What am I doing wrong?

So I have been working out regularly since October. To start I get up every morning at 3:30 am, do an elliptical program (short on Monday and Wednesdays, long on Tuesday and Thursdays) and some sit-ups, lunges etc., I then do a spinning class every Monday, a Step Class every Wednesday, and a strength training program after each class. I am also doing the Isogenix program (2 shakes a day, reg meal in pm). I had to to have the left side of my thyroid taken out in July and am still trying to get that level under control with medication..... I have lost 10, gained 10, lost 5 gained 5... am in this plateau area. Whats worse my husband who mind you did have a lot more weight to loose than me, has been doing the Isogenix plan NO working out and has lost almost 15 lbs! WHAT the heck! I am so discouraged, yet I get up and continue the process EVERYDAY! What am I doing wrong??

HELP! krcbauer


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    So I have been working out regularly since October. To start I get up every morning at 3:30 am, do an elliptical program (short on Monday and Wednesdays, long on Tuesday and Thursdays) and some sit-ups, lunges etc., I then do a spinning class every Monday, a Step Class every Wednesday, and a strength training program after each class. I am also doing the Isogenix program (2 shakes a day, reg meal in pm). I had to to have the left side of my thyroid taken out in July and am still trying to get that level under control with medication..... I have lost 10, gained 10, lost 5 gained 5... am in this plateau area. Whats worse my husband who mind you did have a lot more weight to loose than me, has been doing the Isogenix plan NO working out and has lost almost 15 lbs! WHAT the heck! I am so discouraged, yet I get up and continue the process EVERYDAY! What am I doing wrong??

    HELP! krcbauer

    How many calories you eating? You are probably under eating and that is why you guy is losing more as his body is grtting the nutrtition he needs while you are burning it all.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    I feel your pain!!! Weight loss happens outside of the gym and it comes down to your meals. What does your meal plans look like? Are you under or over your calories? Sometimes you have to go over your calories for a couple of weeks and then go back to under to boost your metabolism. Your body will get used to the routine

    Are you seeing a change in how you look/feel? I have been stuck at the same weight for MONTHS but I am leaning out with muscle....(5lbs of fat = 5lbs of muscle) Don't let anyone tell you differently!!

    So let us know what your meal plans are and hope we can help out

    Add me if you would like support!!

  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Without more info, my immediate thought would be that you are UNDER eating. That is a lot of activity BUT not much food.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Just saw your diet and its pretty bad. Most days you severely under eat and on days you do eat its a ton of bad calories. There is no fruit or veggies, you are even getting 1200 calories most days and with that type of workouts you are doing, you are probably jn need of 2000. You need to stop the diet and start eating right.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    a) you will undoubtedly be gaining muscle with all that exercise, which may be contributing to the regains though you will probably be toning up - are you noticing a change in how your clothes fit/how your body looks?

    b) Are you eating enough? If your body isn't getting adequate nutrition and calories, it will refuse to lose weight - I'd encourage you to lose the shakes and start eating regular, healthy foods for your meals. Equally, when you do eat, are you eating well in conjunction with all this exercise?

    c) Are you getting enough sleep? If you're getting up at 3.30am, you may be experiencing a massive sleep-deficit, unless you're going to bed at 7 or 8pm. A lot of studies show that sleep-deficits can contribute to trouble with weight loss, especially for women.

    d) have a chat to your doctor - if your medication for the thyroid issue isn't settling yet, it may need to be adjusted.

    Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You dont eat enough. You would benefit more from eating well and creating a caloric deficit through a workout routine. Cardio and weight lifting.
    So a good number to start with untill you do all the numbers would be between 1600-1800 calories.
    Then try to go for a daily burn of appx 400 calories.

    Google Fat to Fit Radio tools. Do the military body fat tool then the BMR calculator.
    On the BMR calculator select what calories best suit your activity level then eat those calories daily.
    As for the thyroid I would ask your doctor about how to set up your macros.
    Typical set up would be 1g protein per lean body mass pound.
    .45-.6g fat per lean body mass pound.
    Carbs will bring up the rear.

    Hope this helps!

    Oh yea! It takes appx 2 weeks for the body to adjust to a new routine so you may not see much change till then but it will change!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    <moderator edited>
    And just eat to your goals - no more - no less.

    And go with fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, nuts and low fat dairy.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    If you are under medication after your operation you should talk to your doctor about what diet and exercise regime you should be following. I would advise you to seek their advice rather than seek advice here, as your medication is likely to affect your weight loss.

  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there! I agree, you are under eating, and then for the foods you are eating, they are not ful-filling enough (nutrient wise). You would need to add in a cleaner food diet. Clean foods are healthy, and your body will use them more. Have you ever heard of Michi's Ladder? If you eat basically all out of tiers 1 & 2 of Michi's Ladder, you will burn calories and lose weight (the healthy way).

    I can send you the link to it if you want. Send me your email in a private message:)

    You will hit your goals:)
  • merrick7871
    merrick7871 Posts: 161 Member
    I completely understand. I started walking last summer, walk an hour every evening normally 5 days a week. In October I started working out, an hour to hour and a half 6 days per week. I am on 1200 calories a day and usually am right on target, going over a couple of days a week but only by around 200 - 300 calories. I am fluctuating between 165 - 170 and cant get below. I am not giving up but as I know the exercise is good for me, but am so frustrated!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    Your body may have fallen into a schedule. Once you have been doing a particular exercise repeatedly without changing it, (when you do it, how long you do it, ect.) your body gets used to the change and becomes used to the exercise and expects it. Keep your body guessing. You could go to the gym one day, then go for a long walk with family and/or friends the next day.

    I personally have no workout plan when I get up in the morning. I have a 2 1/2 month old daughter who dictates my schedule, so sometimes my exercise is cleaning my apartment, sometimes it's Wii Sports, other times it's walking in the mall. My body never knows what I have planned for it from day-to-day.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Going to echo that your eating isn't the best. Asuming you're logging everything, there are days you don't eat a meal, days you massivly undereat, then day you massivly overeat.

    You don't have to eat 100% clean but you need to eat consistent.

    Losing weight is 80% diet, 20% gym. Very old saying, you can't outtrain a bad diet.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I would suggest cutting back on the alcohol. Maybe try a glass of wine with dinner instead of mixed drinks? It can't be great to be drinking that much right after surgery. Try this for foods:

    Fried egg with 1/4 cup low fat shreaded cheese on a multigrain bagel slim (~300 cals)

    Deli sandwich on a deli slim with a salad (good veggies: lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, dressing (lite), small amount of cheese? mix it up)

    Laughing cow light cheese with trisuts
    100 calorie snack pack of nuts (great for portion control

    Lean cut of meat, some roasted or steamed veggies and whole grain pasta or brown rice or a baked potato?)
    Use spices or marinades for flavoring

    If you eat out, check the menu for calories before hand and choose wisely.
  • krcbauer
    krcbauer Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! I've been busy and not been paying much attention to my diet during the Christmas week, but getting back on track... I will try those ideas, they seem logical - thanks again!