17 day diet

I just bought the 17 day diet and would love some company while I do it. Anyone want to challenge themselves to follow this plan for 17 days? I was thinking I would start Monday 1/9. That will give me time to read, grocery shop and find some buddies :)


  • princessjarvis
    What is it?? x
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not sure what this entails but if you explained I would be interested in partaking!
  • amlou26
    I have the book and I would love a buddy too! :)
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    17 Day Diet is a book. It has four 17 day cycles. Each cycle has a 17 day menu. I am planning to start with the first 17 days, which includes the meal plan and two 17 minute cardio workouts (of your choice).

    Example day #1 is: Breakfast: 2 scrambled egg whites, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 cup green tea, Lunch: Lg green salad topped with tuna and 1 tbsp olive olive ans 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 cup green tea, Dinner: grilled chicken and veggies, 1 cup green tea, Snacks: 6 oz sugsr free plain yogurt mixed with sugar free jam and one serving of fruit.

    I really need the structure of a planned meal diet right now. So, I plan to follow this diet as closely as possible. I have been doing a lot of cardio in the last few months without much results. So, I am planning to do the 17 minutes as intense as I can.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member

    I am starting the 17 day diet tomorrow!

    I went grocery shopping today for all the foods, and I made the chicken vegetable soup recipe in the book. It's *really* yummy! I did tweak it a bit by sauteeing the chicken and veggies in olive oil (and will use that as the daily Allowed Fat) --oh and I added some chopped cilantro.

    I have about 30 pounds I'd like to lose overall. :)
  • jaxx2011
    jaxx2011 Posts: 20 Member
  • susanmary88
    I was thinking of doing that, but that meal plan sounds really low cal, dont know if I would be able to keep it up. Would love to hear how it goes though....
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    CLA: Let us know how it is going :)

    I typed this up to put on my fridge:

    Phase 1

    17 min exercise every day


    Lean Proteins
    Salmon (can 2), Sole, Flounder, Catfish, Tilapia, Can Light Tuna
    Chicken & Turkey Breast, Ground Turkey, Eggs (2=1 serv, up 4 week), Egg Whites (4=1 serv)

    Cleansing Veggies
    Artichoke (inc hearts), Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Bell Peppers, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Green Beans, Greens, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Scallions, Spinach, Tomatoes, Watercress

    Low Sugar Fruit (2 servings a day, no fruit after 2pm)
    Apples, Berries, Grapefruit, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Prickly Pear, Prunes, Red Grapes

    Probiotic Foods (2 servings)
    Yogurt, inc Greek (sugar free, low fat, 6 oz = 1 serving)
    Kefir (1 c), Low fat acidophilus Milk (1 c), Yakult (50 cal bottle), Breakstone LiveAction Cottage Cheese (1/2 c), Reduced salt Miso dissolved in low-fat, low-sodium broth (1 tbsp), Tempeh (4 oz), Sauerkraut (1/2 c), Kimchi (1/2 c)

    Friendly Fats (1-2 Tbsp)
    Olive & Flaxseed Oil

    Condiments (min)
    Salsa, low-carb ketchup & marinara, lite soy sauce, fat free sour cream. Cheese & Dressings, low-fat & low sodium broth, Truvia, sugar free jams/jellies, veg cooking spray, salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard, herbs, spices

    First Thing Drink: 1 cup hot water with ½ a lemons juice

    Breakfasts ( 1 c Green Tea)
    2 scrambled egg whites & ½ grapefruit or other fruit
    6 oz yogurt + cup fruit
    2 hard boiled eggs + fruit
    Kefir Smoothie: 1 c unsweet Kefir, 1 c berries, 1 Tbsp no sugar jam or agave, 1 Tbsp flax oil
    Scrambled eggs ( 2 whole, 4 whites, or 1 whole/2 whites) topped with salsa & 1 apple or 1 cup berries
    Greek Egg Scramble: 4 egg whites, ¾ chopped red onion. ¼ diced tomato, 2 Tbsp reduced fat feta, 1/8 salt & pepper (mix and cook) + 1 orange
    ½ c live cottage cheese + 1 med pear
    Yogurt Smoothie: ½ c ac. Milk, 3 oz yogurt, 1 c berries

    Lunch (1 c Green Tea)
    Lg Salad topped with Tuna, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
    Super Salad: Greens, any allowed veggie, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 2 Tbsp balsamic
    Lg bowl Chicken-Veg Soup (pg 218)
    Marinated Veg Salad (pg 218) + 6 oz yogurt w/ fruit
    Spinach salad ( tomato, feta, 1 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp balsamic)
    Lettuce Wrap (pg 217)
    Grilled chicken tossed salad w/ 1 oil/2 vin
    Taco Salad (pg 217)
    Salmon Salad: 2 c salad/veggies, salmon, 1:2 dressing
    Nicoise Salad (pg 215)
    Balsamic Artichoke (pg 216) + 1 med apple
    Baked/Grilled Chicken, sliced Tomato, 1 med Orange
    Eggplant Parmesan (pg 219)
    Spicy Yogurt Dip & Veggies (pg 218)

    6 oz yogurt w/1-2 tbsp sugar free jam, 1 fruit serving
    Kefir smoothie
    Fruit or veggie and probiotic of choice

    Dinner (1 c Green Tea)
    Plenty of Grilled Chicken and steamed or raw veggies
    Plenty of grilled or baked salmon and steamed or raw veggies
    Plenty of roast turkey breast ot tenderloin, steamed carrots and asparagus
    Eggplant Parmesan (pg 219)
    Ground turkey patties / salad drizzled w/ 1:2 dressing
    Sesame Fish (pg 219)+ steamed veggies
    Stir-fry veggies & chicken w/ 1 tbsp oil, garlic, ginger, soy sauce
    Turkey Burgers, steamed veggie, salad w/ 1:2 dressing
    Chicken Marinated in Fat-Free Italian Dressing (broil or grill), steamed veggies
    Oven BBQ Chicken Breast (pg 220), salad
    Turkey Chili (pg 220), salad
    Baked or Grilled fish, veggies
    Roast Turkey/Chicken, tomato & onion salad w/ fat free salad dressing
    Broiled lean ground turkey, Marinated Vegetable Salad (pg 218)
    Steamed flounder or sole w/ lemon pepper, steamed broccoli
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    Went grocery shopping today and bought all but grapefruit (the store was out). Also, I tried drinking the lemon water this morning, ugh! I filled my cup too full. Tomorrow I will just drink 8 oz and get it over with fast. LOL. Anyone else ready for monday or already started?
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    Tonight's Dinner :) And it only took 20 minutes! I did change the recipe a bit, I switched out the butter for olive oil (probably could have just used 2 Tbsp) and eliminated the capers. It was yummy!


    I served it with steamed broccoli, which I steamed in this microwave steamer. It came out GREAT! Love this product! I have never steamed in the microwave before, but the broccoli came out so well I may never go back to cooking it on the stove. lol


    Looking at those two dishes placed on plates, I realized I should probably add another dish to fill up my boys. So, I cooked some macaroni and cheese. I wished I had something healthier for them. During my next trip to the grocery store, I need to remember to buy some boxes of rice and pasta. Anyone else have any ideas, for sides to add to my meals to fill up the other household members?
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I have done this diet on and off. There is a group for 17 dd people. You should join us!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    A group of us on here started on Jan. 1. Despite what people think, it's actually not low cal (or in a dangerous zone) if you're eating what you're supposed to. Most of us have ranged from about 1,100-1,400 cals. a day. Good luck! I'm on Day 6 and have lost 3.2 lbs. I haven't cheated at all and I feel so energized, patient, and excited to be eating clean!
  • moupton
    moupton Posts: 36 Member
    I started on the first too. It's an easy plan to follow and the food on the list is stuff that you can find. I weighed on Tuesday because of a challenge at work and lost 3 pounds. I was curious and weighed this morning and have another 4 pounds. I drink a lot of water and have been doing cardio with this. I like it. I stay full .
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Tonight's Dinner :) And it only took 20 minutes! I did change the recipe a bit, I switched out the butter for olive oil (probably could have just used 2 Tbsp) and eliminated the capers. It was yummy!


    I served it with steamed broccoli, which I steamed in this microwave steamer. It came out GREAT! Love this product! I have never steamed in the microwave before, but the broccoli came out so well I may never go back to cooking it on the stove. lol


    Looking at those two dishes placed on plates, I realized I should probably add another dish to fill up my boys. So, I cooked some macaroni and cheese. I wished I had something healthier for them. During my next trip to the grocery store, I need to remember to buy some boxes of rice and pasta. Anyone else have any ideas, for sides to add to my meals to fill up the other household members?

    I love capers. :)

    I like to have fish with a lighter startch. Maybe couscous, quinoa, or bulgur. Have you ever made tabbouleh? It is really easy to make. To cook bulgur, you basically soak it in hot water for about 15 minutes. To finish te tabbouleh you need lots of chopped parsley, chopped cucumbers, chopped tomatoes, lemon juice a touch of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Tasty and healthy. Couscous could easily be made the same way.
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    It looks like a good program to me. I'm hopeful :) I didn't realize there was a group, but now I see you all on the nutrition board :)

    Does anyone want to do a group challenge for the first 17 days, or should we all just join the nutrition group?
  • moupton
    moupton Posts: 36 Member
    Well, I started the 17 day diet on Jan 1, and as of jan 31 have lost 20 pounds. I have been sick and not following the diet which is why I have only lost 1 pound since then. I have followed the diet and have gone to the gym 5 -6 times a week, before getting sick. Starting again. I do believe it works.
  • sunshinecollins
    Starting the diet on 12/16/12. Want to get this show on the road. Tired of being tired of being uncommitted. Praying for strength to be committed to my commitment.