incredibly ignorant question

What does net mean and what should it be?


  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    think of terms of money (your pay check)

    Your gross earning is what you make before the taxes and fees are taken off your check (everything you have eaten)

    You net income is what you have after the deductions (your exercise) have been take off.

    so that means you net calories is what you have taken in after exercise (your deductions) have been taken off
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    great question! I was just trying to figure this all out. sorry for hijacking below....

    so, net is how many calories i've taken in minus the calories.

    so help me understand....when i look at my goals and it says : 1570 net/day I should actually be eating that PLUS my exercise. So my total calories on my diary for the day might be something like 1800 but my net calories would be lower?
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You have eaten 1500 calories in food.

    You have burned 500 calories in exercise.

    You net calories at this point is 1000. 1500-500 = 1000.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    and what if my total calories are still below my net? i need to eat more? like, today, my calories are at 1441.
  • ashleyvinci215
    ashleyvinci215 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't even bother with the calories earned form exercise. I don't use them. It is ok to be under in calories as long as you eat about 1,200 a day.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Not an ignorant question, but it is one that has been asked many times. You have already gotten some great answers here, but I just wanted to share a group with you that has MOST of the questions regularly asked on MFP with answers from some pretty amazing people:

    Good luck to you!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I don't even bother with the calories earned form exercise. I don't use them. It is ok to be under in calories as long as you eat about 1,200 a day.

    No, it's not, especially if a person doesn't have that much weight to lose.
    Maybe you don't need to eat all of your calories back (I do), but eating 1200 a day and not eating anything back from exercise is (in general) a bad idea. Your body is like a car. Calories are fuel for the car. If you went a drove 500 miles with your car, you'd need more gas to fill it up, so you could continue to drive, right? It's the same with the human body. What you burn, you need to eat back.
    There are a few side effects of not eating enough calories. One of them is stalled weight loss. But that's not even important when you consider the fact that heart failure (with extreme calorie restriction) is one of them. Muscles need fuel to function. Without proper fuel, you will feel tired, irritable, and your heart will stop functioning on the same level.
    That doesn't sound very healthy, does it?
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Not an ignorant question, but it is one that has been asked many times. You have already gotten some great answers here, but I just wanted to share a group with you that has MOST of the questions regularly asked on MFP with answers from some pretty amazing people:

    Good luck to you!

    Thanks, this was helpful. I did look through some posts with the search thing but there is so much infomation it was all a bit over whelming. Thank you :)