Needing friends for this journey.

tick78 Posts: 11 Member
Hi! Starting off the new year on the right foot. This year I plan on putting me first for once, which means I will focus on losing 35 kilos. Looking for friends to support and have support. Looking forward to sharing the job at hand.


  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey, I've got a similar amount to lose, so add me as a friend if you like. Happy New Year!
  • RedandBlonde
    RedandBlonde Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Tick. 2012 is the year for me too. I'd be happy to be your friend and help you on your journey :)
  • rkeffer
    rkeffer Posts: 30 Member
    I have about the same amount to lose as well and you can add me as a friend. I need to encourage and be encouraged so that I can reach my goal in 2012. Are we up for the challenge?
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    When I started on MFP I had about 35kg to lose as well. I have about 12kg to go :smile:

    Good luck, you will find lots of great support from the lovely people on MFP.
  • Britt269
    Britt269 Posts: 11 Member
    i added you we have about the same weight loss and i could use alot of encouragement to,14 pounds to go here but id love too help and be supportive to you !!!!
  • AlliGM
    AlliGM Posts: 86
    I just started this week also with around the same amount of weight to lose. Trying to make myself a priority also this year so would love to be friends and share the adventure. Cheers!
  • tick78
    tick78 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for everyones support. I know I can do this, I just get disheartened when it doesn't happen over night. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Feel free to add me.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome to the group. I've found it very helpful just keeping track of my food. I hope that you have a wonderful experience here. ENJOY!!!! Feel free to add me. if you'd like.....
  • Hello.

    I quit Weightwatchers after finding this app on my iPhone.
    I lost 10kilos 18months ago and piled it back on.
    Want to lose 15kilos by May.
  • howaboutit
    howaboutit Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me. Everyone needs encouragement and accountability. Happy to provide both!
  • anasf139
    anasf139 Posts: 101
    Welcome to MFP. I've only been on here a week and its great! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • anasf139
    anasf139 Posts: 101
    Welcome to MFP. I've only been on here a week and its great! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome! I'll be your friend.
  • Hey Everyone, I have just joined. I am aiming to loose 31kg this year. Need all the suport I can get and wanting to support anyone I can. Feel free to add me :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • JoyK76
    JoyK76 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I quit weight watchers when I found this site (or rather a friend told me about it). I'm on my second year of my weight loss journey. I have about 40 more pounds (~19 kilos) to go. I have found that tracking my food is a great way to keep myself accountable to "SEE" what I'm putting in my mouth. And of course the encouragement that I receive from the people on this site is great! I fell off the wagon last Sept. and was not even logging in and just started again. I was amazed to have open arms and the continued encouragement of people after so many months of not logging in.

    You can do it!!! And congrats on finishing school recently! And with twin boys too!! If you can survive that you can do ANYTHING! ;)

    Feel free to add me if you would like! Best of luck!
