Back and more determined! :D

:bigsmile: Hi everyone :) So I was on here a little while ago, was doing okay, lost 9 lbs and had lots of helpful friends :)

However I lost motivation gave up and put the weight back on :( and also those friends have obviously deleted me which is understandable,

But now i'm back, even more determined! I'm single after 2 years and ready to start again :)

Please ADD ME so we can be friends and help eachother :)!



  • Added you! I was doing really well before the holidays, and then as soon as the Christmas days came around BOOM, back to the old ways. :') So getting back on track for 2012 though, yay! Hopefully, we can work together. :D
  • I will add you as well know what you are going through!!
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    plz add me for mutual support
  • staceeyxox
    staceeyxox Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks guys! It definetly helps when you have lots of friends to keep you going :)

    I know Christmas is a hard time to watch what you eat, but its a new year now and a great time to start again :)
  • I added you
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    You can add me as well if you want to! I fell off track and had friends delete me as well.
  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Morning, everyone. I aldo had junk food from Christmas Day :drinker: to yesterday,, but today starts a new Day, and I wish everyone the best and we could do it, Because we are determine.:smile: