The Over 300 Club



  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    ...and those that are skinny dont see that im frusterated when they think their fat.....they really dont know what it feels like

    Ain't that the truth! I have a sister-in-law like that, and it drives me crazy. Welcome!
  • loula1076
    loula1076 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning all!

    Congratulations to all the weight losers this week! I hope I'm one of them. I weigh in on Monday.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! I'm so glad to see more and more people joining our little family.

    I made fried eggs this morning for the first time in a month. No butter, only a pinch of salt and they turned out way better than I imagined. I guess this isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
    It's storming here today, so probably no outside walking for us. Maybe me and my 4 year old will try out my Turbo Jam. I guess a year in the package is long enough. :wink:

    My son's coming back from Chicago tonight. I can't wait to see him and give him a great big hug!

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey everyone, how goes the weekend? I have been out in the yard most of the morning. I love this time of year. I came in for a salad and to check in with my peeps! Loula, isn't that funny, I was thinking that just yesterday, I used to use a lot of butter in cooking, and I have cut way back. I don't miss it. After the first little while, I think we allow ourselves to be reprogrammed to the healthy, natural taste of our food, and we don't use butters, gravies, and dressings like they were the main course anymore. Cool!

    Welcome Bonkers and Jessica! Glad to have you on the team! Tyravis, good to see you again! How are things up north? Beautiful sunny day here in SLC today. Reminds me, Jenny, how are you? Cindy, good to see you! Everyone, stop by, its gonna be a nice evening on the patio! Love you!

  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I feel tired and drained. I had a hard time switching back to Days and just slept half of today off and still doesn't feel like it was enough.

    I just want to still sleep and hardly ate anything either. I need a serious energy boost so to speak.
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Hey guys :)

    Welcome to some of you new guys :)

    Laura, that's great about you and Eric! :D That is wonderful :D

    Today I spent 6 hours lifting 5-10 pound baskets of stuff and walking(at work). Drank tons of water (and a few diet cokes), and I'm exhausted!!! Ate WELL under my calorie limit today, cannot move to go walking anymore, I'm beyond tired.

    Feel good though. Can't wait until Monday to weigh in officially!!!!

    Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend :D
  • caite19
    caite19 Posts: 100
    Good morning all!

    Congratulations to all the weight losers this week! I hope I'm one of them. I weigh in on Monday.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! I'm so glad to see more and more people joining our little family.

    I made fried eggs this morning for the first time in a month. No butter, only a pinch of salt and they turned out way better than I imagined. I guess this isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
    It's storming here today, so probably no outside walking for us. Maybe me and my 4 year old will try out my Turbo Jam. I guess a year in the package is long enough. :wink:

    My son's coming back from Chicago tonight. I can't wait to see him and give him a great big hug!

    Have a great weekend!!!

    Lol! I weigh Monday too. We'll just have to be Monday Weight Loss Buddies. :)
  • big_e
    big_e Posts: 3
    Hello everyone, I'm really happy about joining this group and now that Laura and I are together we can help each other out. I'm really thankful of that because she has learned a lot about proper foods and nutrition, so she's been a great help. It's a good opportunity for both of us to grow healthy together:heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team , How is everyones Saturday going? I was up at 7 am. I so wanted to sleep in this morning but I had to watch Eddie for about 5 hours today. We went for our 2 mile Am walk around 8.30. We did it in 33 minutes. I just woke up from a solid 2 hour nap. :smile: I love a good nap now and then. I snuggled up on the couch with a comforter and a book and I was out like a light. :smile: I have a few loads of laundry to get done and I'll walk 2 more miles tonight. We didn't go to the pool today because it's only 85 degrees here. Chilly imo. lol ! I never thought someone could become so accustomed to the heat here like I did. 85 realy does feel a bit chilly to me. :blushing: Dh will be grilling steaks when he gets home. We'll have baked sweet potatoes and grilled veggies too. I weigh in tomorrow. I'm curious to see what I'll lose. I have lost exactly 3.6 pounds the last 2 weigh ins. I think thats weird. What are the odds? I'll freak a little if it's 3.6 this week too. I mean the .6 part is what's weird don't ya think??????? Ok guys - ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member

    Welcome Bonkers and Jessica! Glad to have you on the team! Tyravis, good to see you again! How are things up north? Beautiful sunny day here in SLC today. Reminds me, Jenny, how are you? Cindy, good to see you! Everyone, stop by, its gonna be a nice evening on the patio! Love you!


    It must be gorgeous in SLC because it is so HOT down here. I'm not ready for desert summer yet! Thanks for thinking of me Kristi... you must have a 6th sense as I completely bombed yesterday! It's alright though, I'll get back up today, dust myself off and keep going. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Welcome Jessica and Ange!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Congrats Laura and Eric!:drinker:

    Well I guess I really have to thank partially the stomach flu last Sunday but I was happy to have taken off pounds this week instead of putting them on. I am down to 366 so 8.5 lost this week. I know a lot of it was being back on track and logging my cals again too. Kept me accountable! :wink:

    Kristi I don't think I'll go work outside this weekend since we are having record high temps for this time of year supposed to be 103 tomorrow.:noway: I am going bowling with my sis in the morning then heading to brunch with a BBW group we belong to here in Vegas.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • MPJS
    MPJS Posts: 465
    WOw this thread was hot today . Welcome everyone who is new I say this all the time you will love it hear the people are wonderful. You really will look forward to stopping by.
    It seem's like everyone had a great day. It was cloudy here all day NY but we had my daughter's holy communion and it was wonderful. I did eat to much but I have a plan for sunday all ready started working out after everyone left.
    Cindy It is amazing that it happend twice 3.6 pounds twice in a row I think it is really cool hey they say third time's a charm.
    Amy way to go you did great and everyone love's your thread too.
    Stillkirsti I have to say I think you are amazing to go to a party and only eat strawberry's wow I am looking forward to being able to do that also. But I decided not to beat myself today and I thank you for that. and I also thank 4 surethistime

    jenny you did not bomb you lost 8 pounds the same amount as me and I think that's a success
    Yes I am feeling very positive today hahah only happens a couple of time's a year:laugh:
    Everyone have a wonderful night.Big_e and Laura congrats :love:
  • Tyravis
    Tyravis Posts: 37
    Hey everyone, how goes the weekend? I have been out in the yard most of the morning. I love this time of year. I came in for a salad and to check in with my peeps! Loula, isn't that funny, I was thinking that just yesterday, I used to use a lot of butter in cooking, and I have cut way back. I don't miss it. After the first little while, I think we allow ourselves to be reprogrammed to the healthy, natural taste of our food, and we don't use butters, gravies, and dressings like they were the main course anymore. Cool!

    Welcome Bonkers and Jessica! Glad to have you on the team! Tyravis, good to see you again! How are things up north? Beautiful sunny day here in SLC today. Reminds me, Jenny, how are you? Cindy, good to see you! Everyone, stop by, its gonna be a nice evening on the patio! Love you!


    Hey Kristi the weather up her has been fantastic. Glad to see you've reprogrammed,So have i.I learned a number of years ago to use citric concentrate juices when frying things like pork chops, steaks and so on, or use water with a hint of BBQ sauce.Glad to hear your outside.I love to garden although i am not very good at it I'm learning.I use spf45 sunscreen to keep me from looking to well done. Talk to you later.:drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team. I just weighed in and I'm down 4.4 pounds. :smile: :smile: :smile: I love this way of life soo much !!!!! :heart: :heart: What does everyone have planned for today? I'm going on a long bike ride. Hopefully close to an hour. We might go swimming if it gets hot today. I will walk my miles too. Ya know, I have lost 40 pounds since 3-3-09. I will be below 300 pounds in 13 pounds. When I started in March I thought to myself that I wanted to be 299 by 7-1-09. I was unsure of my ability to do that. Now I'm preety confident I'll meet that goal. :heart: I love this site and you guys ! I wish everyone great sucess !! :heart: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart: Have a great day everyone !!!!! Cindy :heart:
  • Jennyryan21
    Jennyryan21 Posts: 69 Member
    cindy, congrats on your weight loss! 4 lbs is awesome!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    After being naughty last night at the restaurant, my weight was up 4 pounds today. i know that is only temporary because I didn't eat 14000 calories! I have done a lot of exercising today, my meals have been low calorie and well balanced and I am drinking lots of water. I told my husband last night that I wasn't going to get on the scale this morning...but it beckons me every morning. I really do hate it.

    That being said, I was feeling weak about my meals for a while and wanted to splurge. After doing it, I can surely say that it did not taste as good as the lower scale number would have felt. I know the reason behind my weakness and I just need to deal with it.

    Back on track today and life goes on
  • angelascott919
    Hi, I just found this group and wanted to know if I could join. I am over 300 hoping to hit that mark by July 4th. We all have quite a way to go but I know I and everyone else can do it.

    Good Luck Everyone
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    angelwings - welcome! Its good to have you with us! As you will quickly see - this is a great group of folks!

    MPJS - you are in a great mood! WOW - KEEP IT UP! You are like the team cheerleader!

    Amy and Jenny, wow, way too hot down there. :noway: I hate the heat.

    Tyravis, I am that same kind of gardener. I like it, but am still learning. Yesterday, we got all the garden tilled - gotta get some plants in tomorrow. I love tomatoes, cukes, peppers, etc. There is an old John Denver song that says it best: "There's only two things that money can't buy and thats true love and home grown tomatoes!"

    Cindy: This is me, doing a happy dance for you because YOU ROCK!: fatbellydancer.gif

    Havingitall, you remind me of some things I have been thinking of lately - I blogged about it and one of my other MFP friends urged me to turn it into a post, so I did. Its called something like "exercise, mood and brain chemicals" I don't remember exactly. Its about the connection between exercise, our mood and and the foods we wind up craving. For me, it was a real eye opener. There seems to be a connection between lack of frequent exercise and craving the wrong (starches, sugars, etc.) foods.

    I am learning so much about things I thought I already knew! Another of life's little ironies.

    Well, take care everyone. I'll check in soon.

    OH! BY THE WAY!! On that thread I created, there was a post by someone who said she frequently stops by our thread to read because it is so inspirational. GOOD JOB TEAM!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    It was me. :blushing: I stalk your posts from time to time when I get a chance. Just reading one or two of your daily updates about how you exercised, controlled yourself or you fell off the wagon but you're back on track the next day is highly inspirational! I went about 10 days without exercising and kept putting off starting back up because it was going to be hard. I read Kristi's post on exercise and the brain and decided it was time to get off my butt! My daughter was sleeping, so I had no excuse not to pop in a workout video and get moving. I feel much better for it now and had a healthier dinner than I probably would have otherwise. I have NEVER intentionally walked more than 2 miles at a time so I bet you anything that most of you are much more physically fit than I am. I give you many kudos and am quite impressed with how hard ya'll work and how much success you've all had! I hope you don't mind I stop by to read and be nosy. You're just a fantastic group that motivates me to keep striving to do better. :heart:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks for stopping in ngwife4life - and thanks for your comments. Its not nosy, just a friendly neighbor looking over the back fence! :happy: Your support is so appreciated! Stop by any time. Like Motel 6, we'll leave the light on.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member

    I know I'm new to this club, but let me tell you, I'm no stranger to this war. Does anyone have any tips that might help me make this battle the one that wins? For instance, somebody said they'd lost 4 lbs this week, someone else said they'd lost 8... still someone else has lost a ton of weight since march... And btw, wow! Congrats! Is it ok for us that are way too heavy to lose more than the 2lbs a week? I have my deficit set there, of course. But this time around, I'm not forcing myself to down all those exercise cals. I'm eating anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 of them, I'd say. I'm exercising much more... I shouldn't say that, I've always been active. But I'm stepping up the cardio.

    Any little tips would be great though.

    I have a recumbant stationary bike that has helped me a lot... I actually enjoy using it because it doesn't hurt my butt :blushing: I did 35 minutes on that today. I normally would also ride my horse for about 2 hours, but it was raining most of the day. But I stayed under my total cals by about 200 (exercise included.) I don't weigh in till Thursday, and it will be my first. I'm excited and nervous!

    Y'all have a good night,