Protein shakes?? recipes for homemade?

I would like to use protein/meal replacements for at least one of my meals as I sometimes just can't be bothered with eating yet if I skip meals, end up eating chocolate. I actually have realised, after using this site, that I had often been under-eating real food and filling up my calories with chocolate!!

I looked at the meal replacements in the shop, but they seem so full of artificial crap- which I try not to eat much of. Id like to make a protein shake from scratch that can be used as a meal replacement. I am thinking a yoghurt smoothie but want to add some extra good stuff. can anyone suggest something? oat bran? LSA? I am not sure what would be best.



  • reddoorjess
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Step 1
    Pour 1 cup of milk or water into a blender or food processor. For added protein, use milk, which provides approximately 8g of protein per 8 oz. For a lighter, lower-calorie shake, use water. You can also use soy milk, almond milk and rice milk, which provide nutrients, smoothness and protein. For specific dietary information, check beverage nutrition labels for protein content and choose the beverage that best suits your preferences and goals.

    Step 2
    Add 1 cup of yogurt, or ½ cup cottage cheese or tofu (use silken) to the liquid and blend mixture on high for 30 to 60 seconds, or until smooth. For improved digestive health, choose yogurt. The American Dietetic Association recommends yogurt as a healthy source of probiotics, or healthy bacteria, that may support digestive regularity or reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance. Cottage cheese has approximately 15g of protein per ½ cup and is a wise choice if you're working to build muscle or seeking denser amounts of protein for other reasons. Choose tofu if you adhere to a vegan or non-dairy lifestyle, or if you prefer the taste.

    Step 3
    Add 1 cup of fruit and 1 or 2 tbsp. nuts, peanut butter or seeds, if desired, to the blender and pulse five to 10 times, or until partially blended. Once larger pieces have reduced to small pieces or the mixture is smooth, increase the blender to high speed and blend until to preferred consistency.

    Ground flax seeds and walnuts provide omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats the body can't produce on its own. Nuts, seeds and peanut butter provide heart-healthy fats, which aid in nutrient absorption and will make your shake more filling. If you are following a doctor-recommended low-calorie diet, you may wish to prepare shakes without these ingredients, as they are dense sources of calories.

    Step 4
    Serve immediately, if possible. If you have leftover shake, save it in a tightly covered container and store in the refrigerator. Once ready to finish your shake, make sure the top is fastened tightly, then shake before drinking, as some ingredients may separate or settle.

    I got this info from the livestrong website.