premenstral weight gain

Hi people; I have been observing that people have commented on their weight gain over the holiday period- someone said they gained a pound or two- that kind of thing. For me it is hard to relate as my weight can fluctuate a few kilos (4 or more pounds) in a day- especially at the time of my period. That is one reason i only record weight loss or gain every few weeks when either seems real. What are other's experiences. Also are there any ideas about lessening this as a long with the weight fluctuations come many other unpleasant symptoms. Googling brings a lot of hits- but what has worked for you?


  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    You're right not to weigh yourself too often because weight can fluctuate on a day to day basis. A lot of people find that it's better to weigh themselves no more than once a week, maybe even just once a fortnight, in the same circumstances, e.g. same day, first thing in the morning before breakfast after using the bathroom. That will minimise any fluctuations. However there will still be some and you should look for a general pattern overall. Also if you know you gain weight premenstrually, then you know it will come off again in a week or so and so don't worry about it.

    Also you could try measuring body fat percentage and inches. I find inches and how my clothes fit is a much better indicator of progress than the scale, because you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, your weight would stay the same but you'd be thinner and healthier.
  • snugglesworthjr
    snugglesworthjr Posts: 176 Member
    I completely agree with dhakiyya
  • WalkWell
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I used to have a big daily water gain and monthly gain.. I cut wheat it dropped from around 5lb daily to 1 lb and monthlies from 6-10lbs to around 4lb gain, it also came off quicker!

    Weighing is useful to discover your trends that are usual for you, then you know whether you ate too much or its just water, I found it stopped me panicking as much if it went up by a few pounds and certainly after I dropped wheat so the fluctuations aren't as severe I'm much more relaxed about it!