1200 calorie goal- confusion

Hi, I have been given a 1200 a day calorie goal, I'm quite confused as I keep hearing this is an absolute minimum you should have. For example, today I have ate I think around 1080? (check my food diary) I am being told I'm eating too few calories but I don't want to go over! I'm unsure on what to do :/

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks xx


  • That happens to me too. I was told by my doctor that I should eat a MINIMUM of 1200 a day to lose weight but I always eat under. I just can't seem to get near the 1200 one I get on a roll with my diet. Maybe my stomach shrinks or something, but I feel satisfied with a little over 1,000. If anyone else can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it too!
  • Mandys_Getting_Fit
    Mandys_Getting_Fit Posts: 70 Member
    What is your BMR? You should eat no less than that number.

    Example: I'm 5'3, 127 lbs. My BMR is around 1350. My total daily expediture is around 1650 by just going about my day to day activities (cleaning up the house, grocery shopping, making dinner, etc). Add a great 1 hour workout (burning 500 calories) and my body has used 2150 calories for the day. If I tried to eat only 1000-1100 calories in a day, I'd have zero energy because it would not be enough for me. Not even close. I try to keep my average daily calorie deficit to between 250 & 500 (which equates to 1/2 pound to 1 pound loss for the week).
  • You should eat 1200 cals. The way MFP gives you this goal assuming you are going to be exercising some to keep yourself under that goal. Starving yourself (by eating less-- if your body isnt use to it) is only going to make you GAIN weight....not lose it
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm also set at 1200. If at the end of the day I'm only at 1000 or something but I don't feel too hungry, I eat something high in calories that isn't too filling. For example, some nuts or a big spoonful of peanut butter (you could even make a peanut butter smoothie). Always gets me right around 1200 - if I'm still 20 cals or less under I don't worry about it.

    I can say from experience that you definitely DO need to eat your minimum to lose weight. I used to be eating under 1200 a day and was actually gaining weight; once I started eating the 1200 I began losing weight immediately.

    Good luck!
  • I'm in the same boat. I am allotted 1200 calories and I feel like if I eat anymore than that, I don't lose weight (past experiences). I try to exercise at least 30 minutes and eat my BMR calories. I'm still trying to figure this all out.
  • Carri1
    Carri1 Posts: 82 Member
    In a nutshell....STOP DIETING....and eat those 1200 calories or you WILL gain wt! If you "diet" it'll be short term. If you find a way to have all the things you like to eat and get to about 1200 calories...you will be more successful because you won't be dieting!
    Pretty cool if you ask me!
  • I was a bit confused by that as well, but I've noticed that when I add exercise, it then adds more calories. So your net goal is 1200 but if you do -600 calories of exercise, you can actually eat about 1800 calories. I average anywhere between 1300-1600 calories a day at this point. Because I do most of my exercising at night, I try to be careful all day so that if I don't end up exercising then I haven't hurt myself calorie-wise. But I too sometimes have trouble hitting 1200 when I'm super focused.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    One thing I found that helped me to get the 1200 when I couldn't was to buy like 90 calorie granola bars. They aren't overly filling where I would cutback elsewhere but would provide a little energy and help fill in the gap. I have always been an evening sugar craver so I use the granola bars at the end of the day for my "sugar fix"
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    The problem with eating too few calories is that you can slow your metabolism. Your body will think that food is in short supply and will slow down, in the anticipation that more calories are not coming soon or easily. Think of your body as a furnace or engine that needs the right type and right amount of fuel to keep going.
  • Shadious
    Shadious Posts: 4 Member
    My understanding of this is that you need to EAT 1200 calories per day, but you can burn off any amount, and its the difference that matters. So if you ate 1400 calories that day, but worked out and burned 400 calories, your calorie balance is 1000, and you're still under your goal.
  • I keep my calories at 1200, even with working out and burning 500-600 calories, five times a week. You should stay at just over 1200, 1201 -1250 and if you workout you will be fine. No warnings. I am 5-8 and right now 187. I have lost 86 pounds since february of 2011, so it works. There are days I have less than 1200 but for the most part I stay close to that number. Hope this helps.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I have also been given this 'target'.
    I'm just trying to eat healthy and consume the 'target' and also the calories I am burning through exercise.
    Today I have burnt 341 calories so I am allowing myself 1541 calories for the day.

  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    You should really eat the full 1200, just ate a serving more of something you already ate in case you "don't feel hungry" later. For instance add a 1/2 cup more of cottage cheese or something to make up the full 1200 hungry. MFP sets you at 1200 for a reason. If you exercise and are active in any way you definitely need the 1200 to survive. If you don't eat enough calories it slows your metabolism and you go into starvation mode where you stall out and stop loosing. Even if you go over one day by 80-100 you will probably still loose. If you are active and not sitting on the couch all day you will lose if you restrict your calories to 1200. It does all depend on your age, size, exercise, and overall goal (.5-2lbs a week)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Just eat whatever MFP gives you I don't believe it will give you a too low number. If you put in your profile info correctly and honestly it will give you exactly your range to hit but I'd never let the net calories(after exercise) be under 1200 especially if you feel tired or lacking energy. I have mine currently set with no exercise in the profile that determines calories. I eat some to all of any exercise calorie earnings I get. I aim for half of them though.
  • JosalynSmith
    JosalynSmith Posts: 20 Member
    MFP already calculates a calorie deficit so you should eat the recommended calories that MFP says you should eat. And how many calories you burn during your workout you should be adding those calories back into your diet (so you can eat more food, YAY!). Say MFP says you should eat 1200 calories and you burn 300 calories during your workout; that means you can eat 1500 calories that day (1200+300=1500).

    If you don't eat the recommended calories your body will go into starvation mode and the food you eat will be converted into fat storage. So it's important to try and eat something every 2-3 hours throughout the day to put a fire in your metabolism.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm the same nd I've been here for a few months now, though Christmas threw me of a bit once I plan properly I don't reach 1200. My advice is to try your best to get to the goal, 1200 isn't a magic number, you won't go into starvation mode if you eat under it for just a few days it takes a long, long time for this to happen. Try gradually adding a few calories a day 'til you get ther e. I know exactly how you feel though, I can not feel like eating at the end of the day just because I have calories left, just not hungry but I do try if I have something suitable to eat. :-)