Embarrassed about people seeing me run



  • zombiefruit
    Erm, do any of you lot actually judge people on their running?

    I honestly don't have the time or inclination to care.

    Unless it's someone that's huge, and then I think &%king good on them!

    This is very much me. It's true that some people will be d*cks about it... But at the end of the day, I have known people to be d*cks about pretty much anything. I know a woman who thinks adopting children is a bad thing to do, fgs! So clearly... There's always someone looking to bag on what you're doing, no matter what you're actually up to.

    Go out there and run, enjoy yourself and s*d the haters!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've decided that I'd like to start running so I looked into C25K and I'm really excited! Unfortunately I still feel really large and I live on a busy street where a college is also located (so it can get really busy). I'm really embarrassed about people seeing me jog since st first I'm sure I'll be super tired, etc... I don't want to feel this way.

    How can I get over this? I was going to get up at 6am tomorrow and just go, but I'd really prefer to go on a happy note.
    Part of the progress. Like anything that you take on that's new, you get better with repetition. You can't get anywhere without getting your feet wet. Get wet.
    A person must do something poorly a few times to get good.

    Just Do It!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Thanks for this thread :) I really want to get into running outdoors but am very self-conscious. It helps to read about others' experiences. I used to be self-conscious just walking outside (not cos of weight, just anxiety issues) but I've overcome that by focusing on the fact that people are more focused on themselves for the most part than on anyone else so I need to channel that for running too! I did 'run' with a friend one Sunday morning and it was great but she was visiting and I don't really know anyone here who would do it with me (partner not interested, friends all elsewhere as only moved here a year ago and people at work don't live in my town). Good luck to everyone battling with this! I have bought a tracksuit and I intend to use it once it gets a little warmer!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    What's more important to you? Getting fit or feeling hurt about a snide comment that MIGHT happen?
    Stick your headphones in, blast your favourite song and go for it, in 9 weeks when you can run somewhere you'll feel amazing :) x
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    go for it!!

    i went on my first ever jog yesterday at 6 in the morning so was still dark and not many were up and out :laugh: and it was theest i had ever felt after it! ok only manged 2 and abit miles but felt so much better for it

    i was very self concious almost didnt get out the door then made sure no1 was around before i set off then i past another person jogging and i didnt stop and start walking i kept going because once i got to it i didnt care :happy:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I started running last February and felt the same way! You have two options: 1 - just suck it up, realize you're doing something amazing for yourself and just do it or 2 - find a more comfortable place to run. Perhaps go to a local subdivision where most of the people are a bit older and more mature (I did this for a while). You can also try running at night, which I do now out of time constraints, just be sure you're safe about it.

    Honestly, running is fabulous. It's done SO much for me and you should definitely find whatever way you need to to make it work!
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
    I feel that way too about getting out there and running. I wish I could, but truly I am a fast walker, once in my stride I'm really fast and confident. Running jolts and pains and I STILL wish I could do it comfortably. I do jog in my house along with my Leslie Sansone Walk at Home videos, and I've gotten to where I can jog in place about 5 minutes without any pain. Maybe starting out that way would help?

    On the other hand, I really have only ever had one negative thought about a person out there walking or running and that was about this one lady who appeared to be attempting a speed walk however her arms would swing waaaayyyy out to the side in a mechanical robotic fashion, which according to my books on walking, flailing about is bad form. Plus, her extra long pony tail also swung out to either side as she pumped along and that bugged me too. Anyone else in the world out there at least making an effort, I generally bless their hearts and I wish I was out there too.

    Keep in mind, an individual's opinion of you says a lot about them and nothing about you. If someone judges you negatively for your honest effort, should you really care about their opinion anyway?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    You aren't still really large. You're smaller than I am now, and I run.

    I do know what you mean - it's really hard to expose yourself to feared ridicule. We've all been the fat chick puffing away at the back of the exercise class, and we've all heard nasty comments made about overweight people. Realistically most people who see you out running, though, are either a bit impressed that you're getting off your bottom and doing something, or they're so preoccupied with what they're doing themselves that they don't notice or care.

    I do think you should have a go. The C25k is a great programme - it makes you really believe you *can* do it. And you can. If I can, so can you. And once you're going you won't want to stop.

    I must temper my enthusiasm with some realism. On New Years day, for instance, I ran past a young couple, and the bloke turned to his girlfriend and said 'god, she's a bit big to be doing that'. I just turned round, looked at him with all the hostility and pity I could muster, and said 'no, clearly she's not. I'm just finishing up a four mile run. What have you been up to today?' and turned round and sprinted as fast as I could, down the road. More commonly, you'll get people yelling a bit of encouragement. Take that as it's meant - as well intentioned, if a bit intrusive. I'm only mentioning these kinds of experiences because it's a good idea to be stealed against them. However, these are rare experiences, and you really shouldn't let other people's stupidity put you off.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    There was a large older lady on the treadmill at the gym last night - I smiled at her and noticed others do the same - because we all thought good on you, really easy to sit on the sofa and not bother!

    I regularly get laughed at by the kids if I run on a Friday lunchtime. If I'm game I shout back because it makes them laugh, if not I put my headphones in. Kids are kids, they'll shout anything at anyone about anything if they think it makes them look good in front of their mates, I've never been cruel but I remember being a teenager ;-)

    Get out there and don't worry about it, the biggest problem I have with them is that they are surgically attached to each other and I end up dodging traffic to get around them - they aren't that bad. Enjoy! :-)
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Also, what - you're not large at all!! x
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    There's a rule of thumb that people only pay attention to people like themselves. You may feel self-concious, but as a runner you'll mostly be ignored by everyone else. The exceptions are other runners who'll nod and say hello, dog walkers who are the only other people out and about in dodgy weather and old people who generally say, "I wish I could do what you're doing!"

    As far as size goes, I started running when I was obese, and most people will think "Good for you" rather than anything bad.
  • beckymustloseweight
    I just think like this;
    1. I'm probably never going to see those people again and even if I do, *I* was working out and working for a healthy life..were they?
    2. I'm working out, so what if they call me fat, out loud or in their mind, IM working out, IM going to lose weight IM going to be healthy, and they are not going to stop me working out and reaching my goals.
  • mrbatista
    I felt the same way when I started an exercise program at age 61 ... when I feel embarrassed because I can't keep up, I just go into my zone, the one that tells me that I can do it, and that my ultimate goal is to feel better ... helps to block out anyone who is staring because in the long run, they have all been there and done that! Live, laugh and enjoy your progress ... you'll be laughing all the way to better health.

    Add me as a friend if you would like to share the ups and downs!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    wear sunglasses and just remember, after a few months the same people will be honking their horns at you WHOHO! =)
  • beautybloom
    ME TOO! my hubby thinks it's a crazy fear, he suggests you blare EYE OF A TIGER and eff the world lol :laugh:
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    hey, if you're running and theyre walking who cares if you are panting a little bit? youre lapping everybody sitting on the couch thats for sure.
  • PacificGirl
    You're the one running and getting healthier, they're driving and being lazy. I say, good for you! Who cares what other people think? :)
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    have you ever seen someone run and think. "HA!HA!HA! Looser". No you always think i wish that was me getting out there.

    I took up running and it is the best thing iI have done for myself. I would suggest you get the NIke+ because it motivates you to go out there and increase your milage. and you can set goals and participate it running challenges.
    I am so obsessed with getting on the next level with my Nike that i get out there and run. there are also running groups here on MFP and i would suggest you join one
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    EVERYONE! please, the fact that you are out running is more than most people do, ever. Think of all the people walking, in their cars, etc.. Yes, they are watching you, but don't think for a minute they don't wish they could be out running or exercising too - but they are most likely lazy, have no motivation or also feel embarassed, so you have nothing to worry about :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Whenever I see anyone exercising, my only though is, "Good for her/him!"

    Just do it!