College student looking to lose 25 pounds!

Hi guys! I'm a college student trying to lose 25 pounds so I can get my body back to weigh 180 lbs. I used to weigh 177 lbs in high school, but when I joined college, "Freshman 15" hit me badly. I am now at 205.6 lbs trying my best to lose it all so I can look like my old self again. I know that losing weight requires a lot of self discipline and lifestyle changes, so wish me luck guys!


  • TyatKU
    TyatKU Posts: 31 Member
    You got it! Get serious about this website, and It'll really help. Post a photo, make your calorie diary visible to friends and log in every day. It's great.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    You can do it!!! Feel free to add me
  • kelsy307
    kelsy307 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am also a college student trying to lose about 20 pounds. I find the hardest part about losing weight and being in college is cost and serving size. Alot of times it is easier to just go grab a meal from a fast food place then to cook up something for one person. But, this website is a great place to start! Good luck to you and now that the holidays are over maybe it will be a bit easier :)
  • WheyStrong
    WheyStrong Posts: 71 Member
    Good luck!

    Eat right + exercise = 100% success!
  • Thanks a bunch guys! All this encouragement helps a long way!
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    It can be done. I was int he same boat, and just broke over 25 lost in a little over three months. I walked to school daily, resistance trained and changed my diet to whole foods. It really helped with anxiety/depression, kept me busy outside of school.

    There are TONS of resources available on campus, I used them all. Good luck!
  • aysully
    aysully Posts: 1 Member
    Wooo! Trying to stay fit & healthy & most of all happy in college. I'm right there with you. Dorm life, Dining Hall eating, stressful college schedules. But it CAN be done.
    It does take a lot of motivation and self-discipline, but I've found that it's always hardest at the beginning. Whether just starting out or trying to get back on the wagon, the first week or so of disciplined diet & exercise can be torturous, but before you know it, it becomes natural.
    Good luck to both of us :)
  • I'm a college student trying to lose weight as well!! Good luck to you!! Feel free to add!
  • I'm in college as well. Does anyone have any tips that are useful? Please add me i need a lot of motivation.
  • I'm new and In college too! I weigh 205 lbs also, and am trying to get down to 160 by June for a Cruise I'm taking. I think I was about 175 in high school. Good luck on your goals and feel free to add me.
  • KrystalSlim
    KrystalSlim Posts: 48 Member
    Same here! Starting 2nd semester! I'm starting to believe it really is about self discipline and not just letting your self go with the flow, because a semester flies quickly when you get caught up with tons of studying.

    Tips or simply things I'll be doing more regularly are these: packing my lunches, spotting the healthy foods accessible on campus (just in case of distress) and walking to school. First semester, just the walking made me start off my days in such a good mood.

    One day at a time! We can do this!! ;)