29 and want to be healthy

I am wanting to just feel healthier. I have had two kiddos and was able to lose all weight plus more with the first one but I guess the second is a different story. I also have stomach issues and am wanting to just eat healthier not only to lose weight but to feel better. I weigh about 158 and people are usually shocked to hear that (well the people that I actually tell...haha) I wear a size 8 but should weigh much less due to my height (5'3). I am quite muscular and active but I want to bulk down and tone up. My husband has a degree in health and nutrition and has kind of given me the tools and information but sometimes as busy as we are with a 1 year old and 4 year old the plan does not always happen. I am excited though to start this journey!


  • melroseacker
    It says I joined in Sept but this is the first time I am actually doing, I set up an account but never followed through!
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Hey Welcome for real this time, and wishing you luck. Feel free to add me :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Welcome. sticking to this site will help you reach your goals.
  • mcrunner
    mcrunner Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there! I'll send you a friend request shortly. I totally understand where you are. I'm 32 and mom of two boys (7 and 4). My "baby weight" was the same story and I'm also trying to get stronger and leaner, and lose just a little weight. I'm all for accountability!
  • valewis82
    valewis82 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am in the same boat as you...29 with three kids 2,5,7.I have joined this site before, but starting today i am doing it right and sticking to it. I too have people surprised by my weight, but it's more because I am 5'11" rather than muscle haha...I love to work out, but I need that motivation to eat healthy. It's so hard with little ones! I will send you a friend request.