I am alone

I am doing this life style change for myself.. With no help from any one.. How do I keep myself on the track I need to be with no one there to keep me from straying?


  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Log in here all the time! There are so many people on here that you can never feel alone in your journey.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm doing it alone too. Just think about the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle will have on YOU - the most important person. You don't need others to make a change for the better :) For extra support, MFP members can be very helpful as well :) Good luck to you, if you keep your mind on it, you can do it!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Get your support here. Try to get several friends to help motivate you and hold you accountable! You can do it!
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    You have started on this path for some very personal reasons. Keep them in the forefront of you mind (or even in a big note on the fridge!)

    You may not have anyone in your day to day life that is doing this with you, but you have found a great community of people that are in the same boat and want you to succeed. You can do this!
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hey why dont you add me and we can help each other xxx Just keep logging here and get the support YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    This site is full of people "doing it alone". Get yourself a bunch o' friends and poof! Instant alone-b-gone!
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with the others. Log in every day no matter what. I stopped for a while and gained so I'm back and motivated. It really helps tracking what you're taking in and feels amazing every da when young your exercise. Your journal will keep you honest with yourself and other members will keep you motivated. Feel free to send me a friend request. I need some accountability too this time around. Best of luck!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    eh! good question, I honestly just stopped caring about having someone there with me. It has to be for you or it won't work at all. I had exercise buddies at various times, and it works out for a little bit, but everyone has weight loss goals, but different ways of achieving those goals, and eventually you're still friends, but those goals clash and you have to go it alone.

    what makes this time different is that I still have buddies who like to exercise, or eat healthy but now I know I have to be my own keeper. if they decided they don't or can't make it to the gym, I go alone. I exercise at home if I have to, no excuses. and if I go out to a restaurant I try to prepare and not just order what seems acceptable to everyone else, or order something to make it seem like I'm not on a diet.

    put your heart into it, make sacrifices and you know at the end it was worth it all the hard work

    and PLUS you are here on MFP, you are never truly alone
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I did it on my own but the online support even just reading others stories helped me along the way. I truly believe if you want it, you can achieve it but YOU have to go after it. In the end you are only truly accountable to yourself.
  • Galletakek
    Most of us are doing it alone :). Im sure you can add lots of ppl who will help you. Good luck mama :D
  • alimarieban
    Looking for MFP friends and support too! Feel free to add me as a friend too! :-)
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm pretty much doing this alone too. I live with the boyfriend and he could care less, much less eat anything healthy! D: So, doing it alone is better than staying fat. But like the others said, there are so many other people on here doing it alone too! Everyone is so supportive, so just log on and record everyday and BAM! Instant encouragement. It is wonderful.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I am doing this life style change for myself.. With no help from any one.. How do I keep myself on the track I need to be with no one there to keep me from straying?
    If any of your motivation is dependent on another, forget it.
    We all need encouragement and fellowship; however, motivation - real motivation is 100% internal.

    There are all sorts of external motivations which are just not lasting, so find that fire inside and let your passions for fitness and health ignite that desire.

    I associate great pleasure with success and intense pain with failure.
    I never have any issues with motivation. NONE!

    Good luck!
    You can do this.
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I have lost 80 pounds all on my own. I have not used a program have not had a personal trainer and have not had anyone helping me with my food choices!!

    You can do it!
  • pyknicpie
    Log log log log log log log, then friend, friend, friend, friend, friend!

    It's those great MFpals out there that help you do it!

    Good luck and hang on in there til it becomes a habit.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you really, really want to see results, you'll stick with it, regardless of who you have to help you along the way.
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    You have come to the right place!! There is so much support here its hard not to be positive!!
  • zippy007
    Here's something I think many would agree with. Try not to make fitness a large shift in your lifestyle, i.e., you don't want to burn-out by coming a fitness nazi. This happened to me, i.e., I HAD to go to the gym every other day, and I HAD to do 50 min. of fast calorie burning stair-steppers, and I HAD to watch everything I ate. I got in great shape, but it was unrealistic for me at the time.

    Rather, make fitness a REGULAR part of your weekly regime, like, walking to a nearby activity (instead of driving), or taking the stairs (instead of the elevator), or (this is a hard one), not eating dinner while watching the tube, or, instead of reaching for a pop, drink water, etc. etc.. I know have a more realistic gym schedule: I make it to the gym once each weekend and spend 2 hours there doing SOMETHING. Even shooting hoops burns calories (and BTW, is a GREAT way to stay in shape and have fun). In truth, I go to the gym either Sat or Sun,..and fit in an evening session during the week after work.

    The key is to make fitness a unthought-of habit of yours, and fattening activities (being a couch potato, driving instead of walking) less of one.

    Also, remember that most of your bad habits became yours due to our consumerism-based society. You don't need to eat desserts to be happy, you don't need to get slooshed on New Years to have a good time, you don't need to buy all that CRAP on TV to be someone. As an individual, you can simply turn-off the programming we get bombarded by by simply realizing that all of this is making some wall-street scumbag richer, at your expense. Be good to the most important person in the universe: THATS YOU! No one else, or nothing else is as important.

    Good luck with your plans.
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    Step 1 - add a bunch of friends, me included. Step 2- Check in everyday and log food/exercise. Step 3- Smile when people applaud your efforts or kick your butt depending on the need of the day. Add me!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you have yourself so no you are not alone. I challenge myself. I have small goals that i work hard to meet. if i dont have the goals written then it fades in memory really fast.. i join fitness and weight challenges at the gym too which REALLY keeps me motivated because i hate to lose !!