Greetings from Essex!

Hi there, my name is Melissa and i live in Essex. This is the 1st time ive been on my fitness pal and im hoping its gonna work for me. Im 32 and had a baby just over 5 months ago. Im looking to lose my post baby bulges of 2 1/2 stone and my added insentive is my wedding and honeymoon in September! Im really determined to get back in shape and also get back into my wardrobe without buying new clothes! Would love to make some friends here so we can support each other x


  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    MFP is a tool. Instead of hoping it works for you, try thinking of it like this: You can drive a nail into a board using a hammer easily. However, the speed and success with which is done depends on the effort you put into it. MFP is no different. You will get out of it what you put into it. The good thing is that your success does not rest on the shoulders of MFP, but on YOU! We are here and more than ready and willing to help, but we expect a true effort in return. It's an equal trade off (at least that's how I survive, lol). In either case, I wish you all the best in your journey!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello! welcome to mfp. Congrats on your baby. Mfp is fab for weight loss, ive lost my baby weight on here, made some new friends and learnt a lot about food and exercise. Keep logging EVERYTHING and increase the amount of fluids you drink, and get some exercise in daily- walking with the stroller burns loads! i used to do that when my daughter was little.
    good luck! feel free to add me :)
  • melissa221979
    melissa221979 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the advice... Im aware it is a tool and not gonna do everything for me. Im just looking for a bit of support, not a lecture thankyou
    Maria thankyou x
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Hi there, I'm in Essex too :smile:

    I've lost a lot of weight this last year or so. Some of it with the help of MFP. I'm now maintaining my weight - well actually maybe losing a little because who knows what damage I did in the past two weeks!
  • KevMilleruk
    KevMilleruk Posts: 12 Member
    good luck to you, you have the perfect incentive to succeed.
  • melissa221979
    melissa221979 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there, I'm in Essex too :smile:

    I've lost a lot of weight this last year or so. Some of it with the help of MFP. I'm now maintaining my weight - well actually maybe losing a little because who knows what damage I did in the past two weeks!

    Well done for the weight loss!! Glad that MFP has been of use to you, Where in Essex are you? add me as a friend if you like x
  • ItsBcoz
    ItsBcoz Posts: 26 Member
    I'm an Essex girl too .... just outside colchester
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
  • elarvor
    elarvor Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm also from Essex - Chelmsford. I joined MFP last May but didn't really use it properly until July last year and managed to loose 20lbs really quickly by using MFP. Then some would say I fell off the wagon over Christmas and gained 5lbs (surprised it wasn't more) but decided almost 4 weeks ago to get my *kitten* in gear again and get focused. I've lost that 5lb I gained over Christmas and more in just under 4 weeks! I've made a few friends on here from America but it's always nice to make some friends with people who live more local to you.

    Good luck with your weight losses :happy: