26 looking to lose about 30lbs. Starting at 157!

looking for people who are in the same boat as me. Let's motivate each other. Maybe be bbm buddies? Msg me or add me! Girls only :)


  • Hey there! My name is Colleen and I'm 22 and looking to lose about 30lbs also. I'm looking to add some people, and this is my first actual reply/post lol mind if I add you?
  • vanilakitten
    vanilakitten Posts: 66 Member
    Hey there: )
    I'm Divya, 24, and I'm hoping to lose about 20 pounds. It would be great to keep each other motivated through the process. I don't have BBM though. Do you have whatsapp?
  • Just added you! I'm 26 and looking to lose about 25 lbs. I lost 20 lbs on MFP about 6 months ago and gained 10 of it back due to a stressful job that I have since left - oops - but I'm here to stay. Hope to get fit with you!!
  • Des0528
    Des0528 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey there! I'm 22 and hoping to lose 25-30 lbs by summer. I'm here for support if ya need it! Just add me.
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    21 at 158 right now, trying to lose about 30lbs as well =)
  • Hi, I'm Michelle. I'm 20 and at 160 pounds looking to get down to 135.
  • mtaalbi
    mtaalbi Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm in need of some support too - 23 at 175, hoping to get down to 150 (or below!). My wedding is in October :) , so that's motivation, but I'm such a foodie.... it's hard!
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm 23 and I need to lose about 40 lbs. I'm right around 160, and I would love to be in the lower 120s again! Go ahead and friend me. I'm on everyday. :)
  • hey there!
    i'm 26 and looking to lose another 20 lbs.
    love to be a mfp buddy!
  • tleaf2727
    tleaf2727 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I'm 25 and trying to get back into my college jeans. Have about 40lbs to lose. Just looking for some positive support!
  • BrenB150
    BrenB150 Posts: 132 Member
    Feel free to add me.. Would love more buddies.. I am 30, 5'4.5"... 152, but this time last year i was 182, but looking to get down to 140ish... Would be Awesome!!
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 27 and currently at 159 lbs....looking to get down to 130. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm new to this whole thing but so far I think it has a lot of great tools!

    I'm 29 yrs old and would really like to lose about 30 lbs. I'm starting at 160 and ughh! My clothes don't fit well. I just feel blah. I know what I need to do to lose the weight but the keeping it off is the challenge.

    My ideal goal is to be about 130-135 lbs. Would love some friends to keep me motivated. Plus, sharing recipes too!!
  • Hi everyone! Wow its great to know we are all kinda in the same situation!

    Im also totally new to this, so still trying to figure out how it all works, but hopefully we can all help each other out.

    Im 24 and Im from Argentina, Im 160lbs and I hope to lose 20-30lbs! Two years ago I also had the same problem and with tons of motivation I was able to reach my goal, but these past 6 months killed me. I recently graduated college, so the stress of finals and job interviews seriously killed me! Now its summer here and I don't even want to wear my bikini in public!!! ughh!!

    Feel free to add me! Lets def share tips and recipes!
  • xkarlax
    xkarlax Posts: 36 Member

    im 23 and currently 168lbs unsure of what kind of goal i am aiming for?? im 5ft 2 so im probably looking at the first goal of 30lbs to loose!
    nice to have some friends on here for the support
    feel free to add me!
  • 26 and in the same boat! 30+, but I can start with 30. Good luck, ladies!
  • DetectiveDavis
    DetectiveDavis Posts: 4 Member
    Hi :-). I'm 25 looking to lose 40 more pounds (at 165 now). Itd be great to me encouragent buddies.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Hey. I'm 33 years old, 5' tall (or maybe I should say 5' short), 149 lbs. with a goal of 115 lbs. 34 lbs. to go.....
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    hey I am32 trying to lose at least 20 -25 lbs - right now at 152lbs and that is my goal
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    looking for people who are in the same boat as me. Let's motivate each other. Maybe be bbm buddies? Msg me or add me! Girls only :)
    I am aiming to lose 30lbs too, I am starting at 166 (just below).

    Support is definitely important.