Your decision to change?



  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I decided in 2010 that I was NOT happy with the way I looked or the fact that I kept going up in clothes sizes. I joined MFP, changed my eating habits & exercise routine. I logged in on a daily basis to record my food & exercise & slowly started to see changes in how I felt & dropped a few pounds. Along the way I also made quite a few friends on here who supported me.
    In June of 2011, I had foot surgery for a fallen arch & all my exercise routines came to a screeching halt. I still watched what I ate but without the ability to exercise, the pounds that I lost came back + some.
    So here it is 2012 & I am re-focused on doing what I meant to do in 2010. I have plans for my future & want to live the best life possible.
  • lurkette
    lurkette Posts: 25 Member
    A suicide attempt that failed miserably... but it made me realize that things needed to change and certain toxic people needed to be evicted from my life. I also learned that certain foods can make depression worse. When I eat better, I feel better. Whatever helps, right?
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I gained weight after a few close family members past away, it just really messed me up. I went through counselling for it, then realized how big I was after seeing some old photos of me after high school (I was a size 10 jean, and when I was looking at the photo I was a size 24 jean). I just cried and I am not a person who tears up easily. After that I decided it was coming off and I actually did it, I am a size 8 jean now and 110 lbs smaller.
    I love my life and my MFP friends. I share a lot with them, things that I don't share with my family and non MFP friends. I just feel like I can confide in them and that they really care.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Me having such poor self confidence and being alone all my life made me realize something needed to change, and soon.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    Poor confidence, seeing the scale almost tip 300lbs, not being able to keep up/ski/run/whatever like I used to, pictures from my vacation this past summer
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    tight feeling clothes,out of breath and such
  • rhouser9021
    I realized I needed to lose weight when:

    - I started wearing size 38-40 pants and shorts
    - I felt bloated all the time
    - I looked so much bigger than I used to in the mirror
    - I wasn't working on ME, and focusing on others too much
    - I realized that I'm only 21 and shouldn't be living like this

    I'm ready for change...this time for good :)
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I've always wanted to be thinner. All my life.

    Up until 2008 I didn't really know how to lose weight. I discovered calorie counting and I started losing weight!

    A large project at work then took most of my attention and focus and I ALLOWED myself to stray from my weight loss plan. Not only did I stop tracking my calories, I stopped eating healthy and I stopped exercising. I had also taken up SMOKING! I mean, WOW! Did I go in complete reverse!

    By the end of 2008 the project wrapped up and I went to Phuket for New Years. It was a good reset for me as I learned to stop working every waking moment. After getting back home I quit smoking and started a weight loss plan. I was exercising every day, lifting weights, playing tennis and dropping the kilos again.

    Then I tore a calf muscle. I was pushing myself too hard and not taking a break from activity when my body was crying out in pain.

    I let that injury derail me. Instead of the 6 weeks of recovery a torn muscle needs I took 6 months to get better. It was so scared of re-tearing it that I avoiding exercise all together. With the lack of exercise my motivation for tracking my food went as well. I say that like it's not my fault. I could have focused on what I could control; I could have kept tracking my food and doing weights that didn't require my calf muscles but no, I CHOSE not to.

    I started seeing Karen, who is no my fiancé, and while I tried to get my diet back on track it's hard to force your diet on to someone you just started seeing. We got into a few fights where I was incredibly insensitive when refusing to eat food that she wanted to enjoy with me.

    I got up to 127kg (280lbs) over the course of a year and a half. Karen and I moved in together and we were happy. But, I kept putting more and more of my clothes in storage because they wouldn't fit. The only clothes I had left to wear were my 'fat clothes'.

    After I proposed I got serious again. I discovered MFP which wasn't just a calorie counting site like fitday or calorieking. It had this quasi Facebook feel to it. The friend you link with on here keep you on track and keeps the whole weight loss thing in your mind.

    I've been on the site for nearly a year. I've lost nearly 20kg (44lbs). I could have lost more but I lost focus half way through the year. I didn't gain weight but I hovered around the same weight for months. I figure that's better than gaining weight so I'm not too upset.

    Now, though, I'm on point again. I'm logging everything, even when I don't feel like following my diet. Since getting serious again I've lost 3kg (6.6lbs). I'm going to ride this wave of focus for as long as I can. I know me, and I know that the fire won't be there indefinitely so I'm making the most of it while it's there.
  • sskcrm
    sskcrm Posts: 9
    wish i could say it was an inner desire to change, but for me it is a bp of 170/100, inability to go up the stairs, knees beginning to ache, diabetes family history (although I haven't been diagnosed), and cancer scare at my colonoscopy. I just decided I have got to do something different or I'm not going to see my daughters get married and have children. It's selfish, but I do have some other things I want to do later (when the kids are out of the house). I'd like to travel, perhaps spend sometime in missions or tutoring underprivaledged children. That's hard to do when your 270 lbs.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    It was a combination of things over a 2 week time period. first was turning 40, then going to a concert & thinking i was going to die on the walk between the car and the venue - and I had tennis shoes on, my friend was wearing heels & had no problem. The final straw came 2 days after that when I went to my annual well-woman exam and the scale read higher than ever - 278.8 lbs. I left the office in tears & vowed that day to do whatever I could to change so I'd be sure to see 41
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    was tired all the time. had problems sleeping at all. I'd be up going to pee every hr. couldn't get restful non-broken up sleep. I got caught sleeping at work. I assumed I had sleep apnea. went to see a doctor and he took one look at me and just said diabetes. I was slightly pissed at him thinking he was being arrogant. sure I was 480lbs. sure I had difficulty just walking 30 feet w/o feeling outta breath but he was right.

    blood work showed I had diabetes II. once I was on the meds after a month sleeping was easier. changed diet, quit soda pop altogether. more energy to move. 100 lbs. less and Jan 2011 no more diabetes and meds free. I was fat all my life and didn't care until I developed diabetes. that was my catalyst to change.

    so now I feel better, I figure I'll keep going and see how far I can go. I am not gonna stop now. more confidence, still shy a bit around girls but it's easier to find clothes now ^_^
  • MsD1984
    MsD1984 Posts: 36 Member

    What made me want to lose weight? Simple death... However, you'd think it was being told I was going to die if I expanded but it wasn't...

    i was 23, and my fiance was 27. We'd just moved into a BIG house and talked about starting a family. The day after we moved (25th August 2007) he had a heart attack and died. In front of me. We didn't know there was anything wrong with him so to say it was a shock is an understatement.

    Afterwards, people had their theories on what happened to him and all I ever heard was "It must of been his weight". Now here's where my thinking went: OVERDRIVE! I was WAY bigger than him, yes at 24stones (336lbs) he was a BIG boy, but I was 33stones! (462lbs) logic says: I'M NEXT. (It turned out he had an enlarged heart when had nothing to do with his weight).

    I started eating right and going to the gym. I lost 98lbs in 7 months... then it just stopped going down. I opted for a VSG (surgery) and had that in Feb 2010. I've come a long way with still more to go.

    My motivation is seeing Adam's face on the day he died; and knowing I NEVER wanted to go out like that.
  • plargomar
    plargomar Posts: 17 Member
    About 2 years ago, my husband and I did a couple's biggest loser competition with friends for ours...winner getting to go to dinner of their choice. We won with the most weight loss. At that time, I dropped almost 30 pounds. Since then, 15 have snuck back on. I should have kept going but I just let life get in the way.

    I can stil see the scale going up if I don't do something so I am trying to get back on the wagon. When I was in the prime of my weight loss time, I felt fantastic. I was running and enjoying it! I felt sexy and my libido was sky high.

    Not so much. We go for a month or so before we "connect" nowadays. THAT does NOT work for me. If I get sexy at a 30lb loss...How's 50 lbs more lost gonna make me feel...??

    I'm tired...of pictures, clothes shopping, not playing with my kids, of being successful at everything else but this one stupid thing in my life.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I posted here already, but had another moment where I KNEW I had to change. I went on a humanitarian trip to Africa in January, and everyone else that went is a runner (marathon-runner, triathlete, etc). I was DYING in longer sleeves, longer skirts, even shapewear, and trying to keep up with the group kicked my *kitten*.

    I'm going to try and go back again in the winter of 2014, for a 3 month stay, and I need to be much, much trimmer by then. Living at my goal weight would be grand.