help with benching?


so I LOVE weights but am waaaay too scared to bench press... i'm scared i'm gonna drop it on my head or something..
any pointers?



  • jmvh59
    jmvh59 Posts: 97
    start with a machine until you get used to the motion. you won't be able to drop anything on yourself. once you feel you've mastered that and built some strength, move on to either dumbbells (requires more control, but you can shed them to either side of you if necessary) or the 45 lb. barbell without any other weight on it. Add weight as you feel comfortable with the movements.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    start with a machine until you get used to the motion. you won't be able to drop anything on yourself. once you feel you've mastered that and built some strength, move on to either dumbbells (requires more control, but you can shed them to either side of you if necessary) or the 45 lb. barbell without any other weight on it. Add weight as you feel comfortable with the movements.

    Okay will try this!
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    Start off with the Smith Machine and set the safety brackets in place that will ensure the weight won't drop on you. Also make sure your arms are NOT in line with your shoulders as to prevent any shoulder injuries, it should be slightly bent so the bar comes down to touch your nipples and not the top end of your chest.