New Mom (8 week old daughter)... wedding in 172 days

Hey everyone

Looking for other people looking to loose weight and chat with. I started yesterday (sorry for the cliche). I had a baby 8 weeks ago and am getting married June 23rd. I gained a good chunk of weight with my baby, and was already a bit heavy before the pregnancy. Anywho, I am LOVING myfitnesspal so far! I mean, really, its been a day... but I have done weight watchers and I am loving this WAY more.

Anywho, looking for friends and other people going through the same struggles as me!




  • I would love to be your buddy! I have a 9 month old and am just not getting motivated.
  • sara_mom
    sara_mom Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome. The more motivation from others the better.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi. I'm Jillian. My daughter is eight months old.
  • monicamhenry
    monicamhenry Posts: 5 Member
    yes I would love to have someone to do this journey with. My daughter is 10 months old and I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I also have a 4 yr. old daughter so I keep busy with housework, preschool drop off, pick ups, taking care of the baby, and babysitting to make extra money. We can do this, a wedding is a really good incentive. I just turned 30 at the beginning of Dec. so I want to start my 30's with losing all this extra weight.