Harcombe Diet

I'm thinking of doing the Harcombe Diet to power up my weight loss. It seems to be along the 'no processed foods' methodology, as well as not combining carbs with proteins.

Anybody tried it and got results?


  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    never head of this, but interested to see how you get on.

    Im on day 4 of the Dukan diet and been getting compliments from everyone already!!! i cant beleive the difference low carbs does for your figure!
  • I have been on the Harcombe Diet since 1 September 2011 - lost weight, never hungry, never tired and now that I have also given up wheat I don't have painful joints.

    It is easy to follow - just eat Real Food - nothing with contents you can't recognise, drop the sugar. So you eat loads of veggies and meat/fish/chicken/seafood. You can eat wholegrain but I don't choose to.

    Fruit, preferably berries are fine. Don't combine meat and starchy foods - ie basic food combining such as spaghetti with meat is not good, spaghetti with veggies and tomato sauce is fine.

    No brainer diet for me as it is easy.
  • auryn2278
    auryn2278 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in Phase 1, so we will see what results in day 5. I tried it a few weeks ago and lost weight (5.6lbs) but gave into the Holidays and now I have to start over. Glad to see other people are having success. It is really hard trying to accept that EVERYTHING we were taught about fats/ carbs/ weight loss is either wrong or twisted into half truths. But i guess you ahve to take a leap of faith! I figured why not, I have tried ever other diet... can't hurt when you are being told to eat REAL food!
  • Harcombe really works! I am now down 100 lbs! I am going to do phase 3 for a while and maintain. Then I'll decide if I want to switch back to phase two again and lose a little more.

    I ate a LOT of food on phase 2 and was never hungry. I set MFP to "maintain" and used it as a tracker for my food and exercise, and most days I ate all my "needed calories" or more. So my results seem to have proved that counting your calories does not matter, and that a different approach like Harcombe is a better way to lose weight.

    Please let me know if you try it and if you have the same great results that I did.

    Warm regards,

  • http://theharcombediet.com/

    Is this the correct diet?


    Is this real? So I can eat as much of the foods listed as I want and lose weight?
  • Yes, that is the correct link.

    it's real and it worked for me and has worked for my other friends that have tried it. I was quite disciplined about not mixing my fat and carb meals, cutting out sugar and processed foods, and avoiding phase 3 foods when I was focusing on losing weight, and it worked. And I ate a lot of food.

    Please let us know if you try it and how it works for you.

  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Might look into this, out of curiosity. Sounds to be a combination of food combining and low carb from what I looked at on her website, along with basic common sense regarding cutting down on/out processed, sugary foods.