Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants -- Week 17



  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi everyone!!
    Welcome to Summerbaby!
    Well we survived another round of shots, yucky:indifferent: . You'd think I was the one that got poked, cuz I don't feel real great today. Just no energy. Did the crunches yesterday, not yet today. I'm hoping for more energy. Is everyone else still doing parts of the couch to 5K thing? Where's everyone at on it? I was wondering if anyone would like to do a 5K sometime and then report back here on our times? Just wondering....
  • hopetobeinshape
    AWw Kacee Im sorry for both you and your little one, needles are no fun :frown: I am still doing the 5k but I have to admit I am a horrible runner...really. I am sure it is all in my head but I cant run for long at all. I am still on week 4 of the c to 5k. I just think I need to do it more often than three days a week to be able to build up to the 5k portion. Which week are you in?

    How about the other C 2 5k ers? How are you guys doing? Are you finding it difficult to run for long periods?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    AWw Kacee Im sorry for both you and your little one, needles are no fun :frown: I am still doing the 5k but I have to admit I am a horrible runner...really. I am sure it is all in my head but I cant run for long at all. I am still on week 4 of the c to 5k. I just think I need to do it more often than three days a week to be able to build up to the 5k portion. Which week are you in?

    How about the other C 2 5k ers? How are you guys doing? Are you finding it difficult to run for long periods?

    i am in week 5 and i am finding it hard to do day 3, which is running for 2 miles/20 mins. its a big leap... so i am kind of at a standstill at week 5 day 2ish. id love to be able to run a 5k in the near future, but am not sure what i need to jump start my progress again...

    crunches have been good for me, but they are part of my regular routine 4 days a week, so upping it to 7 is a bit painful but not horrible.
  • hopetobeinshape
    AWw Kacee Im sorry for both you and your little one, needles are no fun :frown: I am still doing the 5k but I have to admit I am a horrible runner...really. I am sure it is all in my head but I cant run for long at all. I am still on week 4 of the c to 5k. I just think I need to do it more often than three days a week to be able to build up to the 5k portion. Which week are you in?

    How about the other C 2 5k ers? How are you guys doing? Are you finding it difficult to run for long periods?

    i am in week 5 and i am finding it hard to do day 3, which is running for 2 miles/20 mins. its a big leap... so i am kind of at a standstill at week 5 day 2ish. id love to be able to run a 5k in the near future, but am not sure what i need to jump start my progress again...

    crunches have been good for me, but they are part of my regular routine 4 days a week, so upping it to 7 is a bit painful but not horrible.

    Jess- are you running outside or on the treadmill?
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    AWw Kacee Im sorry for both you and your little one, needles are no fun :frown: I am still doing the 5k but I have to admit I am a horrible runner...really. I am sure it is all in my head but I cant run for long at all. I am still on week 4 of the c to 5k. I just think I need to do it more often than three days a week to be able to build up to the 5k portion. Which week are you in?

    How about the other C 2 5k ers? How are you guys doing? Are you finding it difficult to run for long periods?

    i am in week 5 and i am finding it hard to do day 3, which is running for 2 miles/20 mins. its a big leap... so i am kind of at a standstill at week 5 day 2ish. id love to be able to run a 5k in the near future, but am not sure what i need to jump start my progress again...

    crunches have been good for me, but they are part of my regular routine 4 days a week, so upping it to 7 is a bit painful but not horrible.

    Jess- are you running outside or on the treadmill?

    not on a treadmill, but when i run i run on either the indoor or outdoor track (due to previous knee injury, want to start out safe).
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    been super stressed got screwed with my presentation i swear ill explain when im not so tired short version minus interesting parts didnt have time 2 go anxiety till tues when i can go. tom last day of internship and counting down to wed summer wish i was feeling better about weight but i feel like a whale will b better on here when my life becomes my own again and not schools?

    gonna do those crunches starting tom anyone know how i can get that ticker that count crunches?
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    UHG. I'm sick. :grumble:

    I didn't get the crunches in last night, partially due to being sick and partially because our power was out all day (which was a lame excuse, I just kept telling myself I'd do it when the lights came back on, but they didn't until like 2am).

    I did do them Wednesday, and I'll try to do them today, if I feel better. Maybe I can do them triple tomorrow. :laugh:
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Ari - I am sorry that things are a little rough for you right now.

    Kacee - Shots are no fun even if you aren't the one getting poked. I am glad to hear that you survived another round.

    I did manage to get a good night's sleep last night and feel well rested. I am hoping to do a long walk at lunch, and then some step aerobics on Saturday. :-)

    What are everyone's plans for the weekend?
  • SummerBaby73
    SummerBaby73 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all...Just finished with my 100 crunches for today. I didn't get them in yesterday because I fell asleep watching The Hulk. By the time I woke it was well after midnight! But I did make sure I got them in today...:drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm sick again, and back on antibiotics!!! I am starting to feel a little better, but am coughing, not sleeping very well, and my head is all congested. I hope all is better by Monday-I'm starting my next phase of P90X, and have a racquetball date with my husband...:sick:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    just sending my luv to all counting down to wed now thurs afternoon then everything gets in high gear exercise and food hard core for birthday
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Okay, I'm back, I really am this time. :) Send me some love!
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    HI Y'ALL! I just couldn't wait to tell SOMEONE! I just weighed my self and I finally broke the 143 plateau and hit 142! I know, big woop. :blushing: For me though, it is great. I've been trying to break that 143 for weeks!:bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    HI Y'ALL! I just couldn't wait to tell SOMEONE! I just weighed my self and I finally broke the 143 plateau and hit 142! I know, big woop. :blushing: For me though, it is great. I've been trying to break that 143 for weeks!:bigsmile:

    CONGRATS CONGRATS - happy dance :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    so... this week/weekend was my boyfriends graduation from college and his parents came up and took us out to a LOT of nice meals. it was SO hard... i was pretty good, with one particularly bad day, but i exercised hard all but one day as well. im hoping tuesday's weigh in will not set me back, but i am only hoping to maintain this week. these next two weeks i have nothing to do though, so i am hitting the gym hard! very excited and hopeful that it will pay off on the scale :)

    Ahmee - congrats on breaking the plateau!! that's amazing!

    Teresa - feel better! i feel your pain, i have a cough i just can't seem to shake and am still having trouble breathing when i exercise. such a drag!

    Also, i have only been here a few weeks, so i am not sure if you all have done this, but how about a fruits and veggies challenge? i have been eating a lot more and it just fills you up! how about trying to get in the suggested 5 servings a day every day (and, thus, hopefully being fuller and not snacking unhealthily during the day). what does everyone think?
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Ahmee - Congrats on breaking your plateau

    Teresa - Feel better soon!

    This weekend was much better than my usual weekends in terms of food and exercise. I ate a lot of fruits/veggies and did 2 hours of step aerobics over the 3 days. Hubby and I also bought bikes so we can start biking together in the afternoons. I also was very daring and made a "Green Monster" smoothie for breakfast. I had read about these on numerous blogs and decided to make my own version:

    2 cups spinach
    1 6 oz. container of fat-free strawberry/bananna yoguft
    1/2 cup skim milk
    1/2 bananna
    5-6 ice cubes

    The green color was weird, but the taste was delish! I managed to get in 2 servings of veggies in my breakfast. I think these are going to be standard in my breakfast routine going foward.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks guys! I knew you would understand...:laugh: My hubby just sorta looked at me with that "wha?" expression...:grumble: My goal has become to get into a size 10 (finally made it to 12 from 18 a couple weeks ago! Yay me!). I love the name of this topic. It always makes me smile!

  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ok so tom is the big day last day of 1st yr of grad school and my presentation after that i can breath the stress (weight and all ) hopefully will go away and i can get back to weighing in with my peeps....i also will be uping my exercise cause ill b a bum this summer

    good luck everyone tom



    ps did my sit ups ne one know how i can get a situp ticker?