Hello from Kent

Hi all - I have finally decided to take my weight loss seriously! Stumbled across the Iphone app which is fantastic and makes the calorie counting really simple.

Would be good to get in contact with other chaps who are also starting out and also anybody who may be interested in starting a walking group in/around Kent and the southeast.



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello, welcome to mfp in from the uk as well! i found it last year when i was looking for weight loss apps. The site is great and forums fab for support/motivation. try and add as many friends as you can as it helps! Log EVERYTHING you eat, if in doubt get the scales out and measure accurately. I quickly learned that eyeballing portions did not work for me. Drink plenty of fluids

    good luck, feel free to add me :)
  • Hi. I'm from Cornwall. I found the android app, but I'm delighted that the website links directly to the same account and I will be downloading the iPhone version as soon as I get some 3g or wifi! I initially looked at the Special K app just to see what it was all about but it tells you what meals you are having and although you can change them that doesn't work for my lifestyle.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • KevMilleruk
    KevMilleruk Posts: 12 Member
    hi there,

    im accross the river in sunny essex. just started running again in an attempt to get healthier

    best of luck to you.