Feeling lost. Moved from Canada to North Carolina

My family and I moved here (Durham) this fall and I am having a very hard time getting back on track. Anyone out there have suggestions for me to find my groove again? I do not have any income to join a gym or other classes and do not have any friends in the area to go out with so I do not know what to do.

Thank you for any help or advise you can give.



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i went to school down there - the durham area has some amazing hiking trails. it's a hardcore workout that feels like a simple walk in the woods. you are now in the land of mostly mild winters, so outdoor jogging year-round is totally possible. find a nearby park that's well-lit and lace up the sneakers.

    when summer rolls around, find a place where you can swim - hopefully for free - b/c that heat gets INTENSE.

    good luck!!
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    I've spent some time in Durham over the years, they do have awesome hiking out there.. also I believe they have a :"walking group" or I think they call it a walking society.. people that get together and walk together.. I would utilize google and look for that type of thing in the area.

    also... just a thought because I do not know your circumstance but maybe see if a gym is hiring.. part time or full time.. that way.. get paid and get access to a gym. just a random thought.. best of luck!!
  • ladybird_
    ladybird_ Posts: 55 Member
    Unfortunately I am not aloud to work under the terms of my VISA, so there is no chance of income to start using a gym :(
  • bodygood1972
    bodygood1972 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to Canada! I here your frustration. Can you get any walking in? If you have any dvd's you can watch I find it helps. Are there any gyms in you area? Sometime you can get a week or 2 for free to try them or if you have time, volunteering will give you a free membership. Somethings to try.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    I know how that feels. We moved from Alberta to Ohio 4 years ago. Its funny how you think the States are the same as Canada...but it just isn't. Sometimes you just crave the familiarity of coloured money....or Shreddies...or a quick trip to Tim Hortons. Sometimes it feels very lonely. I also can't work under the terms of my visa but I have 4 kids (had 2 since we've been here) so that has kept me occupied. I've managed to make friends through my kids friends parents. When we first moved and I was having troubles getting motivated I had looked at volunteering (I was a figure skater so I had checked out the local club). There are also newcomers groups or check out organizations on Meetup.com. There must be some walking, hiking or biking groups on there?
    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you need a Canadian in the US to share your homesickness!
  • Buy a set of dumbbells and an 8-12lb kettlebell. Try body weight exercises. There's lots you can do! Here's a link to about a million different workout videos.

  • You can look into volunteering at a gym in exchange for a membership. Places like the YMCA usually offer opportunities like this plus you can maybe get to know people through your volunteering.
  • I live in Northeast Tennessee, even though I have lived here all my life.. I do feel your pain. I can't imagine moving that distance. I moved 2 miles once and it took me forever to unpack. ANYWAY. My advice is to get to know the new area as much as you can. I'm not familiar with Durham but I'm sure there are some hiking trails around you somewhere for the Spring and Summer months. The south is a beautiful place to hike and swim but again, that is mostly seasonal.
  • Hi,
    I was doing really well and fell off the wagon some time ago and feel like I'm chasing that wagon to hop back on too. I started back on today...got up early and started my Zumba fitness on the Wii. I burned 310 for a 20 min workout. buy or rent any of these. If you have cable, on demand they have an array of workout videos. Hope this helps. You have a new friend.
  • Good luck with the transition. There is William B. Umstead State Park not too far from Durham. There are a lot of nice trails through there for running or walking.

  • exp_lauren
    exp_lauren Posts: 29 Member
    Have you tried fitness DVDs? A tough but very effective one is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. All you need to go with them are some hand weights and a yoga mat if you don't have carpet. These are inexpensive one-time investments ... the video is just $7 on Amazon.com right now. The workouts are killer but only 20 minutes ... I found I was more likely to commit to 20 minutes at home each morning than to go to a gym anyway. And if you check these forums, there are often lots of people working on these workouts together in a virtual sense.