Struggling college girl

So many diets I've tried, and so many have failed. I just don't have the endurance to stick with it. I'm really hoping this is the one that works. I've always worked to get skinnier to become happy, but now I'm in a bit different of a situation. I have a boyfriend now that is amazing to me, and a group of friends that I love. I'm not working on this to get happy anymore, just to get fit. I want to be healthy, and look great. Hope this helps!


  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    welcome! I am in college too, so feel free to add me! We can keep each other in check. I know what its like to try and be healthy in a world that screams junk food, late night eating, and little sleep.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm also in college and this site has really helped me out. I love how supportive the community is, and how easy it is to track your calories and exercise. Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck!
  • ems359
    ems359 Posts: 5
    I'm in college too. Being in college and trying to get fit is so hard, but you just have to keep going. Feel free to add me and we can keep each other in check. Good luck!
  • erickaincminor
    erickaincminor Posts: 19 Member
    Well, it's already reassuring to see how long you guys have been on this site. Thanks!
  • I'm in college too and barely a month into MFP, I could use some friends on here to keep me on my feet =]