need officers to lead them. I want to be attached to an SF unit as a SOAR pilot and because of my fitness level and my College GPA I think I have a Fair shot at accomplishing my dream. And as far as proving myself, the harder the better; the more obstacles I have to face the better leader I will become.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    Well thanks, but looks can be deceiving. NCO's do alot of the flying but they still need officers to lead them. I want to be attached to an SF unit as a SOAR pilot and because of my fitness level and my College GPA I think I have a Fair shot at accomplishing my dream. And as far as proving myself, the harder the better; the more obstacles I have to face the better leader I will become.

    wow, the night stalkers - the best, bar none. can you fly already? if not i would play a lot of sim games/read aviation stuff before you get to ft. rucker. i hear sere training sucks - eat rabbit eyeballs.
  • all the best of luck in your chosen career. I am hoping to be working in the Mount Isa Mines in Qld Australia and need to lose another 30lbs and increase my fitness level. Am looking for the help and motivation to keep me strong lol!
  • magnum6
    magnum6 Posts: 18
    Only commissioned officers & warrants fly - NCOs crew & maintain the aircraft. Currently, there are no female pilots in the 160th (SOAR) due to Army regs, although that could change during your career. Drive on, set high goals, but maintain situational awareness of the facts on the ground so you know how to execute.