MOMS with babies, toddlers or young kids



  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I have a 6 year old girl, Caitlin and a 3.5 yr old boy Connor!!

    Alot of times I leave work, run and then go get them. I was working out at the house with them but they didnt enjoy it so now if I pick them up a little later they are cool with it because they dont want to sit through it. I recently got divorced from their dad but he's been helpful b/c we live across from a high school/elementary school and he watches them on the playground while I run on the track.
  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    hi can i be in on this too? I have a 7 month old boy and I gained 85lbs when i was pregnant i know OD. Well i have 17 more pounds to go and my head just isnt in it idk why i need support to.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I am probably the oldest mom here lol but it's nice to meet you all.

    I have 4 children, ages 21, 19, 3 (in June) and 1-1/2. I work full time in IT and I teach computer science at a college and the local prison (as a volunteer) part time (I work about 60 hrs a week), I also go to grad school (just one class at a time!). I may joke about my husbands part time slacker job at a video store (he has the same computer degrees I have) but he is the main caretaker of our kids - and he does a fabulous job! I couldn't do it without him.

    It's hard to find time to exercise, so I get up at 5 am so that I can get a workout in before I have to be at work at 8. My 19 yr old grumps about watching the kids (she's in college), but sometimes I have her watch them while I go for a quick run. Sometimes I have to wait until the kids are in bed (mainly my son, the 1-1/2 yr old) goes to bed so that I can sneak a workout in,
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    I am probably the oldest mom here lol but it's nice to meet you all.

    I have 4 children, ages 21, 19, 3 (in June) and 1-1/2. I work full time in IT and I teach computer science at a college and the local prison (as a volunteer) part time (I work about 60 hrs a week), I also go to grad school (just one class at a time!). I may joke about my husbands part time slacker job at a video store (he has the same computer degrees I have) but he is the main caretaker of our kids - and he does a fabulous job! I couldn't do it without him.

    It's hard to find time to exercise, so I get up at 5 am so that I can get a workout in before I have to be at work at 8. My 19 yr old grumps about watching the kids (she's in college), but sometimes I have her watch them while I go for a quick run. Sometimes I have to wait until the kids are in bed (mainly my son, the 1-1/2 yr old) goes to bed so that I can sneak a workout in,
    You have a 21 year old AND a 19 year old?!?!?!?!
    Wowzer!!!! You look AMAZING!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I was just about to log off and go have a nice glass fo wine and a bubble bath in our two person tub with the hubby and saw this, as my userid says, i'm a mom of 5.

    I'll read everything tomorrow and chat with ya then!!

    Good Night!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I have two little boys--4 and almost 2. I work half-time, and they're in preschool/day care just over 20 hours/week. My work schedule is very flexible (and I am NOT a morning person--early morning workouts are pure torture!), so I try to run 3-4 times/week, on the days they're in school and on the weekends when my husband is at home.
    I'd really, really, really like to lose the last few baby pounds by June 4 (my younger son's 2nd birthday, and I'll also be in my brother's wedding the next weekend), but we've been passing germs around the house and I've been having a hard time fitting in work-outs, first because of sick kids at home with me, then because I got it (nothing worse than trying to run with a sinus infection when the slightest movement makes your teeth hurt!).
  • jjopfer
    jjopfer Posts: 1
    I have three boys, 6 1/2, 4 1/2, and 21 months. I work full night shift, so finding time to work out is very difficult. I am trying to watch my diet and just recently started running again after a 7 year hiatus! I would not trade my crazy life for anything, but I wouldn't mind having my old body back! Good luck to everyone on here.
  • sarahlouise87
    I am soon to have a 2 year old and a 1 year old (5th june & 7th june) had them 12mo apart so put on alot of weight and struggling to get it off
  • mandyor
    mandyor Posts: 26
    Hi I have two children a boy of 14 years and a girl whos 2. They both keep me very busy. I work full time but it's shift work some 7.30 to 15:00 shifts and some 15:00 to 23:00 shifts. i find this so frustrating at times to sort dinners and get some exercise in. I try to go to curves and do the 30 minute work out 5 days a week and walk in and out of work which is a 40 minute walk.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I am probably the oldest mom here lol but it's nice to meet you all.

    I have 4 children, ages 21, 19, 3 (in June) and 1-1/2. I work full time in IT and I teach computer science at a college and the local prison (as a volunteer) part time (I work about 60 hrs a week), I also go to grad school (just one class at a time!). I may joke about my husbands part time slacker job at a video store (he has the same computer degrees I have) but he is the main caretaker of our kids - and he does a fabulous job! I couldn't do it without him.

    It's hard to find time to exercise, so I get up at 5 am so that I can get a workout in before I have to be at work at 8. My 19 yr old grumps about watching the kids (she's in college), but sometimes I have her watch them while I go for a quick run. Sometimes I have to wait until the kids are in bed (mainly my son, the 1-1/2 yr old) goes to bed so that I can sneak a workout in,
    You have a 21 year old AND a 19 year old?!?!?!?!
    Wowzer!!!! You look AMAZING!

    Thank you! Thats so kind of you to say :happy:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I have an 18 month son and work full time which is not conducive to losing weight. I am an Admin Coordinator for my department which is basically sitting on my butt mostly. My son is in school 3 days a week. When I get home from work the first thing I try to do is take a walk with my son through my development. Other then that I use my Wii after he goes to bed. My hubby works the closing shift so it is all me at night with my son.