Diabetes Support Group

I'm looking to meet with people who have diabetes.

I ended up in the hospital 2 1/2 weeks ago and was diagnosed with diabetes. My sugar level was over 800 and my blood pressure was over 230. I was told that I should have been in a coma or dead. I was very close to both. I was in CCU for two days and in the hospital for four. I am now checking my sugar four times a day and giving myself shots four times a day. This sucks!!!! To make matters worse, I do not have any health insurance because I was laid off from my job a while back and was only able to find a part-time teaching position. Total cost of hospital say: $5000 (after 80% discount). Total cost of diabetes supplies, doctor visits and tests for one month: $1000. My bank accoiunt is non-existant at the moment. I can't live like this. I have to beat thiis disease by losing weight and exercising. It's time for me to get serious.

Is there anyone else out there trying to beat diabetes? Want to form a group? I would love to share strategies and tactics.


  • kiwigal111
    kiwigal111 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there... you've been through a rough time of it lately......
    I'm a type 2 diabetic and am interested in joining a diabetic group.

    hang in there...
  • bob4491
    Hi, I just joined MFP and am a Type 2 diabetic. I am also interested in joining the group. I also found the group for Diabetics by searching Groups.
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    Type 2 here as well. I hate to hear that it came at you so fast and hard. I was warned for over a year and didn't listen then in April it hit full force and I had to be placed on meds (no shots TG) and start w/ the whole finger sticking. Since I have lost 43 pounds and managed to keep it off....now I'm working on getting the rest off and with luck kicking this to the curb. My readings have been perfect for 2+ months and my a1c was a 6 (excellent) and my doc said he was jealous..ha!

    I started by leaving reg pop and going to only diet and then leaving my junk for behind little by little. It took/takes some getting use to and I have a bad day here and there but for the most part I'm winning...ha ha.

    I think a group would be wonderful and I'm getting ready to start adding some info for diabetics to my MFP blog. I may start that this morning. I know for me.....I'm a CNA...but I didn't know as much about diabetes as I thought I did and since diagnoses have had to learn a lot. I think a group would be a wonderful thing and a great place for those new to the disease to learn and get support from those with more experience.

    :sad: Heather
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    I posted a lot of diabetic info in my blog and even posted some recipes for everyone. If ya get a chance take a look...some seem really good.
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    I've never been one to set back and wait and i ramble more then I should...ha ha....anywho...I'm gonna start up a group for everyone and as soon as I get in line (a day or two) I'll post the info for everyone. PLEASE pass this around for everyone and lets see if we can get all up, running, and enjoyed before the weekend...LOL> :love:
  • hluvj76
    hluvj76 Posts: 25 Member
    The group has been set up and now we have to get everything lined out and get it full of members. Pass it along and let's see if we can fill it with members and ideas!
