Hypothyroid Pills and Breakfast Ideas

Hi all,

My hypothyroid pills have needed to be increased in the last 2 weeks. I need help with breakfast ideas. Here's why:

-The pill needs to be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with a large glass of water, and I have to wait an hour before eating any food.

-I can't have any dairy 4 hours after taking my pill because it interrupts absorbtion of the pill.

So, up until now I would make breakfast with cheese, milk, yogurt ingredients, but I am at a dead end now with this. I need some ideas for new breakfast ideas. The only things I can think of are:

-eggs of some sort (don't want them everyday though)
-toast/smoothie (which really don't keep me full)

Please help if you have any ideas. FYI I try to keep my sodium pretty low if I can.


  • claireputput
    claireputput Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I too am on synthroid. Someone else that I know that also takes them suggested getting up in the middle of the night-say 2 or so and then going back to sleep. This way, when you get up you can eat, drink anything you want. However, I would stay awake if I did this so I don't. Also watch for interactions with other medications. I am taking them when I first wake up and then waiting an hour and eating what I want plus I have moved all other medications to 4 hours later.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Higher fiber and higher protein meals are usually best at keeping me full for longer. I've been on a breakfast burrito kick lately - La Tortilla Factory makes wraps that are 80-110 ca; and 12-13g fiber. I fill it with scrambled eggs (1 whole + 1 white), and some center cut bacon (25 cal/slice). You could also add any other veggies you like (onions, green onion, spinach, tomatoes, etc). Top with salsa and viola! Deliciousness!

    Steel cut oatmeal is another good alternative, You can always stir in some peanut butter or flax seed for extra oomph.

    Fruit smoothies with Silk or another milk substitute might be another good option. I like to add flax seed to mine; you could always look for a non-dairy protein powder to help keep you full for longer.
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    I didn't realize that dairy (is it the calcium?) interferes with thyroid meds. (Soy does too, btw.)

    If you are able to eat roughly the same type of food each morning and get your thyroid rechecked soonish, you could try just eating what you want realizing that you may need to increase your thyroid meds again to make up for the decreased absorption of the medication. (Talk to your doctor!)
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    How about toast with peanut butter and a banana cut up on it? I don't take Synthroid, but that's my favorite breakfast :happy:
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    I would go with the breakfast burrito. I make those for my older kids (21 and 16) a lot of mornings...keeps them full and gets them going. They also love BLT's for breakfast, sometimes! My daughter uses fake bacon, though cuz she doesn't eat meat. for the burritoes I use whole wheat tortillas and for the BLTs I use whole wheat toast.
  • darece
    darece Posts: 34 Member
    I get up and take mine in the middle of the night ( about 3am). I had never heard the dairy.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    i never heard of dairy either
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm on a generic synthroid and I've heard the wait an hour thing, but the other stuff about dairy, not so much.

    Personally, I just take mine right before bed, but I make sure I stop eating 2-3 hours before I go to bed. That way, when I get up, I can load up on whatever breakfast I want. I find that my whole day goes a lot smoother when I take the meds at night and then get a good breakfast. If I take it in the morning it messes with my schedule for going to the bathroom. (I get stopped up when my levels are low, but when I take the pill in the morning, I end up spending some serious time in the bathroom at work, which I would much rather do at home.)
  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    Yes I was on Eltroxin before and knew about the no eating after the pill (the pharmacist I spoke to said to wait 1/2 hour) and didn't mention anything else. Now I was switched to Synthroid and the printout said to take it and wait 1 full hour before eating. It also says to wait 2 hours after eating anything to take it, or have the pill and wait 4 hours before any dairy (this includes calcium, zinc, iron, antacids, it even says dietary fiber, soy, and walnuts) as it affects absorption.

    I take a daily multi, Vit. D, Omega 3, and a cal/Mag pill. I am taking these at night now. My sister in law is a pharmacist and I asked her if I can take my Synthroid at night, and she said I could, although it could cause sleep disturbances. She said that if your thyroid is functioning normally, the hormones are released in the morning, and these hormones include hormones that wake you up, so taking it at night can make you more awake.

    Thank you for all of your suggestions. I will have to try some new things!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Fruit and nuts
    Baked potato
    Miso Soup
    Quinoa and blueberries
    PB and banana
    Breakfast muffin

  • I ended up on something from the health food store called thyroid factors it is made by Michael's Naturopathic program, not prescribed but it is herbal and for me it works better then the prescription with no side effects.:wink::smile:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I am on Armour Thyroid. Newly diagnosed so I just have started this within the last 3 months. The empty stomach is hard for me.

    I do take it when I FIRST wake up. I keep it on my bedside table with a bottle of water. Then I have at least an hour before I will eat anything. I have really found that having it by my bed helps. ALSO, I am on Wellbutrin and Celexa. I take them with breakfast.

    So I have no breakfast ideas, but I can tell you that keeping it on my nightstand and popping it FIRST THING before I even get out of bed, even if I have to pee real bad LOL... tmi I know. but this is what worked for me.

  • Donna908
    Donna908 Posts: 21 Member
    I love my Kashi Go Lean cereal with blueberries and non-sweetened almond milk.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I ended up on something from the health food store called thyroid factors it is made by Michael's Naturopathic program, not prescribed but it is herbal and for me it works better then the prescription with no side effects.:wink::smile:

    Can you get this at GNC or somewhere like that? I am going to research this. Thanks!
  • abby1791
    abby1791 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been on mine for about 15 years now (3/4 of my life) and I've always taken them at night. I try to stop eating by 9pm, and then take them as the last thing I do before I go to bed. The only time I see problems with my energy or metabolism is when I STOP taking my medication. So clearly its working. And I've never heard the thing about dairy either, but I think it makes sense.
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    My breakfast isn't near as "healthy" but it does keep me feeling full until my morning snack and sometimes until Lunch. I eat a Turkey Sausage Patty (Walmart Frozen) on a 100 cal Thomas English Muffin with coffee and half & half :laugh:

    I need to work on a healthier breakfast but I am SO not a morning person and don't have the energy to make eggs/bacon, fruit smoothies, etc.
  • The no-dairy rule's new. I'm vegan when I'm in the US, but not when I'm in Asia. I just assumed the pills weren't working because I was getting shanzai pills (i.e., Chinese fakes). But maybe it's because I'm eating a little dairy these days.

    I usually just skip breakfast and wait until lunch. Bad, I know. But I'm not a morning person.

    IMO, Veganomicon the best dairy-free cookbook out there. Unfortunately, it's pretty light on breakfast recipes. I think www.theppk.com is the author's online blog. I also could have sworn she wrote a breakfast muffin book, but I can't remember what it's called.
  • Schwabie4
    Schwabie4 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on Levothyroxin (generic) for 4 yrs and have always taken it at bedtime. I've had no issues.
  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    I am on Synthroid and it does say to avoid high fiber and soy, also. That really makes breakfast hard! I frequently eat a veggie omelet without cheese and try to avoid high fiber breakfast foods until a couple of hours later. Sometimes I just wait 2 hours to eat if I want cereal or toast or something else with fiber. Complicated, but you'll figure out what works best for you.
  • Mybetterme
    Mybetterme Posts: 80 Member
    Just do the best you with it. you gotta live. I eat whatever I want and sometimes not after an hr. Been on levothyroxine for yrs. So basically I take a little more then I would it's adjusted for my normal lifestyle so I don't have to stress everyday about the hr. I try my best but when I don't it's ok. I keep my tsh around 2. once I actually found I was taking way to much and became hyperthyroid so mine always changes anyway. This is just me after having this for 6 yrs I don't sweat it as much.