Weightloss goals for the new year?

I bet there's a thread out there for this, but I couldn't find it, so I'll start this one!
I generally don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, but for giggles, I came up with a weight loss range for this year. 43 - 50 lbs. 43 pounds will get me to just an 'overweight' BMI.

I've never been able to keep a weight loss going for this long (2 months, 1 week) and wondering if 43 is a good goal for a year. Not too ambitious or too impossible. Thoughts?

And do you have yearly goals? Share, if so! :)


  • bflicker11
    I want to get to and maintain 145 lbs. I also am going to work on strength training to gain muscle.
  • jap247
    jap247 Posts: 7
    My goal is also to lose 50 lbs...and hopefully by July! 6 months.....very ambitious I know! But that is 2 lbs a week and everyone says that is realistic...Good luck!
  • Carnelian78
    After loosing 17kg in 6months I am hoping to loose approx another 12kg (approx 28lbs) in the 1st 6 months of 2012. As well as loosing the flab I want to start some strength training & gain some muscle & tone & tighten up.

    Finger crossed we all succeed with our goals.
  • jaynewould
    My little ticker says 68kg is my goal (13 and a bit to go!) but once I get there I'm aiming for 65kg, which is what I weighed in high school. I have my Year 12 rugby jersey hanging up on my closet door, just waiting for me :P
  • BrownEyedGirl130
    Loose at least 38 more pounds and maintain it
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    My overall goal is to loose another 50lbs, but I'm hoping to loose at least 10lbs by May when my daughter graduates high-school. Good luck to you!!!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    I have 145 pounds to lose. I would like to lose at least 75 but targeting 104 which is 2 pounds a week.

    I think your goals seem fine
  • doodlegirl100
    doodlegirl100 Posts: 6 Member
    I to have a goal of 50lbs I've already lost some and hit a plateau so i found this site thanks to my I phone! I find it much easier to loose with support!! Good Luck1:happy:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My 20th High School Reunion is Thanksgiving weekend 2012.... It will actually be perfect because no one will be in the restaurants until the end of the night....

    Im currently 235lbs.

    I would like to see myself down to 200lbs within the next three months.

    The weight I need to reach is about 165lbs give or take... That 35lbs should be more than reasonable to obtain by that weekend...

    I just dont want some of my former highschool friends to see me the way I look right now... My medical conditions make it difficult to lose weight to begin with.... so...
  • Wita7188
    Wita7188 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a bridesmade in a May wedding and would like to loose at least 30 lbs by then, my weight loss goal for the year is 42 lbs. it still wouldn't be the ideal weight but at least one I can deal with.
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    YAY! It's good to see my weight loss goal is among the average! And I weighed today and I am three pounds down already! 3 down, 40 to go!
  • mdouhan
    mdouhan Posts: 22 Member

    I am looking to loose 133 lbs during 2012, tough goal but not much choice for me, it's do or die, on my way down from close to 450 lbs so it really is a question of life , I am currently 403 at jan 1 2012


  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I want to get down to 132lbs at some point during the year. Hopefully before September but I'm not gonna rush myself. (:
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I would love to lose 10 pounds this year!!
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member

    I am looking to loose 133 lbs during 2012, tough goal but not much choice for me, it's do or die, on my way down from close to 450 lbs so it really is a question of life , I am currently 403 at jan 1 2012



    WOW!! I can't imagine! Actually, I kinda can, but can't! Good luck!! :)
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I want my body fat to be 20%, whatever that weight would be...
  • mandana_18
    mandana_18 Posts: 30 Member
    I want to loose 75 lbs this year, your goal is a good goal.
  • JillieHJ
    My goal is to lose 30 lbs, but honestly I'd be happy to lose 10, very happy with 20, and ecstatic with 30 lol!
  • JillieHJ

    I am looking to loose 133 lbs during 2012, tough goal but not much choice for me, it's do or die, on my way down from close to 450 lbs so it really is a question of life , I am currently 403 at jan 1 2012



    Matt, I wish you luck! You're already moving in the right direction and in very little time you will be in the 300's. Focus on how good that will feel :-)
  • sarscab
    sarscab Posts: 13
    I think 43 pounds is totally realistic and achievable. I lost almost 25 pounds in 6 months just changing my diet (found out I was gluten intolerant) and now I'm actually working towards losing another 30 hopefully by my birthday this year (in June).